Latest patreon report says that Remtairy is currently 95% certain that he will release v6 in August.
Hey everyone, Rem here with this week's Progress Report!
I decided to check the date for some reason yesterday, and it made me realize that two-third of the month is already somehow gone. Which means that I'm going to update my previous guess of v6 being 99.99% not ready by the end of July to 100% not ready. There's just not enough time considering all the NPCs that need be written, as well as the Level 3 boss art and dialogue, in addition to all the other remaining work.
I think v6 should be ready by the end of next month, August, for our high tier Patrons. I'm feeling like 95% sure that it would be possible right now.
As for the actual progress report, it's going to be really short! I've been continuing to work on the new Edicts, and Sachinama has continued to work on the maps. There's still a few Edicts that I'm flip flopping on but I've started implementing the other Edicts into the game while I figure things out.
Starting to tomorrow is going to be another Name Submission, this time for the Lizardman! Try to think up of some Lizardman-sounding names by the end of the month if you're a $10+ Patron!