4.60 star(s) 28 Votes
Aug 7, 2018
Adding a gameplay incentive is still an open design question for us ^^ We have one or two ideas for a reward the player could receive, but it would tie into a game system that is not implemented into the game yet. It would not be a major impact on the gameplay as health restoration would be, though.
You really don't have to, the game can stand on its own and the animations are their own reward. I think not going down the usual non-consensual/punishment route is kinda refreshing, too.


Jan 6, 2021
what about adding some stealth ability like the tiger enemies doing?, like we can hide in a bush too and when a enemy pass near the bush an icon appears to advise us we can capture him and having fun with them inside the bush to evade the enemy get warned when they see one of them on the ground visible, always when we have fun with them, our enemies ended on the ground and probably the others enemies know looking someone get downed by someone near of it causing every place is being alerted because one see someone on the ground and probably every enemy try to go where we are to stop us.

probably the game is more fun and dynamic if the enemies can react to their places like the flying insects enemies, we can attack them in long range and they never know who hit one of them but if you are near one of them and they see the attacked one and near of it the attacker so every flying insect enemy go to where we are to attack us.

if the kobolds and tigers are very good at jumping and climbing and probably swimming to fully chase us at their phases it probably a problem and is very fun to survive when someone chasing you like an horror game like outlast but in 2D for example the classic ''prince of persia'' and ''flashback'' and etc... so if we add some stealth ability, we can lose the sight of the enemies like the flying insects and others enemies to stop chasing us with the difficult of their range of vision or if some platform blocking their view something like this.


like if some enemies chasing us on top of the platform and we drop to an ''L'' platform and stay on the wall of the ''L'' and the enemies's speed drop a little from the ''L'' platform where they standing on the ''_'' platform, the enemies continue running from it without knowing we have stopped running and hide on the wall of the ''L'' platform making the enemies continue running like if we have continue escaping from them but probably they can react the vibrations of our movements being standing so in the wall we need to stay crouch so we are not moving and the enemies have less reactions of the place where we are hides because they are more loud and concentred on their sounds when they running so yeah, we can lost their sight temporary thanks of the places where we can hide but we need to wait when the place is more calmed to continue advancing or the enemies going to alert more of them to continue trying to stop us.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2019
also let's add city building and a defense simulator, and also so that we can carry a crowd of people with us, also let's add survival so that we can build settlements. voila and we have an incomprehensible salad game. I think the game should still be limited, because if you pull mechanics from every game (of different genres) you create a monster.


Jun 1, 2018
You really don't have to, the game can stand on its own and the animations are their own reward. I think not going down the usual non-consensual/punishment route is kinda refreshing, too.
That's just your opinon.
The points raised by ThatWeirdGuyWithaWeirdHat are absolutely reasonable and on point.
My game play on the new builds after the Domcaid update has been extremely dull.
I found myself rarely if not never initiate H-scenes and just speed through the levels.
Story map like the village remain interesting but let's be honest: is the action-level part what make the majority of the time you play the game. And it really got a blow since then... and motivation to play this game for me has plummeted despite having really good art.
Plus the game-over CG made them so that you see them often, populating your time playing with hi-res spicy stuff. Now we will have to wait for event in precise spot of the map, where NPCs are, making the H stuff even more scarce.
For all this reasons (and those cited by ThatWeirdGuyWithaWeirdHat) I really think the domcaid thing took the soul out of this game.
I'm sorry. I really am. Because, at the end of the day, I really loved this game, and its initial vision.

(ah, and if we talk about refreshing: the sex triggered by defeat where she love it instead of hating it is what really is refreshing! There are plenty of succubus and other games where you fuck the life out your defeated enemies, nothing really special.)
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Jan 6, 2021
yeah, very funny dragonsix6969, yes, a chimera for a game. :ROFLMAO:

the truth is... the city building is not fully part of my idea, i asked curiously about it too because the dev cookiedraggy shared 3 images of some new stage i think is the update before of this, i think the images cannot reappears now but yeah, something about it, oh right the space station named ''haven'' what cookiedraggy said before, i rembember there is a neon sign near of some door in a dark industrial place in some images of what he shared, that neon sign confused me for a dark cyberpunk city alley, i think that's the city building level you said before from my post, ¿no dragonsix6969?. :sneaky:

about my idea of the stealth and alert mechanic for the enemies and the playable character, im just here for the reward sincerely,i think i understand bad probably but i think cookiedraggy said something about a reward for a player who can be accepted one or two of the ideas for a new mechanic so yeah... probably i just understand bad about it because i just particing giving some idea for a mechanic for this game just trying to receive that reward. :whistle:

apart... i think cookiedraggy change the style of the gameplay for something different and new before so if the gameplay mechanic is changed before... ¿who knows when the gameplay mechanics going to change again?. ;)
May 25, 2017
Haha. You seem unable to comprehend there are different approaches to a game. I, for instance, very much like how it is right now. By the way, Crisis Point sucks, not only due to extremely boring gameplay but also due to subpar lewd scenes. If you want gameplay that much, as I can infer due to your sig, there are a plethora of gameplay-focused platformers out there with fairly decent lewd content (most of them pixel art as well).

Regarding controls, you know you can change them, right?

The fact Kincaid has the MC as a "Dom" and not as a "Sub" as in 90% of games similar to this one is a great thing. I mean, I like sub MC's in these games too, but it gets kinda old having to free yourself every single time, and dying, and having to plan everything because the dev is a sadist (many such cases...). In kincaid, you're not weak, but strong compared to the rest of the NPC's, which is great cause that way I can focus on the outwordly amazing lewds instead of diverting my concentration to unecessarily complex or difficult gameplay.
What the actual fuck are you talking about? Way to take what I said at face value and not understand the point I was making at all.
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Jan 6, 2021
good question shiro arachne, my first and more known lenguage is spanish and yes, my second lenguage is english, im not good with it so i can misspelling some words and sometimes out of orders of words so yeah. :(

why im not writing in spanish is because i don't know if this page permit it, probably i can write in spanish first and using a google traslator so someone can understand what i said in spanish but... sometimes google traslator can traslate a little bad some words so i don't know if i can count with it.

¿realmente creen que me conviene mejor comunicarme en español que es mi lenguaje original y lo tradusco con el google traductor por si necesito comunicarme en ingles?.

Do you really think that it is better for me to communicate in Spanish, which is my original language, and I translate it with Google Translator in case I need to communicate in English?
May 25, 2017
Yeah, and I wanted to share it because it isn't the only one. Sorry to disagree with yours and the other guy's I guess?
Oh please. You tried to pull a "my opinion is this, so your points are completely invalid" bullshit. If you weren't trying to shoot it down, you wouldn't have said anything in the first place.

I'll ask both you and Shiro this, why is it such a crime to want a gameplay use to an otherwise useless feature TO A VIDEO GAME!? At the end of the day, this is a video game. If Cookiedraggy wanted to make a gallery viewer, they would not have even bothered to make the rest of the platformer.

I can focus on the outwordly amazing lewds instead of diverting my concentration to unecessarily complex or difficult gameplay.
Also I wanted to address this one in particular, If you truly think clicking a struggle key once or twice to escape a grab is "complex gameplay" you need to go back to playing shitty Ren'Py visual novels. That is an actual skill issue.
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Aug 7, 2018
Oh please. You tried to pull a "my opinion is this, so your points are completely invalid" bullshit.
I answered this way because I found your posts quite pushy. Obviously it's not invalid, most games like this work the way you prefer.

But they don't have to, is my point.

EDIT: It also might make it easier to release a SFW build in the future. The game is strong enough to not be carried by the sex scenes.

Also I wanted to address this one in particular, If you truly think clicking a struggle key once or twice to escape a grab is "complex gameplay" you need to go back to playing shitty Ren'Py visual novels. That is an actual skill issue.
I never said it was complex or difficult, I just don't think it adds anything to the gameplay. Partially because it's just button mashing busywork that distracts from the core of the game and breaks the flow.

tbh, I don't want to have an internet slap fight right now, so let's just drop this, OK? We both want good gameplay after all.
May 25, 2017
I answered this way because I found your posts quite pushy. Obviously it's not invalid, most games like this work the way you prefer.

But they don't have to, is my point.

EDIT: It also might make it easier to release a SFW build in the future. The game is strong enough to not be carried by the sex scenes.

I never said it was complex or difficult, I just don't think it adds anything to the gameplay. Partially because it's just button mashing busywork that distracts from the core of the game and breaks the flow.
When you're trying to make a porn game, you have to balance the porn and the game to make the porn game worth playing. If the gameplay is getting in the way of the porn, you might as well just make a scene viewer or a VN. Vice versa if the porn is getting in the way of the gameplay, you might as well not have it in and make a SFW game with a gallery unlock or something in the menu. Most action games, like this one used to, do this by mixing the porn into the combat. This way you have both regularly circulating between each other. I can promise you it was not as bad as "button mashing busywork".

The way it is now, it completely halts the flow of gameplay just as bad, if not worse, for no real reason. Yeah you could say "well the porn should be reason enough" but then that's still the porn getting in the way of the gameplay.

I'm not trying to have an internet slap fight. I'm trying to make a point that everyone replying to me, aside from goddamn Cookiedraggy himself, is cherry-picking. I'm "being pushy" because it's the only way I can get my point across.
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Aug 7, 2018
Vice versa if the porn is getting in the way of the gameplay, you might as well not have it in and make a SFW game with a gallery unlock or something in the menu. Most action games, like this one used to, do this by mixing the porn into the combat. This way you have both regularly circulating between each other. I can promise you it was not as bad as "button mashing busywork".
I've played most builds of this game and really don't miss the "caught" mechanic one bit. I'd rather have an SFW game with gallery unlocks than that mechanic back. I'm not opposed to having something different though, but I don't know how that might look, aside from using the animations as game over screens.

The way it is now, it completely halts the flow of gameplay just as bad, if not worse, for no real reason. Yeah you could say "well the porn should be reason enough" but then that's still the porn getting in the way of the gameplay.
Just so we're on the same page: The last build I played did never halt normal gameplay on its own, you have to press a button after downing an enemy to see an animation. To me that's the opposite of breaking the flow.

Before that the animations were shown when you fail the button mashing minigame, as a punishment basically. I don't like that, they should be a reward, if anything. Doesn't really fit the narrative either, especially since I know the mechanic from games where the sex isn't consensual.
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May 25, 2017
Of course that's not the case - you must not have played many such games then.

anthophobia, alien quest eve, eroico (kyrieru stuff in general), zetria, flower witch, sinher...
I have played every single game in your little list, and the only one that makes the struggle mechanic any semblance of difficult is flower witch and maybe Anthophobia. Try again.


Jan 6, 2021

oh bueno... solo quedamos tu y yo cookiedraggy, debemos llamar a alguien para detener esta pelea, en cuanto a mi a parte de participar del concurso pues yo tambien queria ayudarte a que el juego sea mas divertido y que nos podamos esforzarnos mas para desbloquear las cosas, para mi este juego es uno muy bonito y divertido siendo uno de plataforma tipo metroidvania, lo disfruto mucho y prefiero esforzarme por desbloquear todo, se que aun le falta mucho para pulir pero cualquier vas por buen camino tambien asi que confio de que te va a quedar genial tu juego. (y):giggle:


oh well... only you and I are left, cookiedraggy, we must call someone to stop this fight, as for me, apart from participating in the contest, I also wanted to help you make the game more fun and that we can try harder to unlock things, for me this game is a very nice and fun one being a metroidvania-type platform, I enjoy it a lot and I prefer to make an effort to unlock everything, I know that it still has a lot to polish but you are on the right track too so I trust your game will be great. (y):giggle:


Jun 1, 2018
People, without the need to attack each other personally...
(and yes even the poor guy who can't speak perfect English, there are a lot of people like us who were not born in the Anglosphere)

Some of you insist that the game is good as it is, with the struggle mechanic removed and the game over CG removed also; making it an experience where, during the actual game play, sex stuff is completely avoidable.
Now, the game, if polished enough could, in years, be a good platform per se, without the H stuff, ok.
But that is not what we are talking about.
At the moment the goal is to make good porn game with good game-play. And we have to admit that, since the removal of the struggle and the Game over CG, the porn aspect has become almost absent in the majority of time during gameplay. And is now concentrated in specific areas where NPC are, almost like a gallery viewing zone.

Now I could theoretically stop and fuck an enemy i defeated for hours if I wanted to, yes, exactly like i could stay at the kobold town for ages repeatedly fucking some NPC there. But the core of the matter is that the H stuff is not integrated in the actual game-play, not even giving you some effect/buff when raping the defeated enemy.

It is an objective fact that this have shifted this game more towards a situation where you usually play SFW and you "visit" the Porn gallery once in a while.
Now, in my opinion, a good H-game should offer a game-play with recurring H-stuff to spice your time playing the platform. Plus, having a game-over CG helped in both making death extremely less frustrating and populating your game-play with h-stuff.


Mar 4, 2018
I'm just passing through, butting in here to point out that, there's an absolutely ridiculous number of games in all kinds of genres just gathering in this giant pile across so many different platforms- if you want an action platformer with challenge, there's probably already six different lists of that sort of thing floating around on blogs and forums, and presented in detail in Youtube videos, and that's assuming you aren't willing to go digging through Steam's store or sites like Itch.io for yourself. That applies to just about any genre you can name too, 'it probably already exists, and it's probably already a pretty fleshed out market'.

So why are you coming to this erotic game searching for that sort of thing? If what you want is mechanical depth, you can find it elsewhere, so I have to assume you're here for the erotic elements, right? Then why are you getting upset about the simplified mechanics making it easier to get to the eroticism? Is it a dominance thing, you need to prove you deserve the sex in order to actually enjoy it? That isn't me mocking you, or anyone that DOES enjoy asserting dominance in that way, just, maybe you're conflating your desires with some kind of rules for game design?

Look, in today's world, where the vast majority of people play games any time they find themselves with free time they don't know what else to do with, where being bored for a minute will have people flip out their phone and play Cookie Run or Mario Kart's mobile port, there is nothing ever limiting you in what you choose to play. If you want a specific flavor, or experience, it's just a matter of -finding that game-. If this game wants to be less difficult and more casual- if the dev stepped back, and realized that they aren't quiiiite a proper platformer, but also not quiiiite a satisfying erotic experience, and they're mixing things up to try and find their footing on either ground, why is that upsetting? If you're looking for difficulty in erotic games, there ARE options like Shrift, but how much enjoyment you can get out of it's erotic elements when you're spinning plates and memorizing patterns and praying to the RNG gods that there's even one less point of damage done to you this turn is a personal thing.

There is no objective right, or wrong way to develop games, or write stories, or film movies. There's just clear dividing lines between what pleases you, and what doesn't, and if you ever found the perfect game that was nothing BUT pleasing to your personal tastes, you'd have to deal with the fact that a lot of people would still complain about that game and spit on a lot of the elements you adore, because their tastes and your tastes don't line up. Everyone wants something different. No one is objectively wrong for enjoying what they enjoy- or for not enjoying whatever they don't enjoy. It really is just taste, what you want versus what they want. Arguments like these don't really go anywhere, because you're going to have a hard time convincing someone that actually, secretly, they don't like this thing they've been enjoying just fine up until now, they would get much more enjoyment out of this other thing.

Personally I feel like tossing in more, or increasing the complexity, of various game mechanics can only ever guarantee that the game becomes more of a slog. It takes longer, and more faffing about through menus or button mashes or extra steps to reach the same result. Presumably, people choose to play an erotic game over a non-erotic game of the same genre specifically because they want to enjoy the erotic element. If you've escaped from one grab, you've experienced all the other instances of escaping that grab, and if it's constantly happening, demanding that you have to keep stopping to mash buttons to get from one side of the screen to the next, you're going to lose interest. You aren't going to get your erotic fix from the button-mashing, or the Game Over states you've already seen, are you? That's not fun, from my perspective. That's not even a skill-issue, it's just that it's not mentally or emotionally engaging. It isn't stimulating, or pleasurable, whichiskindofthepointoferoticgames. A meal isn't improved by having the food demand you stop eating every couple of bites to waggle your tongue around in defiance. It's just padding it out with an added chore.

If I were going to go on some kind of overzealous crusade for sweeping changes in game development, it'd be for more choices and interactivity. For the player to feel like a more active participant in decisions in the story, for characters to actually acknowledge you and what you have to do to fulfill their requests, for worlds that didn't feel so static and linear- BUT, I acknowledge that that's both demanding on developers, and not exactly the most popular of demands. Linear games that don't even humor you with the illusion of choice will often get rave reviews. Heck, even just getting character creation or just plain ol' customization in games is getting to be a losing battle, with big name developers coming out and saying that it's a pointless feature not worth spending time or money on.

Forever playing babysitter to generic protagonists preaching the same speeches on love and justice over and over, who lose every cutscene fight they're in charge of- and rely entirely on the player to see them to easy victories in actual gameplay, grumblegrumble.

TLDR; When I want more intense, mechanics-driven gameplay, I can play a non-erotic game, but if I'm playing an erotic game, I'm probably doing so because I want the eroticism. Every extra step or demand placed between me and that eroticism feels like it's there to challenge my engagement and patience with the game, and not likely making it more fun or satisfying in any way... I can't fap to the concept of button-mashing, for example. (Though some games do mix the mechanics and eroticism together in satisfying ways by making the erotic elements a more player-positive part of the game, like Last Evil and Succubus Connect's succubus-protagonist that does their fighting with sexual techniques.)
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Jan 6, 2021

concuerdo con ambos,a mi solo me parecio un muy buen juego entre montones de la misma clase que e jugado antes sin importar los cambios que tenga,si el juego me resulta muy dificil pasarmelo entonces me las arreglare con el cheat engine,por ejemplo si hay una parte donde debamos ir muy rapido y requiera que tengamos reflejos en esquivar obstaculos entonces le bajo un poco la velocidad con el cheat engine y me los esquivo con calma para continuar con el juego,lo mismo haria si hay una parte tipo shooter a lo touhou en los que prefiero esquivar las balas lentamente hasta poder seguir avanzando con calma por los niveles a pie como siempre,al menos yo aqui me entero mejor de los cambios en el juego aunque a veces se me pasan de largo los avances,una lastima pero bueno... suele pasar,igual el creador o los creadores de este juego han hecho un muy buen trabajo asi que por mi esta bien el juego apesar de los cambios que hagan.


I agree with both, it just seemed to me a very good game among lots of the same kind that I played before regardless of the changes it has, if the game is very difficult for me to pass then I will manage with the cheat engine, for example if there is a part where we have to go very fast and it requires us to have reflexes to avoid obstacles so I slow it down a bit with the cheat engine and calmly dodge them to continue with the game, I would do the same if there is a shooter type part along touhou in which I prefer to dodge the bullets slowly until I can continue advancing calmly through the levels on foot as always, at least here I find out better about the changes in the game although sometimes I miss the progress, a pity but well... it usually happens, maybe the creator or creators of this game have done a very good job so the game is fine for me despite the changes they make.


Nov 18, 2017
you guys need to start realizing that the game isnt a porn game, its a game that has porn in it, and really, the porn is just there so the devs can get enough money to not have to worry about making commissions or other monetary stuff. the devs have already stated that the porn is besides the actual game and it will always be, adding a buff or healing to fucking downed enemies is just forcing the porn onto people, and some people are not going to be watching kincaid sucking cock every time they want to heal.
4.60 star(s) 28 Votes