They do have to be fully experienced for a threesome. The in-game manual says "experienced" for threesomes, while for joining a girl who's masturbating only requires her to "not be a virgin". I can bear out that "experienced" for threesomes is correct, based on my own playthrough. Threesomes absolutely would not trigger until both girls were fully experienced, even if they were 100% experienced in everything except one thing.
For Kplug's group sex feature, it only requires her to be not a virgin, to be invited, but that's not part of the game's native threesome mechanic, which is what I'm referring to.
I have experience that says otherwise, so it might depend on how the girl is set up. Also, no, Kplug can pull virgins in for its group sex feature, but they won't let you strip them completely while they are part of the background group. It takes the actual experienced state for them to accept full nudity while in the background group.
Guys, I had like an older version (I think it was the Flash Repack for version 5.8.2 or something), then I downloaded this repack and is like it has much less stuff than the one I had. I'm not able to uncensor the male character and some girls are like without their pussy :V not to mention that because this reapack is missing stuff many girls got messed up.
I notice this reapack has a lot of adittional mods and stuff, but I don't know how to make 'em work, can anyone help me?
Use the Uncensor Selector section of the full body, second, category of the character maker to switch to an uncensored penis and a vagina that actually appears, it is likely that they defaulted to their default Japanese state, but I can't say why since I have never seen this happen. It is likely that this Flash Repack did not use the Uncensor Selector mod, which could explain this, but I can't tell for sure. The reason it seems to have less is one of two things, either the thing missing was no longer being supported by the modder who created it and it had some issues that remained in this final state or the thing missing is not compatible with a mod included in Better Repack. As for the additional mods, they are all sorted into the folder they would go into. You will notice each is separated into folders like BepInEx or abdata, those folders match folders already in the game files, most with the game exe. Just copy those matching folders to the folder with the game exe and the files and folders inside will go where they are supposed to.
The file in first part is corrupted it won't let me to extract or see the content of the zip file it also won't let me to repair it any solutions?
View attachment 941999
That's a common error, the file isn't actually corrupt, the extraction program, WinRAR in your case, is just having issues. I would suggest updating it to see if that helps.
Yo, I got public version of thinggy and I worry it may screw my other mods that came with repack so
View attachment 942011
I could try manual install myself and remove few stuff but not so sure if game going to be ok
It WILL uninstall any mod listed as a compatibility issue, check the compatibility PDF to see which ones will be removed. I would definitely suggest a manual install on this one, just copy the folders to the same folder as the game exe.
Thanks Alex2011 but i got it working yesterday, i was missing a step i had to do, it was actually pretty easy to install once i get it
I see, glad you got it.