
New Member
Jan 14, 2019
Has anyone else experienced the issue with an extreme zoom during the expository transition dialogues? I'm only able to read text on the lower right side of the screen it seems whenever it takes you to the parchment looking background and the fancy text the mc narrates life through. such as the night after corrupting the queens assistant or before moving to the city for the first time.

Idk why it's only during those dialogues that the game does this random crop and cuts of the majority of the text but it's kind of annoying not getting to read the whole story if anyone can tell me what the issue is. My computer is pretty slow to be running unity.


New Member
Nov 29, 2018
Hello to all, I have played the game and have some things to say about it. It's just kinda simple critique, but I think it will be useful to people somehow.

Art in this game is great, but there the things with it that makes it a bit disgraceful. This things already pointed out by people in comment section, but I will say them anyway. Some characters have kinda botched eyes in different scenes and their expressions, not only that characters sometimes look slightly different in scenes. Difference is small, but it's very noticeable if you look at it closely. Also "Wicked" smile of protagonist's sprite is transparent and you can see it through other characters sprites (lol), but I think developer already know this.

I liked idea of combat in this game, which is attack or parry with your keyboard and mouse. But then again gameplay have it's flaws and bugs too (for now), which again pointed out by people in this comment section. But I say them anyway as reminder. "Dungeons" in this game are big and without a map you will be wandering around very long time (some maps have terrain that indicate a path, like grass in forest, which is nice detail). Another flaw is in combat, sometimes in battle can appear "double" enemies, basically same enemy but "2 in 1", have two health bars and cannot be "redirected" in attack between each other.

Most problems I have with this part, while story beginned nice it downgraded kinda fast. First thing is protagonist, it have been estabilished that he an outcast, half-breed with human father and goblin mother. He started as innocent guy who actually don't wanted to harm anyone (and also he seen queen Selvana actually kill some dudes), then suddenly when even "intro" story has not passed yet (when he ordered by Selvana to go with Morati into mines) he become "evil manipulative pervert" (evil potato as how I like to call this type of protagonist), no guilt and no self-doubt. I get it that he wanted a revenge, but this sudden change of character is hilarious and kinda sad. And then we get into the city, hoo boy when I received a quest to kill goblins and retreive a letter I thought that protagonist will have second thoughts about it (like seeing why people of Lumis hate goblins or trying negotiating with goblins), nope he just murdered them without any bit of remorse. I remembered that developer said choices of player will matter in plot, so I might advice or suggest giving protagonist more depth, not making him "goody two-shoes" of course but at least giving him self-doubt or guilt and let player decide to what to do (like shun this guilt and embrace evil within or choose another path instead of "builded" one by Selvana). Second one is queen Selvana herself, from point of meeting her I already get that she is evil bench that just pretends to be nice to you since you're "useful part" in her plan. And her "I just wanted for all races to be equal in all rights" got me actually laugh, "As your slaves I presume" I might thinked in that situation. If the developer is planning creating an path in which you can betray her, then you got all my + for that one. And of course this path I might suggest might have "competence of your actions", if player done poorly then you will face death or worse from queen Selvana, but if you done successfully I might think player will become a king of Lumis and Umbris with his own harem.

PS Thanks for reading my rant/critique. I hope it will be useful to anyone or entertaining at least.


May 15, 2017
For some reason my game all of a sudden zoomed in right before the choice to corrupt/stealth/dominate the inkeeper and now it won't go back to normal even though I have closed the program and started it again. I have tried other unity games and they are working fine.


Apr 16, 2019
For some reason the mouse cursor is invisible in the game window, but only in the main menu and early game. After you can start moving in the bedroom the cursor reappears.
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May 10, 2018
Mouse cursor invisible.
Dialogue window not transparent which is absolute poopoo, transparency slider would be nice if not 30% transparency as a setting.
One chest in the cave dungeon level with the dark elf has infinite potions if you spam, can't remember which.
After first having the bedroom scene with the bar elf and the scene with fox girl, there's no note for what to do next nor idea, a tooltip in the top left or right which says what available options and where to go to see them like in Boy Hero Ken would be good, and speaking to the bar elf girl at night the next day after going through her sex scene results in a freeze.

Alex Starr

Jun 22, 2018
Mouse cursor invisible.
Dialogue window not transparent which is absolute poopoo, transparency slider would be nice if not 30% transparency as a setting.
One chest in the cave dungeon level with the dark elf has infinite potions if you spam, can't remember which.
After first having the bedroom scene with the bar elf and the scene with fox girl, there's no note for what to do next nor idea, a tooltip in the top left or right which says what available options and where to go to see them like in Boy Hero Ken would be good, and speaking to the bar elf girl at night the next day after going through her sex scene results in a freeze.
I've spammed it hard enough to actually cause it to stop giving out potions.


New Member
Jan 18, 2020
I like this game, combat is simple, and characters I really enjoy. But don't know if this just my problem but when I play, I don't know how to save and the skill tree as well I get stuck in the menu and can't get back. Please Help?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2018
So it seems like the next update will have cuckshit (You will be able to send girls to whore themselves).
Seems like my suspicions were correct.
Guess Solarion is safe because due to it being Nergal's project, shame this one looked promising.
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Naughty Underworld

Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 4, 2018
The last part of the latest post:
"Complete Corruption (Level 3) - After performing a mating ritual with the target they are completely under your influence - +1 Mana

  • If a brothel has been opened you can ask them to work there (thinking some goblin scenes, orc scenes & other stuff)"
That isn't going to be in the next update xD And will be completely optional scenes, like many of the other scenes on that list.
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