VN Others Completed Kashidashi Kanojo, Shiori no "Netorase" Houkoku -Binkan Joshikousei to Zetsurin Osananajimi- [Final] [Atelier Sakura]

3.00 star(s) 1 Vote
May 13, 2018
Found a summery from sad panda

MC and his gf (Shiho) have sex for the first time after dating a year. They are childhood friends. 1 year later is when the actual story takes place. MC is getting a cuckold fetish. He likes it when guys stare at his gf. He overhears his gf and her friends talking about ever thinking of sex with another guy. Hard to understand at this part but I am assuming she reluctantly said she did. He brings it up during some sex with her and he tells her it is hot if she has fantasized about that. He tells her what if it was OK for you to try this. She thinks it over and agrees to satisfy his lust but also partly for her. She doesn't want to do it with a stranger so she suggests their other childhood friend.

So MC comes goes to his buddy with his gf and brings up the topic. It happens that the buddy also has to talk to them about something. He just broke up with his own girlfriend, but after MC drops the bombshell of asking him to have sex with his girlfriend he says he forgot. In reality he was going to confess to his friend's girlfriend and tell his friend he was sorry. He has been in love with her for a long time. That is why his last relationship doesn't last. He obviously agrees with the intent of stealing her away. This is not revealed until the last sex scene of the game.

The buddy and girlfriend go to a love hotel. It is the same love hotel and room where she lost her virginity to the MC. In the opening sex scene with MC and his gf she won't let him take a shower with him. With her bf's buddy she also refuses but he comes in anyway. He washes her and then his dick slips in. Obviously he is not wearing a condom in the shower so he fucks her bareback. You can choose where to blow his load, of course I chose inside.

After they are done fucking in the shower he fucks her in the bed. She is supervised he can have sex multiple times. Guess the MC is a one-shot kind of guy.

She is suppose to report back everything she does. She admits to the MC that it is the best sex ever. This is the part where she is clutching the pillow.

About a week later they are having sex and MC cannot get it up. He has probably been browsing on e-hentai too much and damaged his brain from all the crazy shit on here and suggests she fuck their buddy again. He says she can fuck him whenever she wants. So she calls him up and leaves to fuck him. They go back to the hotel and he fucks her once in the shower and twice on the bed. You can choose with a condom or not this time.

Later on MC while MC looks out the window of his classroom dreaming of all the crazy NTR things he can, he sees his gf walking toward the storage area while at their PE class. He then notices their buddy is also gone. Even though she was born 1 day before MC, he is in a class behind her. He fakes an illness and goes looking from her. He looks for her but can't find her. He notices a door that he is unable to open even though it has no lock on it. She was actually blowing him in that storage area and then he fucked her. She tells MC about this while giving him a titty fuck.

Later on I think he asks for a weekend with her. During this sex he confesses he loves her and for her to dump the MC. She agrees and starts to avoid the MC. She comes over with a pocket pussy and jacks him off while telling him that she is leaving him and that their buddy confessed to her. She tells him that she loves the buddy too.

MC is in denial and follows her. He sees her meet up with their buddy and the buddy tells him that he will show him to prove it. So they all go in a love hotel and the buddy ties MC to a pole in the hotel room. She and the buddy do their "routine" and fuck in the shower. They come out with her only holding that towel and kiss in front of him. He gets a boner. He takes her to the bed and fucks her.

A few months later his ex-girlfriend treats him like an acquaintance and not a close friend like before.
A bit disappointing cause it ended with NTR but understandable lol
Kinda rooting for the friend if anything


Sep 21, 2018
This title is just bad, when compared to other Atelier Sakura games. The story makes sense completely, but there is zero player agency. What would happen if he stopped himself ahead of his unreasonable request to his girlfriend, woke up from his delusional expectations? Maybe half way through he gets cold feet? The player can only turn the page, ending set is stone. The worst of Atelier Sakura games are like this. As much as I liked Gal Kano, the art is so good, I disliked the complete lack of choices. The scope of Kashidashi Kanojo just doesn't measure up to the standards Atelier Sakura own games.

To be fair this is not very new title from AS, but the year before this released was the release of Koibito Swapping. That title has choices with different outcomes. Better scenes too, which I'll cover soon. My knowledge of Atelier Sakura games is not complete, naturally, so I could be missing something. The point to note is this title lack features that older AS games have.

The artwork is on point. The artwork quality that is, the scenes are okay mostly. The angles are mostly missing the action, the FMC's face is in view just about all the time so we can see her reactions well. Notice 'mostly' her face isn't always viewable nor is the action always pointed away from us. I don't understand why they chose some of the angles they did. We don't get to see her down Antag's cock, during her only blowjob scene. I would say low effort, but it just may have been beyond the scope of the game entirely. Doesn't change the fact that the scenes are mid at best. I say fact, because one only needs to look at other AS titles, a quick CG search would prove my point. Heck that one scene with the hidden blowjob, also has hidden sex. That's right, the porn VN just tells us she's taking the D.

There is no game per say here, may as well be text. Speaking of, if you want I, and others, quoted a older post with a full summary of the story. In case you'd like to skip the download but still get the complete story.
Found a summery from sad panda

MC and his gf (Shiho) have sex for the first time after dating a year. They are childhood friends. 1 year later is when the actual story takes place. MC is getting a cuckold fetish. He likes it when guys stare at his gf. He overhears his gf and her friends talking about ever thinking of sex with another guy. Hard to understand at this part but I am assuming she reluctantly said she did. He brings it up during some sex with her and he tells her it is hot if she has fantasized about that. He tells her what if it was OK for you to try this. She thinks it over and agrees to satisfy his lust but also partly for her. She doesn't want to do it with a stranger so she suggests their other childhood friend.

So MC comes goes to his buddy with his gf and brings up the topic. It happens that the buddy also has to talk to them about something. He just broke up with his own girlfriend, but after MC drops the bombshell of asking him to have sex with his girlfriend he says he forgot. In reality he was going to confess to his friend's girlfriend and tell his friend he was sorry. He has been in love with her for a long time. That is why his last relationship doesn't last. He obviously agrees with the intent of stealing her away. This is not revealed until the last sex scene of the game.

The buddy and girlfriend go to a love hotel. It is the same love hotel and room where she lost her virginity to the MC. In the opening sex scene with MC and his gf she won't let him take a shower with him. With her bf's buddy she also refuses but he comes in anyway. He washes her and then his dick slips in. Obviously he is not wearing a condom in the shower so he fucks her bareback. You can choose where to blow his load, of course I chose inside.

After they are done fucking in the shower he fucks her in the bed. She is supervised he can have sex multiple times. Guess the MC is a one-shot kind of guy.

She is suppose to report back everything she does. She admits to the MC that it is the best sex ever. This is the part where she is clutching the pillow.

About a week later they are having sex and MC cannot get it up. He has probably been browsing on e-hentai too much and damaged his brain from all the crazy shit on here and suggests she fuck their buddy again. He says she can fuck him whenever she wants. So she calls him up and leaves to fuck him. They go back to the hotel and he fucks her once in the shower and twice on the bed. You can choose with a condom or not this time.

Later on MC while MC looks out the window of his classroom dreaming of all the crazy NTR things he can, he sees his gf walking toward the storage area while at their PE class. He then notices their buddy is also gone. Even though she was born 1 day before MC, he is in a class behind her. He fakes an illness and goes looking from her. He looks for her but can't find her. He notices a door that he is unable to open even though it has no lock on it. She was actually blowing him in that storage area and then he fucked her. She tells MC about this while giving him a titty fuck.

Later on I think he asks for a weekend with her. During this sex he confesses he loves her and for her to dump the MC. She agrees and starts to avoid the MC. She comes over with a pocket pussy and jacks him off while telling him that she is leaving him and that their buddy confessed to her. She tells him that she loves the buddy too.

MC is in denial and follows her. He sees her meet up with their buddy and the buddy tells him that he will show him to prove it. So they all go in a love hotel and the buddy ties MC to a pole in the hotel room. She and the buddy do their "routine" and fuck in the shower. They come out with her only holding that towel and kiss in front of him. He gets a boner. He takes her to the bed and fucks her.

A few months later his ex-girlfriend treats him like an acquaintance and not a close friend like before.
I mean at least the VO is good, right? ...She is, but that's mostly it. Why did this get so long? I mostly typed this because I couldn't even get different ending lines from the FMC via making the only choice in the game. MC wears a condom or not in the opening sex scene. Changes nothing, the lines still say 'she never let him cum inside her' even though you can at least make that choice. Meaningless as is it, game script breaking even. Unless I'm missing something.
friend should be in quotation marks
Yeah he's not the MC's friend, but that mostly due to MC's actions with the girl he loved, FMC. MC used FMC as a masturbation aid. FMC is also to blame, she could've flatly refused to go down this route with MC via threat of breaking up with him. No one is clean.


Apr 13, 2023
On the translation itself i noticed some typos, the MC name wrongly pronunced here and there and some sentences cut short.
This one didn't went through the QC phase
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
Alright... did someone steal one of capu's translations before it was finalized? Because this one has a lot more issues that capu's translations usually do. So it feels like someone screwed up and didn't upload the final version once it became public the way it usually does.


While this is just a kinetic novel and not a proper VN, I personally liked it a bit more than I typically like AS stories. After all, 90% of the time, the choices in their VNs are pretty pointless, at least of the many translated ones I've sampled so far... So them just telling a lewd story wasn't a bad deal as far as I'm concerned. There are few AS VNs that have any real degree of meaningful choices tbh.

As always, it annoys me that this is one of their VNs where the GF's perspective is only viewable in the gallery... but since I knew it was coming, I was at least able to save, back out, look at the scene, go back in. A tad annoying, but not as much as it could be tbh.

ANYway, for once, I'm not bothered by the fact that we don't get any good reasons for why the girl sticks with McCuck-kun... because she doesn't stay with him in the end. That always bothered me about a number of AS VNs, that they didn't really give a good reason on why the GF/Wife/whatever stayed with the guy that was sharing her with other men, while also being unable to satisfy her, even when the other guys were not only more compatible, but decent men that could take care of her better without forcing her to do weird shit like that.

Few AS stories really dive into that, and if they do, it's only barely. I don't remember if it was Mariko or Mayumi, but one of those basically made it clear that she stayed with the MC BECAUSE he passed her around... because she was as twisted as he was and couldn't actually get that kind of screwy relationship with another man.

In this case though, the BF didn't provide anything that the other guy couldn't... and the other guy provided more in terms of sex and in terms of caring for her. On top of that, she was clearly notably more reluctant than typical AS FMCs that are focused on the Netorase aspect of things. I can't say I blame the other guy much for reacting the way he did. Seeing the girl you've secretly loved for a long time used like a masturbation aid like that for a twisted fetish, right when you were on the verge of clearing the air? And this done by your best male friend at that?

Yeah. I imagine most people in this position would be pissed and would take advantage of it to take her away...

Even then, it wouldn't have worked if Shiori herself didn't have doubts about the situation. She already have some issues with believing that she was pretty, issues that MC didn't seem to notice, but which the other guy reassured her on. That sort of thing would make any girl wonder if perhaps her boyfriend doesn't really like her properly. Then it absolutely got worse when the guy couldn't get it up with her. They don't show us what she was thinking then, but it's likely not that hard to imagine. He got more excited by hearing about her sexscapades with another guy, than he did by being with her. When they were together, he got to feel good, while she had to be with another man to get the same thing...

Few women would put up with that sort of thing, much less an insecure teen.

So yeeeah. For me at least, McCuck-kun losing his GF to the other guy was very satisfying to read. Little shit deserved it.
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May 17, 2018
There's not a single choice the whole game so i don't know what's the problem.
I can only think of if you gotta see the FeMC perspective (from extra section scenes) to get the FeMC CGs
I figured it out, in the first play-through you don't have any choices, after finishing the game and in the second play-through, you only have two choices and that is displayed at the beginning whether to cum inside of her or wear a condom.

To unlock the other CGs you have to go to Extras and into Scene Gallery and go through each one of them to unlock those blurry images (the CGs) that appeared during the first playthrough, usually shows up during the "NTR Reporting Scenes" afterwards having viewed the scene you can go back to scene gallery to find any of the scenes you have unlocked and you have to view those to see and unlock the remaining CGs, so it is best to just go through all of the Scenes in Scene Gallery to make sure you unlock all of them.

The scenes that you unlock in the extras are from the Female MC's Perspective that you would otherwise not be able to see as the game focuses on the Male MC when you start the game normally. So the Extras are basically what fills in the blanks that the Male MC was not able to see in normal gameplay.
3.00 star(s) 1 Vote