Ok, so. You need to periodically update your better repack/hf pack, where plugins and the like get updates.
But for clothes and the like, after you update it all, on the "executable" window there is an "update" button that opens a manager that automatically updates the latest clothes packs and the like.
Onto my own things
Since I could not find someone who already made clothes for the MMPR, I did my own.
Well, for Pink and Yellow. (technically Yellow is a recolored Pink with no skirt, and if recolored to black blue or red it could also work for the guys... of the base 5, only Pik has anything different without the helmet...)
Plus Green, a base and dragonfzord versions.
Because in the movie it seems about confirmed Rita was once the Green Ranger before Tommy,
and Tommy could give his power for Jason at the end of his run as green (when his energy was drained by the candle), so it made sense to me that it was an external power-up that Rita got and gave Tommy to use on the other rangers while he was evil, and since no one else knew that was not the base form already...
I did no helmets. I already did my best with the plate for the Dragon Form, and as you can see that one is clearly not that great.
On the other hand, one step already done on my way to my own version of Powered Stranger. Shame it was abandoned.