Then tell me, what gene strengths you got for each trait and if genes can jump generations? Which traits are tracked in the genome? When is the gene set determined (if I pump out all the fluids from the kobold after or before the act, undoing the juice modifications, will the egg update the result?)? Also, what are the odds for each gender if partners aren't of the same gender and how are the traits determined when using the inflation machine and/or mixing the input genes from different kobolds? What, if any, chance is there for a random mutation resulting in a new trait that the parents didn't have? Also, which version were you playing because he already changed genetics twice, so any results you got might no longer be relevant?
Due to the way the energy system works, it'd take a lot longer to test all of this and that's assuming the game won't crash and the saves work properly. Currently, each time I load a save, I spawn next to the bed as a "placeholder" kobold and the one I was playing as when saving is standing where I was before. If I swap back to him and sell the placeholder one, the ATM spews out all the money I previously had, but there's no way to test if all the gene data I collected so far gets properly saved and loaded too.
Forgot to mention that there's now traits/genes for stuff that doesn't seem to have a reagent to mess with it, so it appears you can't improve/change those through breeding unless you just buy eggs from the store/casino and get a kobold that already has it at the level you want it at. Also, he just added mushrooms that make your colour more dull and decrease all your stats, but which stats those are and how much they get decreased by remains to be seen.