how do you unlock the new grinding machine?
Pretty sure the one by the spawnpoint is a new kind of a machine that's not implemented yet (seed extractor IIRC, so that you could grow fruit/crops on the field besides the eggs). The grinder(s) (because there's now 3 of them) were moved under the big crystal above the field. Generally, after the last major update everything was moved a bit further away, which might not have been the best idea in the same update that made GOING FAST a lot harder.
also the penetration doesnt line up properly so most of the sex looks like anal, which makes it weird when eggs come out, if there was some sort of way to choose which hole that would be cool
also, what about like shift click or something to do single grab when youve unlocked multiple grabs?
If you pick the double dick option the problem solves itself

. Also, while I don't think any sort of wiki/in-depth mechanics documentation for this game exists, at least not on this side of the paywall, a little bit of fun with the scanner tool proved that the orifice doesn't really matter and it looks to be intended (prevents getting stuck without the means to make more eggs).
As soon as you manage to get a certain amount of spunk (I think around 30 units) into any kobold (male, female, both and even the player kobold) through any means (spraying, feeding, intercourse and even just natural buildup) an egg will pop out after a few seconds. It's just a lot harder to cross that "egg laying threshold" when the 'bold you want to spawn an egg from has a dick, because that means there's a way for it to shoot out before you get there.
Also, while I agree about the need for the multi-grab toggle, shift+grab (the more powerful grab mode) already ignores multi-grab. If you want to split apart a lump of items to grab only one, you can shift grab them one by one out of your sight where they won't get stuck when you use the basic grab on the thing you actually want to touch. Not very convenient, but works for now.
Now for my own question:
Did anybody else notice that fluid transfer of any kind just stops working after a (not even that long) while in the newest build or is it just me?
It seems like as soon as I get a nice kobold farming pace going (nothing extreme even, like 4 grown kobolds total), I slowly stop being able to pour anything from one thing into another. This includes getting water into bottles (from the pond, the sink, the shower and the tub), using the tub for any kind of mixing and even simply pouring anything into the kobolds. I guess the lack of saving makes any kind of a longer play pointless anyway, since you can't save and return later, but getting soft locked out of the gameplay loop is pretty annoying anyway and the older version(s) lasted a lot longer even if they were more prone to crashes.
All that said, I like the base idea of this game and hope it will get refined into something a lot more solid over time.