Others - Kronos Time Titan [v24.10.04] [Scarlett Young]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    this game is something.

    the gameplay is almost unplayable, you need to grind a lot and constantly reset the game (yes that is a feature of this game) to be able to progress.

    the combat is outdated and unfun, there is no skill in it, its just grinding and grinding until you can kill that enemy easily.

    the sex scenes are quite good, easily the best part of the game, the 3d style is beautiful and just overall great however to be able to access them you need to do a lot of grinding meaning that if you want to see all the scenes you better be ready to waste a few hours of killing wolfs and other low lvl enemies and resetting until you can beat that boss that allows you to get the scene.

    overall this game just is not good. the only decent thing are the sex scenes that are locked behind a almost unplayable game and that is all that can be said, it is quite a waste since the sex scenes are quite good if, being some of the best 3d sex scenes in this site however the grind to get to them is not worth it at all. overall this game has almost unplayable gameplay, a trash story that is not even worth speaking about and the game itself is quite buggy and can easily crash or break. this game is not worth it honestly, you are better off waiting for someone to crack the sex scene files and just looking at them than playing this hot garbage.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Easily the most scuffed lewd game I've ever played. I do NOT take that lightly, that's a very prestigious title I hold towards something. The concept is interesting, the gameplay and looks are god awful. I know I shouldn't expect much from a game of this nature, but this is same levels as "Graphic design is my passion" bad. Also, its all just 3DCG.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A game that has:
    - Very interesting gameplay concept (gameplay revolves around concept of save-scumming) (+1)
    - Grindy gameplay loop as a by-product of said concept (-1)
    - Extensive wardrobe system (+1)
    - Outfits from wardrobe are loot drop and are NOT GUARANTEED, further promoting unnecessary grinding (-1)
    - Developed using a game engine that is (for a lack of a better word) flimsy foundation, which I can only assume is a way for the creator to prevent people from accessing all the game's content using Cheat Engine/Save Editor and promote their "cheats" on Patreon to people with low-attention span like me (I'm probably incorrect, but in the case that I am: dear creator of Kronos Time Titan, I respect the hustle. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I respect the hustle)

    Overall, if you want a game with a large list of girls and an even larger wardrobe customization for each girl, this game is probably one of, if not the best on this site as of writing this review. However, ready that Cheat Engine speed hack for some of the most mind-numbing gameplay to get to the extensive wardrobe you desire.
    Personally, I'd change the outfits to tie to relationship progression with the girls, but considering the gameplay and theme is primarily horny god doing horny things, I don't think it'd work. However, I am a fan of wardrobe customization, so I'm willing to ignore the flaws, but mileage may vary for others.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is fun and is constantly updated. The dev is in touch with the community in the forum.
    The characters are beautiful, and the grind was diminished a lot due to the companions’ powers. For the people who can’t open the game, try the ktt.exe.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The one good thing I can say about this is that it at least attempts to be a game with systems that have thought put into them. Many games around here that aren't some sort of VN usually end up being glorified slideshows with some numbers attached. All you do is cheat, or find the right place to click to make the numbers go up faster.

    Aside from that, everything about this is janky. I wanted to give it two stars for being somewhat original, and having a custom engine. While that might be more fair to the developer, I think that reviews are for the players.

    Combat in the game uses a grid-based, SRPG movement system. Oddly, movement tiles are hexagonal in the overworld, and square in combat. Which raises the question of why the dev thought two different modes like that made sense, but that you don't need a state that isn't essentially turn-based combat. Even in towns, when no one is fighting, you still have the same movement limits, and everything is turn based. Sometimes an NPC will stand in your way, and you actually have to select "wait" to skip your turn and let them move again. It's ancient, early NES-era tech where everything on screen just idles until the player does something. And NES developers did the hard work of figuring out how to do things better in about 1987.

    Very little is animated. It's weird that nothing has a walk-cycle in an engine that's been under development for five years. Sprites and icons just slide around the screen, but are otherwise static. Dead enemies in battle are indicated by the appearance of a few blood splatters, and then their sprite rotates 45°.

    Rewinding time is potentially fun. When you need to grind, or if the solution to a puzzle is unclear, you can just go back. However, there need to be some things that are retained or at least skippable after achieving them and rewinding. Whether that means the rewind power is more granular (executed in an area rather than the whole time period, for instance), or players just get to select things to retain, I don't know. What I do know is that nobody wants to keep killing Raving Rabbits and buying knives over and over as they search for the right combination of witches and powers are needed in 1962 Salem. Even worse, redoing the pearl quest.

    Anyway, a 1-star game, but a grudging thumbs up to the developer for trying something different.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is trash in short.It have no content the no animated and no story.Main story is trash just do not download this trash .(n)(n)(n)(n)(n)(n)(n)(n).Map is buggy and to load a save file first you need to select the save and the magic is it will restart the game to load the file.The ques some time confusing and the game does a bad job to give instrection on how to play the game Even the basic gameplay is confusing this game is pain to play .If you wand to feel pain this is one of the best game.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    local gooner

    The game engine alone is enough for me to want to rip my own balls off.

    Quests are really confusing, and mixed with the insane amount of bugs, it can be hard to tell if you're doing something wrong, or if the game has just shit itself and died.

    Gameplay is dull and grindy. The scenes are pretty good, but are in no way worth the work needed to get to them. Game seems to be designed around making you want to cheat, which of course you can only do if you pay for it...

    If you for some reason decide to play this dogass game, be aware, it will literally crash every 10 minutes, and for any reason.

    Stay far away.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Jake the flake

    I enjoyed this game. It's far from perfect and can be buggy but at least it's more original that the majority of other games on here. I found an android version somewhere and don't actually know if it was up to date. My main complaint would be that there is a lot of unfinished stuff in the game but again that might not apply to the version here.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is using bad engine.
    Gameplay is kinda weird and broken.

    The most annoying part is protection.
    Why on earth I cannot create my own cheats to this game, this is totally unacceptable.

    Please remove protections for character stats cheating.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    gets an extra star for the effort and ideas but loses the rest for execution.
    game is riddles with bugs and the engine it's running on is clunky and runs poorly on my computer... when it runs because i don't think i had it run for more than 15 minutes without a restart.
    a lot of grind, no animations but it's somewhat of a decent story... if only it was more playable, made more sense and maybe it was less grindy
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I gave this game a second chance after first playthrough in like 2021.

    Firstly, I respect all devs and hard work that they put into their games but compared to other games on this forum, it severely disappoints.

    The game has been in development for like 4 years, but it can be finished in 30 minutes or less without the added pointless grind:
    • Finding 9 pearls while having to navigate "puzzle" like platforms with only 3 of them available at a time - YOU HAVE TO RESET IT AND REPEAT EVERY DIALOGUE EACH TIME and if you choose the wrong choice during the quest YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN (NO SAVE SYSTEM !!!! WTF?)
    • Finding 20 bras with only 3 of them available at a time - YOU HAVE TO RESET IT AND REPEAT EVERY DIALOGUE EACH TIME
    • You get the point right ?
    I don't mind GRIND at all, I actually prefer it in games because it feels very rewarding when done right. However, this game is SEVERELY lacking in any sex scenes whatsoever - so the dev has to put up walls and terrible gameplay loops in order to prolong it.
    • I counted like 8-9 "sex" scenes in the whole game and most of them have like 3 or 4 renders (no details, no closeups, nothing)
    Available worlds also have a lot of clutter in them, like rock formations, caves, houses, villages, forests, etc. - BUT you can only click on like 2 or 3 at most in any of them, which gets really confusing as you walk around and click on everything pointlessly.

    Rating: Two stars because I like the the game setting in medieval times, clothing system and characters, otherwise - as it is, I would consider it highly unrewarding and waste of time.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    -1 Star for Game breaking bugs
    -1 Star for confusing Quest Objectives which in combination with the bugs make the game almost unplayable
    -1 Star for little to no Contant (again i dont know if its the bugs or if there is just nothing there yet. For a game that is in development for 4 years this is embarrassingly little)
    -1 Star for useless grind. You dont need any of it. Sure you need some money here and there and some outfit pieces look good. But after 1 hour i had 10k coins and got some mix max of outfits. The money is mostly useless as of now so even after buying everything in game youre still constantly hitting the 10k max. And the clothes are useless too. Sure you can play dress up with the girls but why? Most of them stay in your castle and have no scenes yet and the on with scenes dont get different with the outfits so the outfits are just some eyecandy if you eat candy with the wraper. You need to fight 1000 battles to find them all and its useless. (Hester or whats her name is suposed to train the girls but i never found out how even after trying all dialog. So again either i missed something, its not implemented yet or its a bug. Who knows at this point.)
    +1 Star for the setting and story which have a lot of potential. They are not perfect but they are different.

    This is a message for the dev who as i see in the comments is active on f95.
    Dude for real drop a Walkthrough. Im all for giving people a challenge but your game is riddled with bugs right now. People are confused and dont know if its a bug or they did something wrong in many situations.
    This community is very understanding and forgiving in my experience. If some of the reviewer knew that they got a bug they probably wouldnt be as frustrated. But they are searching for 20 minutes through all the maps write a comment asking for help only to get an answer days later that its a bug. Or in my case no answer at all.
    Maybe this game has some awesome scenes i missed because i gave up looking after not finding the answer just because i assumed its another bug.
    Looking at the star subtraction 2 of them easy could have been avoided if the game actually had a walkthrough and i wasnt so pissed for wasting my time trying to figure out what i did wrong only to then find out it was a bug all along.
    Not to mention that your game also misleads us on the status of a quest. After Aria gives you a BJ at the beach she jumps in the lake and the dialoge says something like "Maybe i see more of her IN THE NEXT UPDATE"
    I only discovered that the quest wasnt finished after coming back here and seeing the pictures on the site where you have sex with her. But even after finding out walked into another bug in that fight scene with Ursula or whatever and had to start the quest again. I didnt bother since the quest is a fucking grind with the perls, the neckless and whatever but still, the game itself tells you not to look for content.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    La Me

    I have never written a review before but here it goes.

    I believe this game is amazing with the time that has gone into it with steady updates but also the content is top notch. It's super cool how it uses timey wimey effects to change things that happen in the future inside the game, in my opinion very unique. Are there bugs in this game that cause it to crash randomly or get stuck in spots? Yes, but you have to remember it's also still being worked on and the author is amazing about reading users feedback and proceeding to fix that issue. I would honestly give this game 5 stars because of the art, story, and content, but of course I'll take just 1 star off for the bugs and the inconvenience they cause but once this game is completed I will more than likely give this 5 stars.

    Keep up the awesome work and don't let the bad reviews get to you!
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I couldn't even start actually playing the game before I experienced 2 bugs with the second character interaction. A buggy mess that clearly needs patches and the ability to manually save so we can rollback to before the bugs started occurring.

    Overall: 1/5, an interesting premise ruined by the bugs that begin almost immediately if you are unlucky.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has some issues, but I overall really love it and want to see the development continued. As for changes I would make, changing the movement system, when not in combat, to not have no "tile" limit would be best. Then, when you are in combat there could be the 5 tile limit. Someone else mentioned this fix here and I fully agree!
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    There are two exes.
    1. KronosTimeTitan.exe which is supporter version. it demands you register an online account and login to play.
    2. ktt.exe which is free version. skips the online login, this is the file named
    Nowhere does it mention which version is which in the actual game.

    you should really be using a license file instead of an online login.
    There is absolutely no mention of any of this info and which version you are running when you run either exe.
    There is also no readme file. Instead this tidbit is hidden in the install instructions on F95 of all places.
    (even though this isn't actually an install instruction. it is an operating instruction, which is different)

    The very first conversation starts with a broken 4th wall which I personally really dislike.
    MC is apparently a moron, and the dialog was really unimpressive.
    Dialog also dragged on and on. I get it, stripped of powers by the gods and I need to fuck girls to get them back.
    no need to repeat it so many times. The MC might be a moron but I am not.

    Navigation is really clunky, as is having conversations with girls.
    The game is always running in combat mode. So to go talk to someone you have to move a few steps within your move limit. then wait for all other NPCs on the screen to move. Then you get to move again.
    Only having combat mode happen when there are nearby enemies is isometric RPG 101 and something we had over 20 years ago.

    Most of the game you are looking at really low res maps and sprites which really do not impress.
    After slogging through intro I got to my first decision point.
    I wanted to save, there was no UI so I hit esc to see if it brings up the save menu...
    Well it started loading something, I have no idea what, and the game then got stuck on a loading screen. So I lost all my progress and I frankly cannot be motivated enough to try again.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I played it a while but lost all interest due to the gameplay. For me it was very time consuming to progress, frustrating and unintuitive. The pictures and girls are very hot but this was not worth for me to try further.

    If you are into round-based strategy games without real strategy, this might be for you. Else and if you (like me) expect an easy-paced game with fluent progress towards the adult-content, I highly recommend to try something different.

    - very hot girls and nice images
    - big variety of women, very young, mature, thicc, multiple ethnics/races etc

    - lots of unfunny texts to read
    - unintuitive UI
    - gameplay unnecessary complicated and not good explained (you have to talk to NPCs and read through long walls of text to get the info you are looking for)
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Virgin Girl

    wow this game is awesome i been searching for game like this for years i love
    how much freedom you can have you have freedom as much as eren Yeager. you can do what ever you want and most of the stuff is optional. i seen people talk about some bugs but i played it for 7 hours and didn't see any bugs or maybe its me or maybe they talk about previous versions of the game.
    i give the art: 5/5
    story: 3/5
    game mechanics: 5/5
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I have avoided this game for a long time due to it's negative reviews, however, on its latest update I noticed a slightly higher average rating than before and thought It would be a good time to finally check It out for myself. I'm glad I did.

    Judging by previous reviews this game has been notoriously buggy, but during my play through I haven't encountered a single game breaking bug. There are bugs and crashes, but the game is persistent so when you load it back up you are right where you were before the crash.

    I do wish there was more content seeing as this game has been around for a while, It seems to me that Greece is the only completed section although I may be wrong.

    Overall 4.5/5, great experience. Good work Dev and respect for sticking with it!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    very enjoyable game, and scarlett has done great at responding positively towards feedback, both constructive and ignorant. scarlett continues to listen to update and make fixes to the game based on suggestions and bug notifications.