yeah this is something I've been hoping for for a while. Like I'd love it if you could change the goblin and thug solutions at any point. Say you beat floor 1 with a minimally slutty Karryn. the buffs those enemies get are nuts so you want the solution right away. I'd love it if you could change the solutions later so when karryn gets real slutty she can decide to deal with them with the slutty option. Also i think if reversing edicts cost the same amount of edict points it would add a good amount of decision making for the player. This could also be a way of selling accessories you don't need at the moment. I don't think it would be unbalanced since you had to have bought them already, plus karryn's charm will decrease. I just don't know reversing edicts would break the map changes with actors in different positions with different dialogue lines.Is there really no way to reverse edicts? I don't really see why you can't. You're incharge of the prison. I don't see why it isn't an option to temporarily employ prison guards as your room guards for a while cause you're short on cash, and then reinstate royal guards once your funds are stable enough to support more expensive edicts.