1on5 i didnt really analize much about my play style and stuff cuz i just slutted karryn around and saved and reloaded often to do things better, my play thru is over the course of a few months playing on and off thru out the 0.8 to 1.02 version, so i didnt cheat or blitz my way thru. i just know that money is less of an issue the longer u play and the edicts r what rly matter. if u use the edict tweak/cheat for 99 or whatever edicts u still have to get lots of cash so technically u can do that and itll b only a little less of a grind. slutty karryn makes things easy eventually, tho i play on secretary mode so everythings easy anyway. i have 100+ endurance and 100+ energy and gotten many of the titles and almost all passives (except most sadism 1s and stuff, im lvl 48 and barely taken a peek down in lvl 4 and only just now got the stipper club) i didnt rly focus on any stat so karryn is probably mostly charm and endurance based, not that great for fighting or w/e, agility means u get 1st move often which will likely save ur butt often for getting most moves u want done b4 an orgasm or interruptions of npcs. also im on day 98 with around 52 hrs gameplay and only 16 rep for bar and toilet and 40 rep for receptionist, did alot of conquer and sleep getting as much as i could while reloading till i had no riots, most of the time. best explanation i can give since i am obviously an amateur at that game.
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