Ooof, well there's a failed run. Was an unstoppable juggernaut slaughtering my way through level 3 one shotting everyone I encountered, failed to watch my fatigue well enough and ended up losing once, and suddenly death spiral where I can't scratch any enemies, get to an office to use my edicts or sleep to get my halberd back and just die in 3 hits to everyone because all my upgrades go away the moment I lose my halberd. And one save file means I'm fucked and can't get out of it. Even when I managed to get back to floor 1 after an age of sneaking my outfit was scandalous so I got raped and dragged to the bar and *again* couldn't get through the floor and just kept getting more vulnerable from passives getting raped onto me. Fun times, fun times. You'd think after being a certain level of slut she'd stop caring about the state of her halberd and start using it again. Fucking hell.