I'm not sure of how to scale the girls other than changing the number in the plugin settings, but I do know the randoseru at the top of the screen, that's the red backpack, activates it. Watch out, there is a video that plays if you deactivate it while in the maker.
Yeah, that's the basic way to use it.
I was thinking about downloading the plugin, decompiling it back in code (need to look online how to) and add other values for making them chibi form instead of loli form.
But as you can see in the original page,
there is a way to turn them into chibi form right away.
And I have no idea how.
There is an explanation there, but since I'm just using an online translation I can't understand it.
Anyone here knows Japanese to help me?
think I make a folder just for the templates and name the new forms as "chibi" for the new default, or a 3-heads form? Not sure. And as the personalities to use that template to that personality.
But do I use the english name or the japanese word?
And very important, at a point it seems to say that for chibi form I need to have activate the ABMX option, but it also seems later that for that form
cannot have activated it? Also it seems ABMX option means the template's full body shape, not just for a formula, meaning any changes made with the yellow sliders are undone?