What do you mean? I run MGS5 in an laptop with a Nvidia 710m. That card is slightly above Intel HD4k which is the absolute bottom wheel of graphic cards. I'm serious, my card is awful, it cannot run anything above 15fps. It is a miracle that Fox Engine is optimized in a way that it allows the game to go above 30fps.
I mean without dedicated graphics, no graphics capability whatsoever outside the motherboard, also known as integrated graphics. The 710m is a dedicated graphics card, so it automatically doesn't count in this regard. I'll give an example, my old main laptop, which unfortunately decided it had enough in 2015 and caused a nearly year long search for the machine I have now, has no dedicated graphics card, it came with Intel integrated graphics, which are undeniably the worst you can get, even with the best processor they have in production. Even the 710m could beat integrated graphics by a noticeable margin.
I have an issue with a Studio. All of the male characters are loading with female bodies and no balls. (I am using a kPlug btw.) I am unable to use UncensorSelector to change manually the bodies of the characters because it will have compability issues with the kPlug.
Can anyone tell me how I can resolve that? Like are there any mods for that or something?
Also do anyone have a name of the mod/ plugin that will allow to project screens/images on the scenes in Studio like for that case on the screenshot? The circled place should be showing the girl crotch like it was recorded from laptop.
Kplug has no studio functionality.
Does anyone know which mods cause major fps drops? The game unmodded runs smooth, but after installing Kplug with kplugcore.exe, and the premodded ones (used KK Manager) only the H scenes get a huge fps drop. "Wandering around" has stable fps.
I realized Force High Poly mod causes huge performance drop. Does anyone know what else? Thanks!
64gb ram
Adding any number of students above the default maximum, that means how many you can load with no mods. Kplug CAN drop FPS, though I don't have this issue. Force High Poly WILL drop FPS. Lewdcrest reportedly drops FPS. I can't think of anything else. I decided to list everything I knew, including the ones you already mentioned, just in case somebody reads the thread.
Not blaming kPlug, chill out. As for the Uncensored Selector I do not have those options at the Chara State. Also in the Chara Maker those are not visible. I assume I need to re-install that mod manually or via KK Manager but then it can cause issues when I play in Story mode (with kPlug installed) so I am confused on what is the best approach to resolve that issue. Also for the mentioned screen camera mod, are you able to direct me to it? I have some difficulties finding it.
Despite being a listed incompatibility, some of us have not had an issue. I am one such person. I have only ever had an issue with a mod that has been gone for a while now.
Its Kplug, I did a clean install without it and was sitting at 100-120fps even during scenes but adding kplug it drops down to 20-30fps during H-scenes and even worse with multiple girls,I'm guessing something was changed because RX5 + Kplug you could have 3-4 girls in H-Scene the FPS barely dropped but now its completely tanks. I scoured the files to see whats causing the drop, High Poly mod would be the main culprit but I can't find it anywhere unless its baked into Kplug.
And I'm running a RTX3080 + 32GB of Ram
Never had an FPS drop with Kplug except with multiple girls in H, which is GOING to happen. Every girl is being loaded into RAM when they are added to the class and their state at any given time while roaming changes within RAM, which is why FPS takes a slight hit when they all decide to change clothes at exactly the same time. When you add more than one of them by ANY means in H, Kplug or even the official in game method, they are added in their high poly state, which is effectively the same as having every girl you just loaded into H added to one class with Force High Poly enabled.
GTX 1060 and 24GB RAM on my end running RX7.
I'm on a much weaker computer, but I can do 6+ girls in H with no problem. This is kplug with RX6. No Force High Poly.
Exactly, I can run the full 11-13, I forget how many Kplug maxes out at, on a noticeably weaker machine.
where I'm supposed to extract the sideloader-modpack-studio.rar
Into the mods folder, where the other Sideloader folders are in the game files.
Why the girls still pregnent even i turned off
Did you turn it off in the settings or on her settings in the character maker? The girls are loaded into the save once they are loaded into the class. The data is no longer being pulled from their card, but from the copy of their data in the save. This way you can run multiple saves using the same girl because each save has a separate copy of her data. You can also make changes that will only apply in that save without saving to the card because of this.
I'm not sure if pregnancy can even be altered on a girl from her loaded data, it may have to be done from the main menu maker, which will save only to the card, and the card may have to be reloaded into the save with the new pregnancy values.
That said, if you changed the global value in the game settings, it SHOULD take effect on the next day or you may have to go out to the main menu to have it apply.
I have a question, this version that's posted right now, It has all of the Vanilla game + DLCs, or it comes with mods placed along? I mean the kind of unnecesary mods. Not ones which enchance
It comes with everything the developer made plus multiple mods, unnecessary mods is dependent on the player, so I can't say if it comes with unnecessary mods.
well at least I half figured it out, Its only dropping in Story mode (RX7/Kplug)
Free H=120-140 FPS during H-scene (90FPS with multiple girls)
Story Mode H scene= 40 FPS during H-scene (20-30 with multiple girls)
but why the drop? RX5 multiple girls no fps drop but RX7 story mode can't handle the same thing?
Maybe, i say maybe, isn't confirmed from anybody. Is possible in story mod the girls in your class still run inside the school, so actualy in h-scene there more that 20-30 characters, example you have 20 characters in the school, but with kplug you have another 20 temporany character in that h-scene. Or The characters still run inside the school even they are in h-scene or the high poly in story mode take the double source system. I say again this was never confirmed.
About RX7 i think there some mod that slown down the frame, example characters that use a heavy overlay texture or a characters that use many, many ,many accessory.
I think you're right, this explains how they are able to join when you start H with one girl while another is in the room. It SEEMS to unload girls at the exact moment the dialogue before H is over, but then there's that option in the corner that says 'you feel someone's gaze' or something like that.