RPGM - Knight of Love [1J6] [Slightly Pink Heart]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    -Nice UI, it's my first time see the animated UI in any rpg games
    -The story is light(for now)
    -I don't like most of the 3d hentai games because the art is not detailed(if it is, then the game size will be more than 10gb:oops:) but this game is one of my "exceptional" list due the animation went helluva smooth
    -I like the idea that you make this game in rpg mv and not in unreal engine, which works fine with my low spec laptop
    -no oversized booba... Dont get me wrong, I like big booba but in 2d games...in 3d? not so much
    -I hope I'll see more gal with "bushes" on the next update;)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    There are enough comments, so I will not get too long:

    * Very nice 3d art.
    * It's simple, both the story and the interaction with characters ... Unfortunately this also works against him.
    * The game knows how to tell you who you should interact with and who you shouldn't.
    * Excellent women and "attractive" conversations. Not bad.

    * Simple.
    * Exploring to discover supporting stories or improving your relationship with supporting characters often feels useless. You only interact with them if the story needs to move forward.
    * Virtually all NPC characters have no routines beyond going to class, showering ... It feels very empty about that.
    * IN MY OPINION he needs to be dirtier about sex. Dirty and hot ... But it feels good.

    I vote with 5 stars to better position the game, because it deserves it.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Neutral 3. (might be higher. did not manage the first school day before i got annoyed)
    - Seems like a nice style
    - First 3 love interests were only slightly stereotypical (at least the social media bitch girl was missing which is a breath of fresh air)
    - Loser Protagonist
    - Cliche Bullied Beginning

    Honestly I have no idea how it continues after the bully beats your ass, but I just dont get why every non-alpha male protagonist template has to be a little bitch. Is it cultural ? Maybe an american or wherever thing ?
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with an interesting plot. Only thing that sucks is that the creator had to go through with remaking the game, I personally felt that the old version was equally as good, but the new version got more scenes so can’t really complain. Pluss, it’s his/her creating and if the developer felt that the game wasn’t perfect enough, then it's his/her choice to decide how move forward. Can’t wait to play more, will defiantly pledge my support!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    It's just too buggy. Black screens, crashes, no way to turn off the blinking on the screen. I've tried to start this game several times, but it's just too buggy to be enjoyable. I don't know how the folks with all the four and five star reviews get through it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is just amazing i cant think of anything bad to say about the story is amazing the characters are amazing the graphics of the game are amazing so i really hope the developer/developers keep updating it till its finished :):love:
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Yakusai No Akuma

    I just played this game.
    Very unique graphic style.
    I can only say BRAVO.
    Unlike many other games it is not based on DAZ models , but they are still beautiful despite cartoonish look.
    And I am fan of RPG style, tho it is not full RPG way of play.
    Im waiting new update.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the review of the old version. But I recommend you play the remastered version that will be the better ver.

    Story 4/5 common harem story with some fantasy
    Characters 5/5 full of charming characters. You can easily find your favorite girl.
    Lewd Scene 5/5 I think lewd animation is the best part of the game. Tone of lewd animations with such a great POV angle. Renders are great too.
    Overall 4.5 /5 This is one of my dream games.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I really tried this game but after 5 minutes of playing I just can't. The Engrish and spelling are pretty awful. As of now it's very cringeworthy. The dev seriously needs to find someone with a better grasp of English to fix it. I understand the world doesn't revolve around the English language. If he's going to make a game for English speakers the game needs serious help.

    The windows used for closeups of the characters speaking needs a major overhaul. They are very distracting with all the sharp and weird angles being used.

    The game could potentially be really good with a few major adjustments. I might keep an eye out for it in another 6 months to see if it's gotten better or worse.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    [Part 1D]

    I had an old review here from version 0.17.03 where I took a huge shit on this game and gave it a 2/5. That feels really unfair now after I've played it again. It's actually becoming really good. It's got some really aggravating issues to deal with still, but on the whole the game is quite good, and very fappable.

    The main selling point of this game it is definitely the lewd scenes. They can make even the most jaded fapper coom buckets. I'd score this game a full 5 just based on the lewd scenes alone if the rest of the game was just average because they are exactly what I want in an adult game.
    + nice buildup
    + likeable characters
    + well written scenes
    + nice angles
    + good variety
    the list goes on

    I'm also super impressed by the development process so far. What I witnessed back in the earlier version I reviewed is improved upon in so many ways. I don't have the energy to list it all, but believe me when I say this dev is not just sitting on his ass.

    however, there are still serious problems with this game.

    - Crashes.
    Whenever a fullscreen animation is about to load my game has about a 40 % chance of crashing. Thank God for auto save! Sadly, the interval between auto saves can still be several minutes. I've been forced to "enjoy" repeats of this game enough to get really provoked by it. I would strongly suggest to the dev that you change engine to something decent and less crash-prone. Unity or Ren'Py, I don't care, just try to understand that using the RPGM engine for this project is a huge anchor around its neck.

    - Time wasting.
    It's not your standard grindy game, but it sure wastes a lot of time. The main "gameplay loop" is 100 % there to waste your time with stupid RPGM mechanics like walking to and from places and literally skipping time by sleeping. It's stupid and I hate it.
    I'll come back and say it again, this game would be a lot better if it was just a standard VN in Ren'Py. The story is linear anyway, so why bother with an open world?!?

    All in all though, this is shaping up to be something great. Once the kinks are sorted I could see myself giving this game a 5/5. We're quite far from there yet though.

    I'll continue to keep my eye on this one for sure!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    good game ,good graphics , good story , somme bugs for now (0.17.03) have to save really often

    , but really good , well balanced between action and sex scene , need more content with each females maybe ? fetish ?
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game with great potential in its core.
    was suprisingly fun and some animation are very spot on with the art style.
    Depite its pretty linear it is very eventful.

    The Makers of the game are realy on something great here and the finished product will be awsome

    Story wise its seems good, but couold use some tweaks and some humour stuff.

    Choices in the game "joke, silent", i dunno if it has any impact on the storylines

    Save alot ^^

    Hope this game comes to Android Platform to.

    SPOT ON!:
    Karens Boobs :love:
    Ann Night Scene
    Teachers Home Scenes

    Need improvment and Ideas:
    The Game client is unstable at point and shut down the game at points, hopefully they are lookin in to it.
    Crashes in the "next" Cutscenes

    Lags at Nights when going around areas and in the void wich is the worst lags.
    But its due to the instability in the cleint i think. Few tweaks it should be fine.

    This game seriously need a Questlog and Precentage meter, since i got lost very easy in what i am doing whate i have done. So got confusing in the end.
    I recomend that they get on that.
    Since its just the missing ingredient to make this game perfect.

    Perhaps a Scene Gallery at the computer in your room.
    and perhaps put Questlog and Precentage meter in there , think it would be the easiest place o inplant it in the game for them unless they implant a phone in the inventory

    For some reason i could only play to previous version and got message it the end of that version. rebooted nothing happend.... waited to next day (irl) i could play the latest content.

    Managed to break my save, by activating Rivera at the Bar Scene a second time While exploring. Where you go on the mototrcycle home and realize you are neighbors.
    game autosaved there and only get black screen from now on.

    Game autosaves at point or not able to save at point in some areas.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. I didn’t think I would like the art style all that much but it grew on me. Storyline is also good and makes it worth playing even though the game can be buggy. I’m definitely excited for SlightlyPinkHeart to add more content.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    5 star game very good game good story!good art milf is good have a nice ass
    character good looking ,this is interesting game easy to play !make more milf character, love it! to look forward to next update!!
    sorry for my bad english
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good renders, fine story for a porn game, but have technical issues(for me games become laggy as time goes on, was a moment when character gone out of map, also it crushes at some point), but game not finished yet, so maybe this all be fixed.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game surprised me a lot. Initialy i tought that it would only have one or another sex scene, but there were a lot of them. I also tought that the gameplay time would be very small because you end the content of some girls for the current version very fast, but i spent hours playing this game because there were other girls and their scenes were bigger.

    The sex scenes are animated. There are almost 3 different poses each sex scene with different girls and they are hot (the bests, of course, are the MILFs hehe).

    This is a great game, i recommend everyone to play. I've only got issues because the amount of crashs caused by some bugs and because it was made with RPGM what makes everything very slow and griding.

    Sorry for my bad english, i'm not a native speaker.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better RPGMs I've played. The characters look good, story is pretty good, and its pretty straightforward to play. The art style and animations were way better than I expected from a RPGM. The only issue is that there are certain features and places in the game that don't seem particularly important so it can be hard to figure out where to go and at what time.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I am playing V 0.16.5 and I have been following this development since V 0.15 c at the beginning not quite convinced to say the truth. However, this one version got me and I can not have enough of it. Thank you Slightly Pink Heart... it is a great effort... If I may, please check some minor grammar details and some scenes where the program halts and die... graphics are quite fine, girls look awesome, the plot is catchy, and I am having a ball... :ROFLMAO:(y) ... all thumbs up!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I must say that this game was a pleasant surprise, I particularly don't like games made with RPG Maker, as most of them are confusing and require a lot of grinding, but Knight of Love was really well built, of course, there are some mistakes and sometimes my game crashed, but with the auto save, that didn't pissed me of.
    The game presents itself with a good story, the renders are good, it took me some time to figure it was taken from Koikatsu, really good quality. I think all H-scenes are animated, and the characters are just amazing, I really liked Anastacia, as well as Karen, the fact that the main character is small in comparassion with the girls is very nice too, and for the first time or so, the main character has a penis of the normal size, not an arm between his legs. There's a good amount of content, I played for four and half hours, and there is still some contents to be seen, probably I will made it to five hours on this version (16.5).
    The only thing I missed was a gallery to view past H-scenes, but taking it off, the game is amazing, I loved it and recommend to you, as there seems to be room for another 5 hours of content in the future updates, that is, if the author don't introduce more charactes to the game.
    Likes: toni7
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Render/Art style looks good.
    + Story seems pretty interesting.
    + Sex scenes have animations and they are decent.
    + Parkour things DEV added with Part 1 G2 update was cool, I just wish we had more control over it.

    Bad Points
    - Like i told story seems interesting but DEV kind of ruins it with couple of cringy cliches like MC with superpowers bulliying by schools biggest and richest boys etc... I mean... Seriously?
    - Our game use RPGM game engine and its awfull... Sometimes DEV's can use RPGM pretty well and make great changes to fix bad things RPGM engine have but looks like this one didn't... Its have every bad feature RPGM have: 4:3 screen, poorly maked main menu (and other menu's), you can't change sound options like you please and need to choice 20-40-60-80-100 like annoying options, the text sound you cant close ( you need to bear with it if you want hear sound effects because only way to close it is closing whole sound effect feature), you can't choice text speed, you cant open options/menus/save page while in dialogues, you can't rollback for seeing dialogues, you cant pass time for seeing certaiton evens (you gotta go home watch tv etc) you can't hide text (default option is closed you gotta change via playing with some settings in game file), you cant hide UI/Textbox (not even with changing game files), not having a lot of save file like Renpy games (Seriously we have only 19 save slot! How amazing...) basicaly its biggest bad point of this game and you gotta consider before playing.
    - Having only 19 save file means you cant have a lot of save can give you idea about what you done before, and with games like this (not completed ASAP and getting updates one by one) means at one point you gonna forget things and want to check couple of scenes to refresh your memory, well thanks to low save file number you cant.
    - New so called ''animated'' UI looks awfull and literaly hurts your eyes... Its pretty good we have option to change back normal but still that doesn't change how awfull it is to release game with this UI...
    - We are getting nothing as a content-wise for months and games was ''remaking'' by DEV, with latest Part 1 F3 version we caught up with old content and i started playing again but i can't see anyting deserve to be called ''remake'' at all. Like i told all annoying RPGM features are still there and game didn't even got 16:9 resolution after remake... Seriously?
    - We are in 2022 and there is dozens of non-copyright music out there but instead our game have most known and annoying musics games using since early 2000's or someting... And its plays over and over again... Yeah...
    - We don't have walkthrough, its sandbox RPGM game and sometimes game feels like a blind rodeo... Yeah we have so called ''tips'' but for getting tips we need wait until night and travel to somewhere to talk with someone and get tips. Why don't we have just tips in game UI like all other normal games?! Its pretty boring/annoying to traveling another place for just gettings tips... Thats just makes this game annoying then it should be and pretty much nonsense. And while people constantly asking for walkthrough for nearly year DEV still not making offical walkthrough nor fixing poorly made tips feature is un-acceptable. Oh BTW its not even fully working, while tips saying nothing you can still get content with trying to do someting randomly with characters etc...
    - Your choices actualy don't matter at all, so don't expect to have some power over story or scenes as a player.
    - Sex scenes have animations but they are not good and their physics and animation length is bad aswell.
    - Couple of sex scene animations looks awfull like Anastasia vaginal sex animation in bed, while her tits looks pretty good in non-animated scenes they do look awfull and shaggy in that animation.
    - MC's gun should be bigger because of his powers but its not bigger than average size.
    - Most of women/girls faces looks little bit weird. Some of them have little bit long faces, foreheads and little bit weird chins etc... Basicly %45 of ours women need face rework and it should be done with so called ''remake'' already...
    - English is not strongest suit of our game, its not bad but we have couple of problems there and there.
    - We don't have gallery feature so you can't watch lewd stuff you done before again and lacking save file count is not helping at all either

    For The End
    Potencialy its not bad game and can be 4 star great game but have a lot of bad points... I hope DEV will fix them with time or it will be nothing more than poor, heck even with this much bad point im not sure it deserve calling poor (2 star rate game) either. The only reason im giving 2 star is i do enjoy story and characters and nothing more.