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Aug 18, 2019
for kplug since people say it works in rx7. Do I need to do anything special to get it to work? Can I just use the installer? should I do the "remove conflicting mods" option? There seems to be a lot of different things being said and i'm just kinda confused on how to make it work


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
What's the difference between koikatsu and koikatsu party? should I get both?
Party is the Steam version. It has the the school setting removed, but you can download the official (free) patch from Illusion's website to restore it.

The repack includes the original Japanese version (but translated), and doesn't work with Party. I think there is a version for Party, but doesn't have as many mods.
The Party Modpack has also been discontinued and has been out of development for a long time now. It is suggested you use the normal repack, the one using the Japanese version of the game.

To be more specific, Party is the official translation, BetterRepack has a fanmade one.
On the BetterRepack site you can get the version of BetterRepack for Party. It has the DLC an deverything, BUT it is not going to be updated anymore. It says to either use something like ManlyMarco's HF Pack or go for the japanese version that comes with the usual BR.

From what was said here earlier, that may be from kplug. But be aware it has compatibility issues with some plugins, so read the instructions when installing.
It has the same non-mod content, although Party's official translations are probably a bit better than the fan translation. But the mod repack for the non-Party version has more mod content.
Better Repack uses a fan adapted version of the official translation. The translation itself is the one that comes with Party, but it has been altered under the hood so that it works on the Japanese version of the game.

Ah thanks So is there one better then the other or anything like that? or is it personal preference?
Because it is still being updated, I would say the original Japanese version Better Repack, that's the repack that uses the Japanese version of the game, is better.

I only have RX4, can i use the upgrade only download, or do I need to be at RX6 to use it? If I do need to be at RX6, where can I get the links to the "upgrade only download" from 4->5 then from 5->6?
You'll need the full pack, you're too far behind.

Is it really "fixed" I just downloaded it, and it said it is corrupted? well its the all in one pack, maybe I should just download it one by one...
My achrive is always damaged any problem fix?
my win rar achrive when i try to unzip the downloaded file
If it stops extracting after you close the 'corrupt file' message, it is corrupt. If it keeps going, update your extractor.

how can i setting the in game language to english ?
It already is in English, there is only Japanese for a second or two when DLC content is involved. That was not officially translated and is done in real time by a mod.

Hello, Can we play the Darkness level janitor for all the other scenes ?
Darkness is in the repack, yes, not sure what you mean by other scenes. There is only sex involving the janitor and one of the girls with one of the six possible personalities with Darkness.

All the cheap tiers are sold out and I don't want to pay 10$. That's why I asked here.
The cheap tiers go fast, he literally just opened up more last week or maybe the week before. As for the mod, people typically don't share patron only versions here, there is a free one that does not require you to become a patron.

It was already enabled, but wasn't working with RX8, reverting back to my RX7 backup fixes that issue. The main problem I have is that something in the RX8 update broke the Character Maker, and going back doesn't fix that. I'll probably need to download the full RX8.
Sounds like a mod bug with the class thing, but a repack bug in the maker. Looks like I'm sticking with RX7 for another release.

from the post of this forum I read that it should be out public for January, but I'm not sure, these are things that I have read here and I have never followed this mod.
He has said early January.

What about kPlug for RX8 ? Can install without any problem ?
kplug is always tricky. some of the plugins in both better repack and hf pack are not compatible and will give errors when used together, but the installer of kplug could remove plugins that have no real problem.
you will have to install by hand following the instructions.
I've only ever had problems with mods that no longer exist in Better Repack because other mods took over. That said, there is a compatibility issue list in the Kplug files, I suggest reading it, and DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, use the Kplug installer because it WILL remove things regardless of how severe the compatibility issue is or if the mod being removed has functions that Kplug does not. Example, Become Trap, I'm pretty sure, is on that list. Kplug allows you to transform into a futa that uses a girl model with an attached dick, but the girls will still react as if you are a boy if you are caught in the locker or shower areas. Become Trap disables this reaction or at least tones it down to an intro line when they talk to you or you to them.

Thanks. What last free version of kPlug i can use with RX8 ?
the very latest public one, very likely. as long as you follow the instructions right.

compatibility is not something you can just use an older version of one of them.
it is basically... both plugins change this same place in the code. sometimes that place can be changed in a way both plugins changing there work. when there is a compatibility problem, it is because the way one changes it does not work with the changes the other one did. Sometimes you just need to change some options for them to work together in part, other times iti is just impossible.

The good thing is, BetterRepack is a bunch of plugins, not just one big one. That is why it is called a "pack". And only some of those have problems with kplug.

The kplug instructions should tell you what can be used with it with some small changes, and what needs to be removed completelly for kplug to work.
I'm pretty sure he was asking what the latest public version is, which is 2.4 with 7 releases after being patron only at this time. Public releases are done roughly around every .1 added to the version number, so 2.5 will be next and that will be soon, specifically some time in early January.

"archive"? what do you mean?

on other news, manlymarco updated the hf pack.
Archive = files like .zip or .rar. That's the technical term used to describe the file type, it is called an archive file.

do the kplug works on your rx8? last i updated mine my koikatsu went awol and freeze entirely, so im redownloading everything again, need to know if it work in rx8 otherwise i might just used rx7
can anybody please give me confirmation if kplug works on rx8 or not??? i don't want to be wasting time downloading rx8 if it turns out that kplug won't work in it...
I've heard of other issues that I would say warrant not using RX8, specifically with the maker being buggy.

Sorry for late reply. idk how to say this. Kplug its work with my RX8 because i see Smart UI in game and i can open Shortcut list (S) but i cant open some menu like Pose selector (U) idk why.. just 70% working ?

i use Kplug 2.4 Public Version and use installer that inside rar
(maybe i dont need to check Remove mods with compatibility issues ?)
I would suggest keeping the remove mods box empty because it doesn't let you choose. Some of the mods are only removed because, supposedly, Kplug does what they do, but I know of at least one mod that it says it does and it does not. That was the Become Trap mod I mentioned earlier.

Hi, I'm new here. Is the current download link for everything up to date? I checked out a page about a patch or something coming out yesterday? I have nothing downloaded so does the all in one link have everything I need?

Edit: I found the X8 torrent with people commenting as soon as 2 hours ago so I guess I'm good?
The thread has not been updated to RX8 because there are MAJOR issues in RX8, I suggest waiting for RX9.

How do I create futa characters? I see some penis accessories and other stuff in the crotch options in the female character builder but do those actually work? am I going have to do more stuff for futa to use their penis or something?
Create a female card, open the folder outside the game, drag the female card onto the game window while the male character maker is open. This will change the model to that of the girl, which then can use male positions with a female model.

how I can add item to studio? I have found a weapon that I want to add , in which folder should I put it? or I need to do something else?
It has to be modded in unless it is already in a file type the game uses like zipmod.

Does anyone know what version of the game kplugcore will have or how can I download and install it?
Kplug doesn't have the game in it, you have to add it to a copy you get separately. You can get it at

Yes. i think we need to waiting. i got same problem as you. the public Kplug only work 100% on RX7
yeah i tested it too, nothing works on rx8 so if anyone want to use kplug they need to use rx7, guess we'll have to wait for the next public release, which prolly not gonna take too long seeing the kplug is at .6 version now
Considering the issues with RX8, it might not even be a Kplug problem. Kplug has its issues, or so I've read, but the issues with RX8 by itself tell me there is a distinct possibility this isn't Kplug's fault.

Hello to all, one question, Koikatu - FlashBangZ or [ScrewThisNoise] Koikatsu BetterRepack ??
Better Repack, no contest.

He does? That's low.

for kplug since people say it works in rx7. Do I need to do anything special to get it to work? Can I just use the installer? should I do the "remove conflicting mods" option? There seems to be a lot of different things being said and i'm just kinda confused on how to make it work
I suggest NOT using the installer. All you have to do for a manual install is copy the Kplug folders that match folders where the exe file for the game is. abdata to abdata, BepInEx to BepInEx. The exception is the plugins folder in the Kplug files, that is the only folder with no matching folder in the game files, but it still goes with the exe. No, under absolutely no circumstances should you allow the installer to uninstall anything, if you're going to uninstall mods that are listed, do it yourself. The installer removes EVERY mod listed and some of the mods are listed just because they do things Kplug claims to, at least one of those claims, Become Trap, not being true. In that specific example, I think there's a misunderstanding of the difference between what Become Trap does and what Kplug's futa mode does. Futa mode changes your appearance, but Become Trap changes NPC behaviors. I use both in combination because it just doesn't look right when NPC girls are panicking because a futa, which are usually counted as just girls with something extra, entered a girls only area. Become Trap allows you to disable the panic reaction in favor of them saying special lines when conversations start in a girls only area. However, as far as I am aware, the Kplug installer removes Become Trap.
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Active Member
Mar 7, 2018
Sounds like a mod bug with the class thing, but a repack bug in the maker. Looks like I'm sticking with RX7 for another release.
So, I downloaded the full RX8 and everything works fine, except for a slight oddity with the new hand positions and arms being stuck to the character's sides in Maker.

Edit: Also wanted to add that if you have a futa/trap character as a school student, make sure to change the default "Bulge in the pants, tent in the woods" setting to something lower than 50%, or set it for each futa/trap character. Otherwise, things will look fucking weird.
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Dec 14, 2017
How does one fix the missing two positions once you install the HF patch? Because both sitting and desk get auto booted, but the said positions are still useable if you use cheat engine, but it becomes scuffed and you either clip through a wall or float midair on either the bed or floor


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
What is the best place to find scenes? The booru doesn't have a lot
That's basically it, you could also try the Discord.

How does one fix the missing two positions once you install the HF patch? Because both sitting and desk get auto booted, but the said positions are still useable if you use cheat engine, but it becomes scuffed and you either clip through a wall or float midair on either the bed or floor
Sounds like a patch issue, I would suggest waiting for the next version and overwriting the patch you installed with that. Yes, these patches can be used on top of each other.


Nov 2, 2020
Hey guys, I got following bug in the clothes load option in the char maker. Anybody knows the solution? Strangely enough this bug only appears if I load a save file.
Hi guys, i'm having the same bug as his, wondering if anyone has the solution for this? :cry:


Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
I've heard of other issues that I would say warrant not using RX8, specifically with the maker being buggy.

The thread has not been updated to RX8 because there are MAJOR issues in RX8, I suggest waiting for RX9.
I downloaded the full pack and I have no problems, the only thing is that when I open the in-game menu the girls get stuck, but just talk to them to solve it.
I had a lot more problems with the rx7, clothes clipping with Forcehightpoly and no , and the super slow maker.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I downloaded the full pack and I have no problems, the only thing is that when I open the in-game menu the girls get stuck, but just talk to them to solve it.
I had a lot more problems with the rx7, clothes clipping with Forcehightpoly and no , and the super slow maker.
I don't have any problems in RX7, I'm holding off until RX9 due to the reported issues in RX8. The clothes clipping is an extremely common Unity issue and is likely just Unity being Unity, but the girls getting stuck is enough to warrant a skip until next version. That's at about the same level as a bug that was going with the dialogue helper mod in RX5, the one that gives arrows pointing at the correct choices, where it just wouldn't show the arrow and none of the answers counted as right even though you selected the correct one. Example, even a girl with small breasts would give a negative response if you said you preferred small breasts while this bug was in effect. Not game breaking, just like this new girls getting stuck bug, because it can be fixed while in game when it occurs, but it is annoying enough to not play for a while.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
How come this is a Unity issue? Do other engines have the same issue?
Ok, just to make it clear, Koikatsu is made in Unity, not the other way around.
If you want to work with another engine, it will mean not dealing with Koikatsu at all.

Ok, so.
This is a graphics thing. Probably related to collision.
Unless the cloth has some special collision and physics added, like a cape with cloth-based flow and gravity, models can't just be put on top of each other.
Koikatsu uses some of them. In hair, skirts and other clothes, necklaces.
Problem 1 is... not everyone that does the extra pieces will add those. Hell, some shirts have a hole on the nipples or around the breasts if they are made too big. Others, on the other hand, work perfectly fine. More clearly visible if you use a school uniform, as those shirts have two layers and sometimes they... "conflict". It is fine, of course, those are fan creations. Still annoying to look for a proper one.
Problem 2 is, the more realistic the physics the heavier it will be on the computer. So at most expect the flowing mechanics to stay on things related to hair and skirt and just a few accessories.
Problem 3 is, if two things are rendered on the same place how would they choose what to do? For example, a long shirt with a puffy skirt, or a puffy shirt with a skirt with a corset? That kinda combines problems 1 and 2...

As you can see, that is not really an easy thing to solve. Not without making the game pretty heavy, and even so will depend a lot on the people who made the pieces.
Dec 10, 2019
Ok, just to make it clear, Koikatsu is made in Unity, not the other way around.
If you want to work with another engine, it will mean not dealing with Koikatsu at all.
Yes, I know.

Ok, so.
This is a graphics thing. Probably related to collision.
Unless the cloth has some special collision and physics added, like a cape with cloth-based flow and gravity, models can't just be put on top of each other.
Koikatsu uses some of them. In hair, skirts and other clothes, necklaces.
Problem 1 is... not everyone that does the extra pieces will add those. Hell, some shirts have a hole on the nipples or around the breasts if they are made too big. Others, on the other hand, work perfectly fine. More clearly visible if you use a school uniform, as those shirts have two layers and sometimes they... "conflict". It is fine, of course, those are fan creations. Still annoying to look for a proper one.
Problem 2 is, the more realistic the physics the heavier it will be on the computer. So at most expect the flowing mechanics to stay on things related to hair and skirt and just a few accessories.
Problem 3 is, if two things are rendered on the same place how would they choose what to do? For example, a long shirt with a puffy skirt, or a puffy shirt with a skirt with a corset? That kinda combines problems 1 and 2...

As you can see, that is not really an easy thing to solve. Not without making the game pretty heavy, and even so will depend a lot on the people who made the pieces.
From the sound of it, this would be an issue no matter what engine Koikatu had been made in. But alex implied it was a Unity-specific issue.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
How come this is a Unity issue? Do other engines have the same issue?
It is a Unity issue because Unity has a big problem with clothes clipping. This has actually plagued multiple games on this site, some of which are using their own models instead of Illusion assets. It's just something that happens that only the Unity engine developers, not the people making games with the Unity engine, can fix IF it is fixable at all.


Feb 16, 2019
What is Disable NSFW Content / Active Console / Active RimRemover / Active Stiletto

Can anyone explain ?
Dec 10, 2019
It is a Unity issue because Unity has a big problem with clothes clipping. This has actually plagued multiple games on this site, some of which are using their own models instead of Illusion assets. It's just something that happens that only the Unity engine developers, not the people making games with the Unity engine, can fix IF it is fixable at all.
What causes the Unity engine to have this problem, and other engines not to?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
I saw another Koikatu page on another website with an "RX8" on it. Is that one legit?


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
What is Disable NSFW Content / Active Console / Active RimRemover / Active Stiletto

Can anyone explain ?
Disable NSFW basically turns it into Party without the adult content patch, active console runs a command prompt when the game starts and while it stays running so you can see what it is doing under the hood, not sure about rim remover, and stiletto is a high heel mod.

What causes the Unity engine to have this problem, and other engines not to?
Code in the engine itself, probably a simple typo given how relatively minor the issue is. Not exactly sure what code, I would have to take it apart and look at every single line.

I saw another Koikatu page on another website with an "RX8" on it. Is that one legit?
I would suggest going here instead since this is the official page for the repack: I would also suggest not getting RX8 because of some issues that could be considered moderate to severe.
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Nov 2, 2020
Hi guys, does inside the folder "[ScrewThisNoise] Koikatsu BetterRepack RX7/mods/Sideloader Modpack" only contain modded clothes and textures?
If it does then if I just delete all inside that folder will it affect anything? Will it make the game character maker load any faster?

Because I mostly just use vanilla clothes and textures so if deleting the modded clothes and textures stuff boosts the maker a bit then it sounds goods for me.
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