Honestly I didn't enjoy most of the game and it was hovering between 2 and 3 star rating for me, but the section before final battle saved it.
Game is divided into two phases: exploration and combat, exploration is pathetic until the final chapter where it gets pretty decent, combat phase takes place is extremely short dungeon when you are done.
There is no gameplay, you only encounter each enemy once to get defeat scene if you want and then just skip all other battles with the same type of enemy because you are already max level and there is no need for gold which you get from jobs anyway. There is extremely dumb and simplistic combat rape, but it's just boring which is quite an achievement for combat rape.
Boss battles are a joke, spam one magic attack 5 times and done.
Go "explore" the town, which means go to 3 locations, wait for the night, visit 4th location, end exploration. Extremely boring.
The slum area is empty, used once for story event, there are few NPCs standing there that will grope you and that's it.
The saving grace is after you are done with the story and before the final battle, that short section is the good stuff, the rest of the game is just a filler. For this short section you are finally exploring the town properly: seduce NPCs, whore out in the brothel, bar events and more. For the first time the game feels alive just before the ending.
Ehh, they are fine I guess, you can see them so decide for yourself.
80% of the game is bad, but painless, flavourless snooze fest with boring "exploration" on rails, 2/5 experience. Other than bosses you can skip everything else and breeze through combat sections in 2-3 minutes.
The other 20% is the exploration phase in the final chapter that is pretty good, I had fun with that, that's the reason I rate it 4/5 and only because I can't rate it 3.5/5.
The only annoying part of this game is prison section, majority of it consists of skipping text.