after read many posts here, i replay in prisinor mode for slut rough.
to try the real game, I didn't use cheat, no adjut the JS file, no fight at all
until the reached warden level 24, the stat level like this...with 133 passtive. total play 38 days, finally reached some stable stage, can rest a bit to collect the edict point and upgrade some edicts. Acutally 30 days can done everything.
I have to say the prisinor mode is real hard, if you dont use cheat, you will hard to upgrade the Edicts due to limited funds.
Surely, different ppl will have different stat level. but it seems it very hard to control
something need mainsion is
1. I always control the engery level, try to make sure it dont run out and loss, so I will have higher Stamina level but low Engery level
2. I a bit concern the Charm level, so i will use the fluant as much as i can, but still can't reach level 10
3. the Strength level is always grow up event I didn't fight at all, I see other player stat also have pretty high strengh level.
4. I reach these Stats is base on the nature game, no cheat or adjust on JS. if you have some desir target on stat level. I recommand you edit some funds or edict points ----- like the engery level, I do know this is very important. but I no chice can't let the battle always loss because I need to fight for more to resume the "orders".
like now i dont event can see the desires because not update the edicts due to limited edict point.