Can someone help?
Recently when ever I use free h the game just crashed, but everything else is fine.
Is it because my computer can't handle it?
No, if it can't handle Free H, it should be crashing in story as well whenever you start H scenes there. It sounds like there's a bug in one of the mods or a severe conflict, but I couldn't identify it without pulling every mod individually until it stops crashing.
That has to be new.
I used to be able to download models through it just fine without a VPN.
EDIT: I just read the wiki, was that mirror server for models normally accessed through the game?
Depending on when it shut down, I might be worrying about nothing.
It isn't new, it has been around a long time, but there was indeed a point when there was no geo block involved. I think Illusion caught on to the modding community's effort to allow access and that's when they geo blocked it. That server is only supposed to be accessible in Japan, unlike the game itself.
There is a rip available on STN's usual torrent site for uploading Better Repack and I think a MEGA as well.
Ok, so... since it's unclear, help me understand.
Does the RX8/9/10 version of the game contain all of the dlc or not?
On the Better Repack site it doesn't seem to say. The Skul&bones patch notes that it does contain all DLC, but that's only for the steam version that had most of the game's content hacked out anyway.
The Koikatu Release 10 (which I assume is the default) has an image up saying "Koikatu: After school"
Does that mean that it only contains DLC's 1&2 but not darkness?
For that matter, what did each DLC actually add to the game? Summer DLC (??? Costumes, maybe?) After School added dates on sundays, right? Or did it just expand on them? Were they in the base game at all?
Darkness added something with the janitor, but i've seen people mentioning 'darkness mode' too, so did it add a new game-mode or what?
And Koikatu : Summer is an actual sequel, yes?
Edit: So I updated to the latest version of RX and that very clearly installed Darkness, since it changed the home-screen.
I also let it install the darkness theme
The thing that changed the whole h-scene UI into black and white.
Is there an easy way to undo this? Because tbh it looks like shite.
Edit2: Reran the RX10 update and pressed no this time and it looked like that worked (and I hope it didn't break anything) but it looks like the new home-screen was linked to the theme?
That's so weird.
The home-screen should update with every DLC so you know which version you're on, but it shouldn't ruin the ingame UI at the same time.
All DLC are in the game. RX10 is the first version to contain the new After Party release, which was taken from the Party version of the game.
Darkness added the ability to take a girl with one of 6 personalities up to the third floor to be raped by the janitor with you as a second guy, or maybe it is you as the primary guy and the janitor is the secondary, still not sure of the context there because it is machine translated up to RX10. That IS Darkness Mode.
After School adds an expansion to the dating function, the first date being the only one that is part of the base game as you will be able to tell by an actual human translation, a new intimacy stat that unlocks new date locations for the date expansion, you can find this on the F4 menu as the heart gauge, the ability to find girls in lesbian H or for girls to spy on your H, and the ability to interrupt any girl who is peeping on you or who you are peeping on during masturbation or lesbian H to join them. I think one or more personalities came with this as well.
The rest is basically more clothes and personalities. There are 8 personalities in the DLC for the JP version of the game, but I forget which ones are which aside from a couple like returnee.
There is no Koikatsu Summer, but if you meant Sunshine, then yes, that is an entirely different game based around the Koikatsu system.
There is no change to the main menu through the Darkness DLC, that is a mod, same for a black and white UI. To undo it, just find and remove the DLL file for it, should be somewhere in the BepInEx folder.
The ONLY change the DLC made to the main menu or any UI was to add indicators and buttons for when a girl was peeping on your H scenes, when you were peeping, and the version number for the game on the main menu.
not sure what they call Summer dlc. so I assume is the swimsuit pack and some floaters.
but the main DLC for the game were the
"personality add-on pack" that combined with a free patch added new positions, clothes and 4 new personalities.
"after school" which added threesomes, out of campus dating spots, more clothes and items, and 4 more personalities.
darkness... well there is that one too. only 1 new scene in a "secret room" only for 6 personalities that were picked by a poll. (there was a door on on one of the upper floors, only active if you a heroine of those 6 personalities were following you)
basically you forced yourself into the girl with the help of a janitor. but in the end you and the girl forget that happens (dream, delirium or something else) and didn't have consequences, since no one remembers a thing after it happens. but that's it.
And "koikatsu Sunshine" is going to be a standalone sequel. the base game is not required according to the home page.
I THINK the context of Darkness was that you were taking her to a more private place fully intending for sex to happen on both sides of the relationship, but it was a trick to bring her to the janitor, and I think she got drugged off screen or something to make her forget or think it wasn't real. I just get that feeling, but I can't tell since it was machine translated the last time I used it.
I've used OSM in the past to capture video, but the quality begins to hinder when stitching things together. I figured the studio would be a great way to line up scenes and just press "play/record". Any idea of a good guide to how the studio works?
The BetterRepack RX10 should have all the DLCs included. I've read there was a new one released recently called 'After Party', and if that is true, the repack doesn't have it as of yet.
Unfortunately not, I've only figured things out by trial and error so far. RX10 has been said to have After Party, by the way, and it is a DLC for the Stem version that brings a, potentially limited, version of the JP DLCs to Party, but also a translation for the included parts. That's what I have come to understand by its Steam page, anyway.
Do you know if the RX10 has any dlc that RX9 did not have? I am thinking of upgrading to RX10 but only if there are more clothing options, I am currently running RX9 with hfpatch and kplug
Technically both yes and no, yes it does include After Party, which was released after RX9, but After Party seems to be a translated version of the original DLCs if I read the Steam page crrectly, it probably also has some things stripped from it that needs yet another patch off of Steam because school settings in adult games are a no fly zone with Steam apparently. I could be wrong on the patch, I've only ever played a machine translated version of the JP DLCs.
I believe since RX7 or RX8, there hasn't been any improvements/new official dlc. Maybe even further back too, so you should be good to update. I've always updated just to update, and put my trust in ScrewThisNoise in knowing what should be included or not.
I wouldn't say I put my trust in STN after the whole Kplug debacle, but I do update the repack as well just for the sake of having it up to date. I keep two copies now, one with Kplug and one with LewdCrestX, which because of LewdCrestX being a successor to the original LewdCrest mod, I don't trust it to work with Kplug.
You are correct in that nothing new has been released on the JP version, the After Party DLC is for Party, the Steam version, and it seems to be the original JP DLCs with a translation, but I could be wrong. The Steam page can be confusing sometimes. Whoever they have working on that isn't nearly as good at English as the ones doing the official translation in game, no offense to Illusion staff, of course, I mean no disrespect and actually have a level of respect for what they do second only to that I hold for the military, medical personnel, and first responders.