VN - Others - Completed - Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort [Final] [Pulltop Latte]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all i am not the regular VN player, mostly because of the intimidating length some VN have but after playing Konosora & spending so many hours with all of the loving characters + going down all of their routes i longed for something else.

    This VN is somewhat different but that is mostly for the fact of the first act that actually ruined all other possible routes for me right from the beginning.

    Instead of introducing all of the characters on an equal footing you basically "winning over" the first love interest and main heroine right in the prologue before you meet any other girl.

    You are also "forced" to lie to everyone right at the beginning and pretending to be in a relationship with the first heroine to continue beeing able to work at the resort where this VN takes place.

    Right that for me is the biggest weak point of the VN. If it was a kinetic novel than it wouldnt be a problem, it would be in fact even much better.

    So i can only rate Umis route because it is the only route i played & it will stay that way because of how they handled the story from the beginning.

    The main story itself about the resort is really not noteworthy at all tbh. There are no deep secrets or a big revelations at the end (at least in Umis route) Its really just the mainpiece used to spin the story of the romantic relationship and all the troubles about that with the heroines.

    While the beginning is the biggest weakpoint for basically all other routes, in case of Umis route it is actually also the strongest point of the game.

    Umi is an absolute adorable heroine and the whole story about MC & Umi is the most wholesome thing i came across in a while. All of the conversations & situations are written with so much love + the VA makes a splendid job transfering those emotions into spoken words. The sex scenes are really fitting but never feel forced & getting more and more after reaching further into the relationship.

    I think if you want a very wholesome time with a lot of romance and without much drama you should at least give Umis route a try. She also kinda reminds me of Kotori from Konosora and that is a big + point at least for me.

    While i heard from others that this is supposed to be a bad or even trash VN i am really happy that i gave it a go because i really really like Umis route.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, here goes my first review ever since becoming a member and I hate for it to be on a negative one but I just have to. Now don't get me wrong. The CG and the storyline are really good. I actually got into the story. So much so that I didn't realize how LONG this game is not to mention how long it took to get to the first choice (out of 3) that I spaced out and forgot to save, SO DONT FORGET TO SAVE AT FIRST CHOICE. (Trust me, with how long it took, ur gonna thank me) Then the Story continues to drag for like about an hour or so, maybe 2, until you get to the first H-scene. Then like maybe 30mins later you get another one. And by this point I was just exhausted mentally from all the damn reading. But I did finish it the next day just to unlock the other routes. So on my second run-through, since I didn't save. I had to sit through all that text that still took forever even with message skipping. In other words. WAY WAY WAY TOO MUCH TXT AND NOT ENOUGH H.