Unli time. Downside though is the Dev made the sequel extremely GRINDY. You can grind all relationships and stats to max (except party members and certain characters) once you get free roam, but it will TAKE such a long time, IDK what the fck the dev was thinking making it so grindy/ take long. It would have been so great if there is no time limit and the grind to max out relationships does not take a monotonous amount of time (example would be certain NPCs appear only on certain timeframe like night only so per day you can only increase their relationship by 1/5 every day) granted days are unlimited it will still get tedious. Item prices/skill upgrades also are through the roof, even with discounts from max relationship you'll still be spamming jobs to keep up with the high prices.
One example is it took me 6 hours+ to max out most relationships/ social stats in the game (for discounts). That is not engaging gameplay, just pressing talk over and over again (even skipping). The dialogue of NPCs are also mostly generic even when increasing their relationship levels (only certain unique npcs have unique dialogue like party members).