Others - Kronos Time Titan [v24.10.04] [Scarlett Young]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It was a nearly unplayable mess. Particularly poor and immersion breaking dialogue, the women have no character and are just the dev's poorly-written sock puppets. Not recommended and I didn't enjoy it at all, even though I really wanted to like it.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Update: It's gotten worse, especially in it's had longer to fix core issues and instead seems to pretend they aren't there. The renders while generic are interesting and fit it's niche, it could be a 3 or more under a better engine and with better game play, it's just so bad in execution it's like a -4 stars in playing it. Maybe if it had integrated cheats to cut the grind it would be a 2 or a 3 but as it is just save your time. The images/themes are solid but the game and engine are lessons in how not to develop an adult game.

    What do you get if you take some great sexy hardcore fantasy content and images but then stick them behind a flawed custom engine inferior to most on the market and bury all that under a pile of grind? A game that would be better as image rips. It could have been 4 or more stars, the current end result is 2 stars. I may love the scenes and images but this game went out of it's way to make them not worth playing to. Do you know what it takes for me to not want to watch fantasy characters and monsters forcibly fuck hot fantasy chicks? It takes what this game does.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Between chasing npcs around in a god awful limited and square restricted movement, just to talk with them and resetting the timeline a dozen times just to grind XP off the blonde at the start, the story could be cool, I couldn't stomach "break your mouse click simulator" (thank fuck I have a mouse click macro) enough to find out. This game needs some cock and ball torture as a less grindy alternative to the gameplay.
    Thank you.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: Kronos Time Titan v0.898.1
    with and without Kronos Twisted Titan Mod

    The premise of the game, indicated in the title, is actually a fairly interesting framing device. The inclusion of time travel allowing for the Developer to design assets from different time periods and even using time travel to further enhance certain quests. The game is fun with a lot of humor, including self-referential meta humor and even slightly more subtle jokes relying on the knowledge of mythology.

    That having been said, whether this game is a promising work or a waste of time is a matter of what you are looking for. "Adult Games" all have to strike a balance between the "Adult" aspect and the "Game" aspect and this one is clearly designed to learn towards the latter. While there is a decent amount of sexual content, there is less than many other games leaning more towards the "Adult" end of the spectrum would have.

    The navigation interface is a little challenging to get the hang of, not because it is terribly complex but rather due to how certain things work. An example is the movement limit in the "combat map", which is used even when not in combat situations for interaction. It does show the mindset the game has been designed in, further emphasizing my previous assertion.

    The renders are not absolutely top notch, but they are solid. The ability to change outfits for your "collection" to wear at your castle is a fun little touch. That said, the variety is somewhat lacking. There is a distinct body type which is the focus in this game and it is not an excessively curvaceous one. Not a good or bad thing, just a thing worth noting.

    Without using the mod, the game is slightly weaker from a story perspective. The gameplay itself is really unchanged, but the story doesn't reflect the setting quite as well. I assume this is a matter of Patreon policy not being very supportive of Greek Mythology which has more than its fair share of incest, rape, and the like.

    The game is still in development and that shows rather painfully at times. I can think of at least five teases for future content that left me grumbling. On one hand, it's nice to see where the Developer is going with things, but the partial inclusion thing can be a bit evil. That said, @scarlettyoung is incredibly proactive in responding to issues via the discussion page, polite direct message, and other methods outlined on the game page.

    The bottom line.

    This isn't my favorite game. The story is fun but not super compelling, the renders are good, but not fabulous. However it is an interesting take on balancing an RPG with an erotic adventure. It is without a doubt worth checking out though. I'm really looking forward to seeing whether future updates make me reconsider some of my positions or further prove my point.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is awful. It's like a medicore game from the 90's, but full of bugs, lacking content, bad renders and worst a dev that wants to enforce a certain way of doing things by locking out the actual user.

    Recommend everyone to stay far away from this.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: 0.897.3

    If you've been searching high and low for a game that gives a serious but salacious insight into the intricacies of Greek mythology... Just keep looking.

    If on the other hand you want to see Greek gods used as a transparent excuse for over-the-top adventure, crass humor, and hardcore sex, then brother you've found your home.

    Kronos is every teen boy's edgy power fantasy, written with just enough sophistication to make you cringe at what you once thought you wanted. If you're lucky, you might find some of what you still want. You'll still cringe, though. Cringe is compulsory. It's all cringe, you see.

    Some characters are reluctantly sexual. Others will seek your touch (and by "touch" I mean "penis") with reckless abandon. Most will make you wish the game were already finished.

    Progress has been steady since I first played Kronos about a year ago, and shows no sign of slowing down. ScarlettYoung is learning how to be a very capable developer, and is very receptive to any feedback that could improve the game.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3539429

    It is unplayable. A few hours in and got 3 sex scenes (3 poor loops). Tried to have fun but bugs and freezes will kill your patience. Safe youself the trouble my friend.

    Also, what is going on with the sound options? It is only on or off and even turning my pc sound down to 1/100 it is way too high. How is this even happening?
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice female character models, but the game for me is still a bit Buggy and difficult to Navigate. It kept freezing for me every time I killed a wolf, which is a lot. Power is not enough in the free game and doesnt last long. I t would be an advantage to have the extra Fairy in the subscribers only version. I will wait a few updates to see if there is an improvement, in the bugginess, before I decide if I will subscribe. That is if I can log on again to play the free version . I increased my rating to 3 stars now, based on the nice renders of the female characters. Its rare to see petite famales with normal sized tits., rather than the derformed looking ones so common now drawn with huge tits and asses. Worth playing for that reason alone.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly, for a game this old it has remarkably little content. patch included.
    The overall concept is interesting but there is just not that many scenes. The dev would be well served by sitting down and developing as many girls as he can for the existing "timelines" rather than building out more "timelines" or designing more optional clothes.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Great progress so far, much better than when initially introduced. Much smoother to play easier to navigate. The addition of a menu and tracker system has been really helpful in understanding Kronos' progress and gives a better sense of what to focus on.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Another one of the "I want to like it" games. Cool idea, but very, very bad game. UX is just horrible, loading screens and flickering, no zoom out, bad interface. And buggy. I stopped when it crashed the first time, could not stand it anymore.

    My advice: keep the assets, and completely throw away your code.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    The 'gameplay' gets in the way of the content. Died a couple of times before I could reach any sort of healing, then I got stuck in a loop where I ran out of energy or turns talking to a fully stripped thief that I had in my stable but still showed back up in the world and had to force quit.

    Open world games still give you quests and objectives and directions, here all I got is wander around 16x16 hex tile maps times 30 without even a clear idea of what the gameplay loop is supposed to be.

    UI/UX is horrendous, having to go through multiple screens to interact with someone on the tile next to me and the long ass turn based pauses like i'm playing CIV doing regular movement is super disruptive. Getting slowed to 1 tile range going next to trees with zero visibility is hot garbage. There's way too much empty wasted space that feels like a sand pit more than a sand box.

    There's clearly a ton of work into making the renders but everything surrounding them and leading up to them feels like a whole bunch of chores that don't respect my time
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The game shouldn't be played as it's hard to enjoy.

    The game is weak. Both gameplay-wise and as a software (buggy with those pseudo html windows popping sometimes). Slow reacting software.
    -too much grind ! I can't stress that enough.
    -User Interface UI is a joke.
    -DRM for cheats (why?!) so grind is unskippable
    -very little to no help. So how do I heal between battles? A fairy to eat. Ok. HOW?
    -little fap content (although renders are very nice)
    -you just randomly travel a "map"
    -battle move points while exploring a TOWN (non hostile town)
    -battle system is average. At best.

    Is this game really a 2years deep in development?

    The author for some reason wants you to register and login just to play unfinished OFFLINE game. Fortunately you can go a folder deeper and run it from ktt.exe
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1002688

    This game is pointless to play don't waste your time, the concept is so good but the engine and way it plays are TERRIBLE, like the worst engine I've seen in a game so far developed. On top of that, there aren't that many scenes instead you can change their outfits. I typically don't leave bad reviews or reviews period but this is just ass and not the good kind.

    And no I wasn't speed running to fap, some games I like that are on the grind more story-driven side are Farmers Dreams, RoundScape, My New Life, Man of the House, and Struggle With Sin, Please don't waste your time here.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Coming up on the 2 year mark and it has less polish than most 0.1 first releases.
    The UI sucks.
    The story is so thin and crappy that it would be embarrasing if it was the first release let alone after all this time.

    The models are lack luster, the 'fighting" mechanic serves no other purpose then to slow you down.

    Without a walkthrough you'll be clicking all over the place to figure out what to do next. Even with a walkthrough you'll be wasting lots of time because you have to trigger certain things at certain times it seems and if you didn't ... you might as well start over.

    Heck, in the beginning you should see the mechanic to undress to teach you how it all works except.... it didn't work. *smh*

    If I could give negative stars, i would.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of issues with the game. Why would you opt for something with an internet connection. Use Unity not some garbage engine, if you really don't like Renpy, but that being said, nothing in the game uses features Renpy could not do easily, so the dev note on that is BS. It's about controlling users. Speaking of controlling users, anticheat is cancerous, you cannot change values. Opting for an online engine=bad, privacy is core to life.

    Playing the actual game is also bad as it just uses 3ddaz stuff, no custom assets. Go play labrats 2, at least it isn't bad.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of 0.881.0

    Overall, this is one of the best and most original games I found on F95 to the point that I'm actually taking time to write a review for it (my first one on the site) and I will be closely watching its development.

    The game currently still hasn't enough sex content but the amount of girls implemented already is very good.

    Would fairly give it a 4 star but giving 5 because the game shows a lot of potential and the dev seems to be very active here and seems to be carefully taking player feedback into consideration.
    While I do agree with some of the critics from people giving this game 1 star, I still don't believe it deserve a 1 star rating.

    Game Engine

    Some reviews mentionned it being clunky. I do agree with that (mostly the movement system), however I found it super innovative, at least compared to the overused Ren'Py and RPGM. It could definitely see some tweaks and bugfixes (for example character getting negative action point at times forcing a restart of the game).


    Movement: As mentionned previously, it does feel too clunky, especially on the world map. It's hard to understand how far you can move within 1 turn and it feels a bit slow in the city. My suggestion would be to give free movement without the 5 tiles limit until a battle starts.

    Combat and Powers: I overall liked the battle system. Original turn by turn, with options to talk, attack, strip, grope (wip aaik?) and use powers (wip too?)
    I really hope leveling up is a thing in the future because as of now, the protagonist feels too weak in battle with only 60 hp and no increase in damage.
    Also the wolves. Jesus these f***ing wolves lol. They get extremely annoying so I believe decreasing the amount you encounter or as I said previously, implement leveling up as a mechanic would make them less of a nuisance over time.

    Story and Powers

    I really loved the idea of playing as the god of time. The ability to change timelines, restart timelines and use time related powers is pretty fun and innovative enough . As of this version, there is not enough powers to play with yet, so I hope it gets even more fun in future builds. I also hope to see more timelines getting added over time (only when we get more content in the already existing ones though)

    Porn content and fetishes

    Models are gorgeous. Scenes are very well made too. There's very few animations but I honestly believe that it should be of last priority only when game has more content. Game would be perfectly fine without it, I only see it as a bonus personally.

    Concerning fetishes, there is currently a few only (2 different rape scenes with the same character, 1 pregnancy and 1 spanking scene iirc). Rape and pregnancy scene are avoidable(not sure about the spanking one)

    Lot of players in the forum are formally against some fetishes while others like myself don't mind it. Making them avoidable (like they currently are) is in my opinion the best thing to do. HOWEVER, this doesn't mean the developer should refrain from implementing more festishes scenes if he wants/can. I myself dislike bland 100% romance sex games and I do encourage the dev to go as wild as he wants on fetishes (we play as a god so should be able to do whatever we desire right? :d) AS LONG as they stay optional obviously. Maybe even put a warning with choices like some other games do.


    Very intriguing and unique game. Still a bit thin content wise and some bugs are still present, but shows a lot of potential. Gorgeous renders and scenes. 100% recommended.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Animation and pictures. i dont see Animation at the moment. But grafics are fully ok. Dialog is very comfy to play and read.
    the Idea and the Gameplay are good made and nice to use. little laggy at some points but all in all, nice game for afternoon.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The actual adult content isn't too bad compared to some of the rest of the games on here, but by god is the game engine feel clunky to play. I don't really know how the dev might be able to fix it but the fact of the matter is that the gameplay on the overworld and in combat is just very... odd. I've never seen a turn based game run this way before so it can be jarring if you're expecting something else.

    I want to give it a higher score but actually playing the game feels like wading upstream while trying to maintain your balance all the while.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    it has great potential however, it currently seems impossible to play without a guide .
    +it is funny to play
    +Good story
    -Faces can be better.
    - hard to figure out how to play
    -repeating the same dialogues over and over for a scene
    I am really excited to play future versions.