Just finished steam version few days ago, art is gorgeous, story has it's moments, but there also few elements that can turn-off people who went for "Pure Love + Harem" promise.
First: Monster rape is unavoidable. Maya (the dancer) gets raped by tentacles and some humanoid shadows, Fluru (main opponent of Maya's dungeon, who orchestrated those scenes) also gets her share of monster gangbang. Developer justified those scenes by literally saying "it's okay, girl is a slut anyway". Probably needs revision of tags.
Second (and my personal turn-off): The whole way through the game MC is berated for being a virgin (or recently losing it). And he really does have a mindset of one. Which is annoying considering how it contrasts with his visual representation and how pretty much all girls around him are overly experienced. And though MC gets character growth, he never fully loses that mindset.
Also, on side note: this game takes place in same world as Circle RVA's first title that wasn't translated. The main premise of that game is focused on prostitution. Because apparently adventurers of royal capital can't make enough gold for daily needs, so all girls MC knows have to sell their bodies to support dungeon exploration. The story happens at the same time with "The Knight and the three servants(squires)", so you'll get some cameos of characters and events. The announced third game is the direct sequel to the first one, but now it's "Pure Love + Harem" where MC finally gets his own action and romances the same girls from first game.
P.S. Julia is the best girl.