Hey there, been a fan of the game since 2 updates ago, enjoyed the hell out of it, given i've only went Lover route so far for every character

I was determined to become Dark Knight

No since i decided to post a problem i encountered, so i can as well give my input into things i noticed.
First of all, after Ellinia chapter, after Magnus drops me into Perion, after i slept in a cave, i cant pass the dialogue (the game just crashes) Perion (PERION THE HOME OF WARRIORS) Line 5. The game crashes once i try to advance past this dialogue. Cant advance no matter what i do.
Now to the not annoying things, At certain point in time in Mushroom Town, you can bang Leonore way before it should be possible
with a "quest box" Fun with Leonore part 2 or something like that.
There is also a moment before perion chapter where you can meet Leonore and Asuna in Henesys
There you go

Im gonna attach my save file so that you can see what the F* went wrong that my game crashes. I really hope you can help, didnt try the new Kerning content yet