RPGM - Knight of Love [1J6] [Slightly Pink Heart]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is amazingly smooth, I mean the animations are pretty decent (it kinda is a GIF), but the women , each girl has a well thought out personality that is unique, has depth (heh) and most of all beautifully made, I can tell that the ones who made this game have absolutely COOKED. And please keep cooking .

    Please add fast travel in the Mc's room or maybe when you're interacting with the black cat (Anastasia), since it takes forever to get to places with just running.
    Likes: Gojii
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    That game is huge download for a game where you spend your time walking huge distances back and forth, I like rpgm games but that one should have been made in renpy because of the lack of freedom.
    After 3 hours of game I spent my time walking and reading overwritten texts.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Although the game is not finished there is a lot of content here. This isn't your regular RPGM game where you know nothing and the game is confusing. This is a well made game with most textures are made by the creator. There is some QOL that could be added but for the most part the game plays very well. The characters are somewhat exciting which each one being different and not a copy and paste. There is a main quest, some side stuff and even some hidden stuff that isn't told to you directly so if you are someone who likes to 100% these, this might be the one for you. I will continue to watch this game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game, the game is smooth and you never feel like there's some content missing once you're far in the story since the beggining is the intruduction. I still think there's more content to be added or even some new ''girlfriend'' to date.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Good Game

    This is classic RPGM game with animation. Basically you can find here all the game need. Some story, some good characters, some open world and of course animated H-scenes. Sometimes the game feel too simplistic, but it's alright for the most part. Everything here is on "acceptable" level (for a porn game). And the main problem here is lack of any strong aspects of the game. Every part of the game could be improved but not that bad to complain about.

    It's a solid 4/5 especially later in the game. I will add extra point because of the main character design. He is not overpowered and his development is really reasonable.

    If you are looking for a masterpiece you won't probably find it here but you definitely should try it. It's really easygoing game.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game, but every time it's devolves into a frustrating slog of a gameloop.

    Character Designs: The character designs and the art direction are enjoyable, and is ultimately what's brought me back to this game on multiple attempts. The colors are bright. The body types and character models are relatively distinct. The cast is full of the stereotypical tropes of an adult game, but I don't consider that a detraction. If anything, I enjoy when a game nails them with solid writing and characterization. Unfortunately, most of the interactions grow stale through repitition. How many times have I talked to Karen in the kitchen to see if I have new content only to see the same dialogue? How many times did I talk to the redhead at school hoping for something more than a handjob in the gym closet? There is a lack of indication of new content despite progressing story and characters, and often you will see every interaction without a notice that you've milked the proverbial cow dry.

    Interface: The interface is clean and clear. It's inspired by the Persona series, especially Persona 5. If you're gonna steal aesthetics, that's a pretty solid choice. Dialogue is easy to read. Interactive points are clear. There's flavor text for NPCs. Menus are easy to get through, although it always feels like an RPGM game.

    Gameplay Loop: This is mostly where the game fails. In any game, but especially an adult game, I like to feel like every action is progressive in some way. This has the Day/Night cycle common to adult games and dating sims: Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Night, Late Night, etc. The main character has stats that can be improved through different actions. Unfortunately these stats never actually seem to correlate with progression. At any point of the game, I should have something to do, and the gameplay should be based on those choices. IE, It's Morning, I have two characters at this time I can interact with; do I want to spend time with the journalist and progress that story, or do I want to go to class and progress the teacher's story. Surprisingly, in a game with a large cast of characters and lots of scenes to unlock, there's often nothing to do. "Oh, I only have one interaction I can do today, and it's at night. Now I just have to pass time to wait for the event." This could be ameliorated if the skills actually correlated with progression. IE, "Oh, I don't have anyone to talk to right now to make progress, but I can study for a cycle and increase my intelligence, making it easier in the future to talk to____." This seems like a pretty logical (but understandably difficult) way to design a game, and yet Knight of Love doesn't have that tight design. "Oh, the only person I can progress is Karen, so I guess I'll just sleep all day until it's late at night and the game lets me do something." This is made more frustrating when the rewarding interaction is just another slow burn "Hang out with them and flirt a little, but don't get any new scenes." Guess I'll do the same thing for the next three day cycles hoping something happens.

    This is made even more frustrating with the quest log. The only way to find out what the game's prescriptive path is currently is to talk to your magic cat friend. That means watching a small choppy animation of the cat hopping on my shoulder, telling me something vague like "Holly's pretty cute, huh? Maybe she'll be into you eventually." Thanks cat. The game tries to make this system more accessible by putting the cat magically on every map in the game. The immersion that it's attempting creates more legwork than necessary. If you want an in-game hint system, and we're already dealing with a magic cat, just let me hit the menu button and choose "Talk to cat/ Get Hint" and let the fucker pop up wherever I'm at. Instead, I have to run around trees and bushes at the school, talk to the cat, and read the same hint I've been chasing for two day cycles. And again, there's no indication when a character's path of progression has ended.

    Animation: This is the game greatest failure, unfortunately. I think it's fair to say that most (but not all) adult gamers will tolerate a lot of bad design choices or grinding or lackluster game loops if the rewarding erotic scenes are good. A sexy scene can justify the slog to get there. It's a balance. Most of the animations in this game do not find that balance. Most of them feel like three frames set to animate on the threes. So when a female character is riding cowgirl, she's on the top of the dick for a frame, and she's all the way in on a frame, like a strange slideshow. The scenes usually progress with a choice to "Speed Up". By the time the scene is at "full speed", the animation is now almost smooth. It still feels static, but it at least looks like they're fucking. It feels pretty lame, and it isn't erotic. "Oh I'm so glad I just spent and hour just to get a tit job at 3fps."

    Animation is hard work. Designing a game is hard work. We all understand that. But for the gamer, the ends has to justify the means. If the game feels good to play, if the game loop is satisfying, if there's always something to progress, and if the erotic scenes are sexy and give me something to look forward to, you've got a good game. If I can find a balance between a few elements but one kinda fails, the gamer can still find a way to enjoy it. Unfortunately this game feels like a slog and has very little payoff with the one major aspect everyone is playing it for: the erotic scenes.

    I give this game three stars, because it's somehow brought me to play it on multiple occasions, but it has never been a satisfying experience. It feels more like a compulsion, like it will somehow become a good game if I just keep playing it. Every new update told me to try it again and see it turn into something fun. It hasn't and it seemingly won't. For that, I do not recommend the game. There are simply too many games that accomplish more with the same elements.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 1/5
    I dident really enjoy this one, story is just a bit to boring.

    It starts with MC meet 3 females hes going to live with and ofc MC has the mindset of a 12 year old so every female he sees is hot which just gets cringy,
    anyway then he goes to school and where he meets a few bullys and since MC is also a whimp he cant do anything, then a standard visit to the doc that ask him to take hes clothes off, not sure why this idiotic thing is in a million games but ya its all just meh.

    Almost every character you meet has big tits so you really need to be into that fetish to play which im not so that dident help either,

    After meeting some bimbo you need to take a bath but it goes with out saying the bimbo goes nude as well which feels idiotic and MC cant controle him self and you as the player is given 0 choices well your given a single choice with is even more idiotic "sex" cant click anything else.

    I am pretty annoyed when they dont add kinetic tag when you really dont have any choices and MC just fucks every ugly bimbo it just ruins the game, also forget relationship build-up there is none girls just trows them selfs at MC making the hole thing pointless and just yet another mindless fuckfest game, no clue why romance tag is there either since there is none, using a power to make girls fall for you is not romance?

    As for plot its also the same idiotic stuff you seen a million times before, MC gets kissed by a god of love and to get strong hes task is to supprise supprise fuck everyone......and ofc the whimp MC has the power to make everyone fall for him....so in other words rape everyone by using hes powers on them, funny enough there is no rape tag? but romance is? lol stupid...

    Game has no real hint system so when it tells you, you better go visit Ann first and you cant remember whoever the person is your fucked since there is no no profiles of girls either, i did know who Ann was but could never find her and the only hints you can get is from talking with the cat which takes age to talk to constantly so that gets boring really fast.

    And it dosent tell you much either like how to advance with Ann or how to track some dude at hes work place even when you have quests for it, apprently cat hints follows a set questline so it only told me to visit Sofia and train, so trying to do other quest is impossible since there is multiple time slots in a day so good luck wasting time trying to do anything.

    Also theres not even a quest tracker so if you forgot one you picked one up well to bad i guess?....cant scroll back in dialogs either, no home button, no time skip option so for that you need to go all the way home each time, no gallery either....it really just is an awfull setup/interface.

    Girls 1/5
    They just arent hot and 95% if focused on bit tit fetish so theres just no real diversity in builds which makes for one boring game.

    Animations 3/5
    They are ok but still short and a bit boring.

    Music 3/5
    Standard background stuff nothing special but better then nothing.

    Choices 1/5
    Well you have no choices, follow a kinetic questline fuck everyone and thats about it.

    Sandbox and interface 1/5
    Already explained how bad this part it.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Charon XXX

    The game is nice, it's just a shame that the scenes have changed and can only be added manually from the old version. They could have joined the story normally. Otherwise, the game was successful and the art side is really good.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    lots of bugs, no way to track quests, no gallery mode, bad story. Only good things are aimations and you can even watch them again. Do you want to see the scenes too bad you need to walk around all of the map again and again.

    Overall bad game with good scenes
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Why can't the dev just include a questlog/mission tracker/tip whatever you wanna call it in the menu?

    So you gotta run around and find this cat everytime you want to check your progress?
    What kind of quality of life feature is this

    One of the reasons I don't play this game is
    The tip system and as others have said no gallery too

    All non replayable lewd scenes should be included in a gallery.

    Maps are also needlessly big especially the school which has too many uninteractable doors which don't even have events going on around them

    The dev also is pretty lazy in compressing his game like holy shit 7.2gb is u feel like overkill for a game that only shows cgs mostly for lewd scenes and the animations are mostly two frame with characters moving like stick figures

    I'm sure the dev can compress the game without sacrificing the visual fidelity

    I really like the character models and the scenes but cons are too much s.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Game started out great with a story but than like so many other sandboxes the story was dropped for a pure dating sim game!

    1. Story has fallen off to the side there is no story anymore it has become meaningless
    2. Sandbox Trainer with no story anymore
    3. Trainer/Dating Sim game that lacks a tracker (Trainers minus no progress tracking is a shit game)
    4. Every damn release your save is broken and you have to start with the save that comes with the game (can't even keep save games working at all?)
    5. Cards you would have to spend about 10 damn minutes to view them all as you can't just view them you have to go to Item > Cards > select card > view and repeat all over from damn scratch! Seriously too damn lazy to even put a proper picture gallery in!
    6. Spend hours running to all areas at all times of the day trying to find one damn new event all because of no tracker
    7. Hint system is now run around fucking town trying to find a damn black cat!

    Story: 1/5 (story is forgotten quickly)
    Game Play: 2/5 (random run around trying to find something to do)
    Tracker: 1/5 (there is no missing tracker dating sim it turns into with no tracker)
    Sound: 2/5
    Art: 4/5
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    PART1 H1 MU2

    I want to give this game a higher score. The art is great. The story is interesting enough to not skip. I don't think RPGmaker is the right format for this game. Dialogue feels like its in Ren'py but you have to walk around to activate it in RPGmaker.

    I dont want to make this review extremely negative but there are problems with the game. The writing could use a spellchecker. It's leagues better than machine translated but it can trip you up when you notice the mistakes. I don't know if I did something wrong or what but there is almost nothing to do the first week of the game besides dropping your fork and going to fight practice after school. I almost looked up a guide because I could not tell what was progressing the story or if I needed to repeat scenes to increase values or what. Near the end of the game you ask for hints and keep being told that's the end of Karen's line for this update while you still have a couple scenes left to do with the teacher. I get the people you're living with are probably the main content and everybody else is side content but a quest tracker could go a long way over the hint system pulling you along the main story.

    There are glitches with picking up a couple of the CG cards where they are stuck on screen until you can find a cutscene to break you out (did this twice. just save before grabbing a card its easier). I seemed to find quite a few spaces in the world lacking hitboxes like the entire right side of the shed behind the school as a big example. I had several cutscenes happen back to back where I'm suddenly at a theater on a date after doing something with one of the other girls. I managed to go to school on a Saturday thanks to the event with the teacher taking place on a Friday night.

    I do want to finish this review off saying that despite everything negative I have said about it that it is worth giving a shot and trying. I really enjoyed when the game did things right. It's just missing a tiny bit of bug fixing and polish to be an rough 4* review. If a girl status or quest tracker gets added over the hint system on top of that I would give it an easy 4. Switching to Renpy being the easy 5 but that's asking a lot from the dev. I will be back for more updates because I think the game can be a great one and I wish the best for the dev and their game.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    PART 1 H1 MU 2

    I want to give this more than 3 stars, I really do. The developer clearly has put a lot of effort into this project and is updating it on a regular basis, which I admire. But there are simply too many flaws in the game’s design for my tastes for it to be anything above average at the moment.

    Let’s start with the good. The character designs are pretty nice and the models are quite attractive. The sex scenes are solid with a variety of poses, angles, etc, and there is a decent number of them at this point in development. The writing/dialogue isn’t completely cringe and the story has at least some originality to it. The world building is quite good for an adult game as well.

    Now for the bad. For starters, I think RPGM is an outdated engine - especially for a game like this - and it shows. The menus are wonky and awkward, more specifically during sex scenes. It just feels very… “last-minute” to me. The game has several bugs/glitches, one major example is that some of the card art will stay on the screen (permanently) even after collecting and viewing it. Literally, nothing will take it away unless you reload your save before collecting that card and never pick it up, which is really annoying.

    I also really don’t like the basic and repetitive royalty-free music that seems to be a standard in most games like this now; and the trend of having only one song for any and all sex scenes seriously needs to end. I can still hear the saxophone in my ear and I am nowhere near my computer…

    As I mentioned earlier, the writing isn’t offensively bad by any means, but it’s not good either. The pacing is all over the place. Sometimes, events will chain together smoothly, happen on a daily basis, and keep things fresh. Other times, you will be forced to skip entire days to get to the one thing that the main story wants you to do before you can progress any further in anything. And, as previously mentioned, the dialogue is surprisingly not that cringe; however, there are a good number of spelling/grammatical errors. They aren’t so bad that they completely ruin the experience, but they do take me out of the immersion every now and then.

    The actual gameplay aspect of this game is… not that great. It’s pretty much just a “walk here, talk to this person or go to this event at X time of day to progress” kind of game, which is… not uncommon in the adult game landscape, sure, but still not very fun. Only being able to skip time at the Library and at home makes progression way more obnoxious than it needs to be.

    TLDR: I think this game being a RPGM sandbox game is completely unnecessary and it shows. If this game was instead a Ren’py point-and-click VN, for example, I think a lot of time could have been saved for both the developer and the player. I’m not saying go full linear/kinetic novel, but making things a bit more concise, condensed, and streamlined would work WONDERS for this project. The sexy stuff is indeed sexy and if you don’t mind the lackluster gameplay, serviceable writing/dialogue, and annoying music, it’s a perfectly average lewd experience with a solid amount of content currently. There are bright spots here and there that make me hopeful that the developer will continue to learn and improve over time. It’s worth giving a shot, at the very least.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A good story tied down by the usual GameMaker design. There is a lot of time wasting especially at the beginning of the game.

    I've played 3 hours and there has only been two side events I found. So for your time you should just focus on the main story. The story is linier.

    Art is pretty good and sex scenes have a variety of angles and animations.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an overall great game with awesome character models, great animations, scenes and stories. This is one of the games I most look forward to seeing an update for on this site buuuuut I will say, the game design leaves a lot to be desired.

    This is an open world sandbox, but there is a locked sequence of events and not really a lot to do other than find the time and location of the next story sequence. Dialogue will only sometimes offer a hint here so you either have to randomly wander the entire map each and every section of day or the smart thing, just spam nap after every story event until it's night to access the hint system. You just have to get used to skipping time a lot in this game. In most games, you'd spend the time in between at least leveling up or doing side missions or progressing a side character.

    In addition, the story lines for some characters are just the same thing, over and over. There's one part of the story, where you literally just have to keep watching a movie at night with the same person, like 5 times in a row. Literally nothing else you do will make progress with any other character. In addition, you ask them to watch the movie at night but you will nap till then, wander the house looking for the sequence but find literally nothing to do throughout the whole house and then find out once you've given up looking and gone to bed that the game designer wants you to go to sleep at night in your bed to trigger the "watch movie in the living room" sequences(??).

    Now, there's a lot of negative things written above. To be clear, this is because so much of the game is actually amazing and that just makes the poor game design that much more frustrating. Despite this, I still highly recommend playing the game and will continue to do so myself. I think much of what I mention above will be corrected as new updates provide content for side characters. This game is easily 5 stars if it actually gets a more fleshed out open world.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    While I have some qualms with this game, I really have to give it 5 stars. It's a super solid H game. Heavy emphasis on sexy content with enough story to be engaging and no more, and the story seems to be quite good as well. Plenty of repayable scenes, great animation, multiple angles/poses per scene, varied and attractive models - the H content is good. The core of the story is a typical "boy in a town with lusty bust babes", but there is an intertwined fantasy story with tangible impacts and quite good writing.

    Gameplay wise, the world map isn't too fucky (the town is kind of annoying, school slightly less, but yeah it's easy to get around in and it's not too big). The game has a built-in guide which is pretty thorough MOST of the time. It's RELATIVELY easy to pass time through the day to get to trigger events of interest. Replaying scenes is as straight forward as talking to the woman of interest. There is a relatively inobtrusive autosave feature. It's fair.

    So, the qualms I mentioned:
    1. I really don't like games that create dependencies between characters - AKA getting close to fucking a character and then you hit a wall and have to grind another. This game doesn't do this too terribly, but it does do it. I understand it's hard to avoid this but it's so blue-bally, you get going with a character you're interested in and then NOPE... Again, it's not horrible in this title, but it's there.
    2. Why isn't there incest? Lmao, you play an "EiGhTeEn YeAr OlD mAn" who is living with three random women - one who pays the bills and cooks and cleans and cares for the others, and two of her daughters. I'm aware of the patreon bullshit but the fact that "a RaNdOm InTeRnEt StRaNgEr" hasn't created an incest patch is bullshit lol. Hell, the maternal woman even does son/mom roleplay during sex...
    I don't think these are big deals but they did annoy me. That said, if that is what the dev required in order to make this game, then so be it - It's a solid game and I can't knock it for just these things. I am known to update reviews later so maybe the list of grievances grows in future, but for now I'd say it's a 5 star game and I highly recommend it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Build [Part 1 G3] I have been a long time fan of this game and to see it being remade for a while was a worrying, but as the game stands now I believe the change was for the better.
    -Games graphics use whatever visual software it is to great success it truly is a sight for eyes tired of cookie cutter Kokiatsu! characters
    -A good variety of sex scenes and characters
    -Characters that have actual personalities
    -Good world building
    -If you are into dominant small guy, submissive big girl this is your game

    What you are giving it 5 stars? well no game is perfect but I feel its cons don't make it less of a delight to play
    -The game plays linearly with free roam elements meaning there is a bit of walking every once in a while.
    -I believe with how many possible locations there are for characters the hint system should not be this inaccessible.

    I love this game in spite of its flaws though and truly believe it is worth it
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Knight of Love is a nice game that makes great use of Koikatsu resources to create a unique look.

    Unfortunately, the biggest mark against this game is the fact that there are TWO builds for the game, each with similar, but effectively mutually exclusive content. If you decide to play this game and enjoy it, please make sure to also check out the "old version" as there is a significant amount of content there that hasn't made its way to the 1G2 version. While a lot of the core elements of the game remain the same between the two versions, there are a number of characters with sex scenes in one version and not the other. Furthermore, for the overlapping content, the Dev has opted to create new scenes (even when the differences are quite minimal) for the characters rather than recycling the previous versions.

    Differences in builds aside, this game suffers the same annoyance that many free-roam/sandbox games suffer from - an illusion of exploration. In general, the plot has to progress linearly, so you'll spend most of your time checking with the Hint Giver to figure out how to progress the game and then supplementing it with an increasing variety of repeatable scenes as the game progresses. There are a few "side quests" and minor events to be found, but the main story seems to be effectively on rails. That said, a fair number of repeatable actions have no time progression, so you're best off just sitting at the bed advancing time as needed to make progress as applicable.

    For graphics, the use of "2.5D" models is really quite nice and makes for a very unique game experience. Unfortunately, although there are animations, the game does not make use of typical Koikatsu animation physics and most feel quite stiff (similar to most Daz animations - a simple cycle between two body positions).

    Finally, the game is a bit buggy, so make sure to keep multiple saves. I found many bugs to be exacerbated by excessive clicking on my end (because there is no way to adjust the text scroll speed) resulting in complete crashes and corrupted saves.

    Overall, if you don't mind a little extra effort to progress a visual novel and enjoy unique art styles, absolutely give this game a go. Give it a pass if you don't like unnecessary clicks needed in order to progress the main story line and don't care for repeatable scenes.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Game is interesting and shows effort in setting up some of the girls as having more of a connection than just being fetish inserts going through a series of image galleries for the fucking, making their sex scenes more exciting when they happen. Some dialogue feels like it has real heart. Premise of an actual story is somewhat interesting too. The developer had something to offer than just a smut gallery its seems.

    But the game's also slow at times, and story stuff sort of just happens linearly. You go through certain days doing nothing, then other days where scenes happen back-to-back. Progress with characters doesn't happen until the game lets it happen. This kind of kills the pacing. If this were a pure smut game, that wouldn't be a problem. But as said earlier, the dev doesn't seem to be treating the game as such, making the lost potential more harmful to itself.

    Also no image gallery for unlocked scenes either. Boo.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Can't say its a good, like really good game because of reasons that I will try to explain briefly. This is keeping the rating from going higher:

    The mc is a 4 feet wimp and every pussy of any girl is almost bigier than his face.
    For a decent part of the game he is just bet up by everyone, there is a scene when 2 random people sense he is hiding and beat him, and later he is rescued by a girl. (this scne was facepalm)
    The Mc needs the entire forearm to grab any girl butt, thats how small this guy is or how big the females are, I can't take it.
    The guy is a virgin but is a perfect lover sex machine from the first try, it doesnt amtter what he does, the girl will be thrilled, even if she is a mature woman she will comment on his awesomeness. (cringe)
    There is a certain linearity in the quests that disconnects me from the game, since I have to pursue girls that are not interesting to me and i have to complete their quests to advance others.
    Linear RPGM with no stats and no questlog? There is a guide but its only accesible at night and you have to speak to Anastasia.
    The passing of time could be better since there are action that pass the time and actions of the same importance that dont?
    Too much fanservice, basically all the sex with Anastasia is fanservice sex.
    The single choice menus during sex scenes, what is the use of clicing "continue or next" every 5 seconds?
    For some reason there are clouds in the MC room that give access to scenes I havent seen, and one of those clouds prevent me from getting a card (I dont care about card, cause its fanservice but its valid criticism related to the design of the game)
    Color palette is too cartoonish and that maybe is a flaw of this engine, but it doesnt look good.
    Chunks of exposition is a thing when obtaining some power or moving some plot element forward.

    What keeps the gama rating from getting lower:
    Some scenes are well shot and planned and sometimes the parties involved behave like human and not souless robots performing actions.
    Females bodies look awesome, this engine is obviously the best for that.
    Some dialogues are inspired, and funny even.
    The minigames are always refreshing.

    I think that's it I could keep playing it if it had a reshade or something, cause my eyes are crying deep inside with the birght primary colors.