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Active Member
Feb 6, 2019
So it looks like RX5 is in the OP now, I know that was out on patreon awhile ago and now we have the public build of it or whatever. If I already have the game installed and just want to install RX5 do I have to redownload the whole thing from the OP or is there a different way to update?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Can anyone point me in the right direction for more H positions in this game and how to install them correctly? Please and Ty!
Kplug, just copy the folders BepInEx, abdata, plugins, and UserData into the main game folder where the game exe is.

Ok, were is this special folder?

Also I can't find the kplug mod in the optional mods folder.
You have to create it yourself. Kplug has been dropped from the repack due to mod conflicts that rarely come up if they even exist. I have no personal experience with these conflicts except JannieReplacer, which is also gone, and the mod that lets you move a character's position in H, which was solved by changing some key binds. I can point you to where to get it yourself, though.

It says that there's rape in this game, but I can't find it. They say that comes with the darkness DLC, but I don't seem to have that installed. I downloaded the latest version available, so do I need to download something else? or am I missing something?
There are six personalities that can do it, have a girl with one of them follow you to the third floor and it is the first door on the left. If the girl has one of the six personalities, there will be a purple hand icon in front of that door and they will appear on the list when selecting a girl in Free H with the Darkness tab selected.

As I tried this (and deleted the RX4 version) I noticed that in the studio some assets, maps and items are missing in this version. I have some scenes I made that simply are black and filled with spheres (the game automatically changes the item to a sphere when not found).Does anyone have the old assets for the studio? How can i solve this?
It was probably in the Sideloader Modpack files, which are separated for space.

If you got the repack, HF Patch is not needed since HF Patch is for vanilla installs. See if the aforementioned character's clothes aren't outdated, just in case.

You cannot choose a female. You can make a trap or a futa as a male character but not a female.

First i hear of kfuta, though.

What was said above or loading a coordinate card per character then saving the character cards after loading the outfit one by one.

It does come with Darkness DLC which the repack has if you downloaded it. Not all personalities are compatible with it, though, only the ones that came with that DLC can be raped in a certain door in the school.

Did you make sure it's installed correctly and up to date? I really don't see why the sideloader modpack would remove assets just like that.

Judging by the fact that instead of updating, you downloaded it fully, i advise to double-check that the address /Mods/Sideloader Modpack - Studio/ exists in your install and that it has zipmods and folders inside it. You can always use KKManager to check for updates!
kfuta is a Kplug thing, it allows you to swap to a selected card on demand, usually a girl card, but any card is usable.

So I actually did this kfuta file thing with kplug but what does it do exactly? Is my character treated as a girl in the girl mode during sex or what?
It allows you to swap in another card to play as, usually a female, at will with the animations and everything. You still can't be penetrated, but it gives the walking animation and the kneeling pose.

I already downloaded the RX4 version. Is there a link for the update only? Or my only option is to redownload the whole thing?
At this point, your version may be too far behind, so it is safe to say that you're better off doing the full download.

kPlug gives me warnings about outdated mods when I enter the free H, but I havent installed any mods from the optional mod folder.
Possibly as a result of it being removed entirely as a warning that it is no longer maintained in the repack, but that is speculation. I have personally NEVER seen an outdated mod message for Kplug, though I always use the actual latest version being a patron of his.

Bit annoying to hit 'fill class' and when the game starts like 50% of the class is naked because whoever designed these cards didn't bother to give them costumes.

I mean, you can dump them with a generic schoolgirl outfit if you're lazy. Just put something in each slot.
I hate when they do that, extra work for me.

Okay I want to give some simple advice to stop people from making the same mistake I did. 1 The game on here is (Koikatu) not (Koikatu Party). Koikatu Party is the Western release of the game without the school setting. So don't go download both of them it's unnecessary. My huge mistake was downloading both of them not knowing better and put them inside the same folder and causing huge file space problem. 2. My second mistake was downloading the patch because the download already has the patch installed!? 3. So don't do the same thing I did and move cards from Emotion Creators to Koikatu. It won't work since I forgot that by moving Koikatu cards to Emotion Creators they are converted into Emotion cards and won't work on Koikatu anymore. 4. If someone tells you that you should download Koikatu Party over normal Koikatu DON'T LISTEN TOO THEM. I made the mistake of seeing someone post the download of Koikatu Party on here and assume you need it for the base game but you don't. Anyways don't make the same mistake I did. Just download the game and you should be good too go.
2. Actually, this one never needed the patch because it uses the Japanese version of the game, which never had the patched content removed.

4. I couldn't agree more, Party is completely unnecessary unless you actually want to buy it and support the devs.

What's the best english patch that can be used for the repack 5 edition that we have here, or has that already been used/updated into it? I'm asking as half of the characters I have in my school seem to be untranslated and several little bits, like waking up, are untranslated as well. But other parts are translated.

I've read a lot of the different patches options, looked up HF and other sources. But I'm still unsure on where to go with this and could use some recommendations.
The best is already installed, that would be the adapted English translation from the Party release of the game on Steam. The parts that are untranslated are handled by an internet based auto translator that usues the Google Translate server in real time, so make sure your internet is not having issues if it is not translating after a second or two. As for characters, only the base game, meaning no DLC, was translated by the developer for the Party version, so any character who is not was DLC. I think they simply overlooked the wake up scenes when waking up by yourself.

So it looks like RX5 is in the OP now, I know that was out on patreon awhile ago and now we have the public build of it or whatever. If I already have the game installed and just want to install RX5 do I have to redownload the whole thing from the OP or is there a different way to update?
It depends, if you have the version just before, you should be safe to use the updater in initsetting.exe and KKManager, but if not, you need to download the whole thing. It sounds like you weren't already on RX5, so you should download the whole thing for RX5.1.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2019
Alright thanks. I was last using repack RX4 so I'll just download it from the OP again, will take an hour or something but whatever. Will do.

Had alot of fun with RX4 but haven't played in a little while, hopefully there is some cool new features for RX5, it's hard to really wrap my head around how much changed just by reading the changelog.


Aug 30, 2018
somebody has a issue with Free H?
The game screen freezes when the loading bar is almost full..
infinite loading screen and high RAM consumption
Obs: i'm using the most recent BR and kplug 2.30


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Alright thanks. I was last using repack RX4 so I'll just download it from the OP again, will take an hour or something but whatever. Will do.

Had alot of fun with RX4 but haven't played in a little while, hopefully there is some cool new features for RX5, it's hard to really wrap my head around how much changed just by reading the changelog.
The OP is out of date, I suggest getting it here.


Sep 10, 2017
I torrent this and now I got 2 files. How do you install this again? I know you unzip the Koikatsu file first but what about the [OPTIONAL] file? Where do you unzip it or do you just throw it straight into the main folder?


Nov 25, 2019
I torrent this and now I got 2 files. How do you install this again? I know you unzip the Koikatsu file first but what about the [OPTIONAL] file? Where do you unzip it or do you just throw it straight into the main folder?
the answer is: depends...
some "optional, mods, plugins" can cause conflict with another "optional, mods, plugins"
if you want to play a normal koikatsu school concept or free h, you can avoid to install other parts.


Dec 25, 2019
As you said, I didn't update the game, I simply redownloaded it for the last version, using the download link on the main page. I checked the files and in the "[ScrewThisNoise] Koikatsu BetterRepack RX5 / mods" path there is no Sideloader Modpack - Studio folder in it (as you can see in the pic). The KKManager tho has no update for me and all the mods are enabled...
Jackpot! You need the Sideloader Modpack - Studio folder from if you downloaded it per parts. If you got it by torrent, it should've come with it, i think.

I already downloaded the RX4 version. Is there a link for the update only? Or my only option is to redownload the whole thing?
You have 2 options, redownload full or .

Are there any links to the DLC for standalone download, I've already got the game installed and setup.
If you downloaded BetterRepack, it does come with all the DLCs. Now if for whatever reason you need the base game vanilla with all dlcs, aforementioned repack and hit "Vanillify the game.bat".

Bit annoying to hit 'fill class' and when the game starts like 50% of the class is naked because whoever designed these cards didn't bother to give them costumes.

I mean, you can dump them with a generic schoolgirl outfit if you're lazy. Just put something in each slot.
Wait, that's actually a thing? Didn't know since i avoid boorus.

Okay I want to give some simple advice to stop people from making the same mistake I did. 1 The game on here is (Koikatu) not (Koikatu Party). Koikatu Party is the Western release of the game without the school setting. So don't go download both of them it's unnecessary. My huge mistake was downloading both of them not knowing better and put them inside the same folder and causing huge file space problem. 2. My second mistake was downloading the patch because the download already has the patch installed!? 3. So don't do the same thing I did and move cards from Emotion Creators to Koikatu. It won't work since I forgot that by moving Koikatu cards to Emotion Creators they are converted into Emotion cards and won't work on Koikatu anymore. 4. If someone tells you that you should download Koikatu Party over normal Koikatu DON'T LISTEN TOO THEM. I made the mistake of seeing someone post the download of Koikatu Party on here and assume you need it for the base game but you don't. Anyways don't make the same mistake I did. Just download the game and you should be good too go.
Weird, i've never heard of people saying that Koikatsu Party is better than regular Koikatsu. Where did you hear that?

What's the best english patch that can be used for the repack 5 edition that we have here, or has that already been used/updated into it? I'm asking as half of the characters I have in my school seem to be untranslated and several little bits, like waking up, are untranslated as well. But other parts are translated.

I've read a lot of the different patches options, looked up HF and other sources. But I'm still unsure on where to go with this and could use some recommendations.
The RX5 repack should already have the best translation possible, it's just not completed yet. I remember something about a poll being set up to determine what personality gets translated next but i can't remember who it was.

So it looks like RX5 is in the OP now, I know that was out on patreon awhile ago and now we have the public build of it or whatever. If I already have the game installed and just want to install RX5 do I have to redownload the whole thing from the OP or is there a different way to update?
You can , yes.

I torrent this and now I got 2 files. How do you install this again? I know you unzip the Koikatsu file first but what about the [OPTIONAL] file? Where do you unzip it or do you just throw it straight into the main folder?
Okay, unzip the Koikatsu zip as normal (if it has no extension, add a dot before 7z) and the Sideloader Modpack - Studio folder goes extracted inside /Mods, it should look like the other folders.

- - - -​

On an unrelated note, i've noticed there is now a functional MEGA link. How is this possible?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I torrent this and now I got 2 files. How do you install this again? I know you unzip the Koikatsu file first but what about the [OPTIONAL] file? Where do you unzip it or do you just throw it straight into the main folder?
the answer is: depends...
some "optional, mods, plugins" can cause conflict with another "optional, mods, plugins"
if you want to play a normal koikatsu school concept or free h, you can avoid to install other parts.
The optional file only applies to the studio, if you aren't going to make scenes or rendered screenshots like you see in some of the other games on here, you don't need it.

Jackpot! You need the Sideloader Modpack - Studio folder from if you downloaded it per parts. If you got it by torrent, it should've come with it, i think.

You have 2 options, redownload full or .

If you downloaded BetterRepack, it does come with all the DLCs. Now if for whatever reason you need the base game vanilla with all dlcs, aforementioned repack and hit "Vanillify the game.bat".

Wait, that's actually a thing? Didn't know since i avoid boorus.

Weird, i've never heard of people saying that Koikatsu Party is better than regular Koikatsu. Where did you hear that?

The RX5 repack should already have the best translation possible, it's just not completed yet. I remember something about a poll being set up to determine what personality gets translated next but i can't remember who it was.

You can , yes.

Okay, unzip the Koikatsu zip as normal (if it has no extension, add a dot before 7z) and the Sideloader Modpack - Studio folder goes extracted inside /Mods, it should look like the other folders.

- - - -​

On an unrelated note, i've noticed there is now a functional MEGA link. How is this possible?
The MEGA link is probably provided by another uploader, no way in hell is it STN after that little issue he had.
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Jul 8, 2019
Thanks for the response Alex, I didn't even know we needed the internet on to play. I wasn't downloading any characters so I had just kept it off while I played. Thanks for the heads up!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2018
Thanks for the response Alex, I didn't even know we needed the internet on to play. I wasn't downloading any characters so I had just kept it off while I played. Thanks for the heads up!
You don't need a connection to play the game...... you need the connections only for auto translation


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
That feature is no longer supported by the mod tho?
I haven't heard anything like that.

Thanks for the response Alex, I didn't even know we needed the internet on to play. I wasn't downloading any characters so I had just kept it off while I played. Thanks for the heads up!
You don't need a connection to play the game...... you need the connections only for auto translation
As MakotoYuki90 said, the internet is only necessary for the translation, but it is necessary unless you want to read the Japanese text. Also, that only applies to the DLC content, the base game uses the translation provided by the developer for their Steam release and adapted to the repack by its creator.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Wait, that's actually a thing? Didn't know since i avoid boorus.
... No, this was before downloading any extra cards.
Half the characters in the Rx5 repack don't have the proper outfits.

For that matter there's a weird bug where the outfit doesn't show up right in their walking-around character model, but does when you talk to them.
Not sure what's causing that or how to fix it.
She looked fine yesterday, now her whole outfit is stark white until I talk to her.

Also, what the fuck is Koikatsu Party?
How could you take this game and remove the school setting? That's like 99% of the game.
Literally what is even left? The character-creator and maybe a date-simulator?


Sep 6, 2018
... No, this was before downloading any extra cards.
Half the characters in the Rx5 repack don't have the proper outfits.

For that matter there's a weird bug where the outfit doesn't show up right in their walking-around character model, but does when you talk to them.
Not sure what's causing that or how to fix it.
She looked fine yesterday, now her whole outfit is stark white until I talk to her.

Also, what the fuck is Koikatsu Party?
How could you take this game and remove the school setting? That's like 99% of the game.
Literally what is even left? The character-creator and maybe a date-simulator?
Koikatsu Party is the Western Release of the game. For some reason I don't know why but in the west has a huge problem when a game has a school setting. I don't know if you know but a while back Patreon changed there whole format forbidding games that involves having school settings. They never explain why but it just became a thing. They change a lot more but I don't want to explain it since it started a whole drama. Let's just say it screw over a lot of creators that had games with school settings.


Sep 10, 2017
I got no idea what's what. In the Koikatsu main folder. Is the 'mods' folder different to '[OPTIONAL] Mods' folder? Which one is the activated mods folder? What are the things inside there? Also what is 'KKManager'?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
One thing that bothers me about this game is that when the girls invite you to do sex, they wanna go right there and then, in the cafeteria or whereever.

Didn't even Artificial Academy have a thing where they'd try to lead you somewhere unoccupied first?

Also, the ghost shilluete people work pretty well to make it feels like there are more than a couple dozen people in the whole school, but they don't vanish in private moments, which is kinda weird.

A girl will choose to masturbate in a gym storage room with three ghosts in it but freak out if someone comes in the door.
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