I tried to update my mods using the kkmamager, find some updates and also 13gb of updates sideloader mods for studio, is it necessary to install the studio one? bcs i dont even use the koikatsu studio, only the game, im afraid i'll broke the game
Not necessary, feel free to not download it.
Simple question: This IS the latest version of the game, right? Minus all the DLCs and Mods.
I love you so much my man.
Just a heads-up, the feature was added back a few versions prior.
So noob question but I downloaded this back in Febuary of this year and it was the R9.3 version but I'm gonna assume that by now it's outdated and I have to get the RX6 version right?
As it was already said, yes, very.
It's RX7 what you have to download, though. If you went for RX6,
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i deleted rx6 and am still dling rx7 (yay for shitty internet)
You must be registered to see the links
i'm pretty sure that most stuff in KK needs to stay zipped i'm checking by reinstalling rx6 on my end.
edit: ok so reinstalled rx6 somehow lost all the characters so had to import the default ones but after going trough initsettings and clicking the English flag it is in english altough it is a google translate for some lines i noticed they took a little time to change from jap to eng on screen
Does it happen with all text? I know DLC voices don't have translations so they're MTL.
And about the zipped stuff, only the zipmods stay zipped.
how to get rid of the bottom right performance stats?
kinnda annoyed me
F1, plugin settings, FPS counter or something like that.
is there a discord for this repack that i can join?
(to be more direct i mean one where i can speak. i want to upload my cards and be able to get feedback to better myself since i use this game to make bases for drawings as well as for others to use for their own reasons. im aware (and am in) the discord called "koikatsu!" but im pretty sure posting my stuff there will result in a ban since you dont gotta pay with the repack. so im just wondering if there is a fanmade discord server for this repack where i can post stuff. i would post cards here but knowning how toxic boards like these can get im kinda scared to. plus my stuff is bad (hence the wanting feedback).)
Not that i know of, are boorus good for it or do you just want the feedback?
I think this thread could be good for the latter, it'd be nice if more people shared stuff here like they do in the HS2 thread, tbh.
Sorry, but do you know if there is a difference between the RX6 and RX7?
It seems to me it is the same as the previous one.
It's mainly a plugin updates pack so there's not a lot of noticeable difference unless you come from several versions back, tbh.