Thoughts on Round 9?
How do you guys like Violet?
Just found this and got to Round 9. During the build up to the sparing between Violet and the MC I was anticipating another ridiculous out of your mind flaunting of physics, reality and plain common sense. Well, it did seem like the MC was talking back as well as she was giving, but in the end it happened exactly like I thought it would.
I am really disappointed every time I see this. This guy is a heavyweight boxer, she has to be at max a buck 30? A no windup punch knocks him on his ass? Why does everyone do this? It is asinine at best and completely clueless to reality. He could probably stand and take a direct full body charge from her and unless he is standing with his feet together and knees locked he wouldn't go down.
It is so damn common in Hollywood to see this kind of bullshit, but for it to bleed over into porn games, uuugh. I can see such kowtowing to the brain dead flaunting of reality that Hollywood tries to push in tv and movies because of the rampant cancel culture that abounds in that realm. But why is it showing up in such a niche medium like porn games?
I had a brief half second of hope that this encounter with Violet wouldn't turn into this brazen MC=sub bitch narrative that shows up so often. I should have known better. I wish there was a tag like 'female domination' but as it applies to the fantasies of the writers that could be applied so that these kind of ridiculous scenarios could be warned about before you were 75% of the way into the content. It's like having unavoidable ntr without the tag. Imagine how well that would go for a game around here?
Hah, I went a few scenes farther to see if there was any redemption and holy cow! I think they tripled down on this crap. So she now is gonna teach him how to punch, huh? Oh and in the shower scene he is watching her and can't dodge a bottle being thrown at him from across the shower room but he can dodge trained men throwing punches at him from a half-foot?
Wow, I wanted to give this a shot but I can't take so much of this. The MC goes from confident boxer to sub bitch in about 10 frames. I have a special folder that I have labelled Trash. It is usually reserved for games that have horrible engrish, bad stories that you can't even stomach and such irredeemable flaws. I think this belongs in there. Was ok from rounds 1 - 8, but took a long walk off the short pier in round 9.