Is it me or is this game sort of a lazy hack job? Hear me out, okay?
So in this game, there is just one town with less than 20 NPC characters you can talk to. There is one store that sells dumplings which gives back hp, and one general store. The items they sell are very few and stay the same through the game. In other words, only one tiny town, few NPC characters and very little different equipment.
For dungeons/stages/levels/whatever, there's only 5 different ones: The mayor guy's mansion, one for each of the three lieutenants and one for the final boss. You also don't learn any new skills (if you do, it's at a higher level than I was when I won, in that case, my bad) so the combat stays the exact same throughout the game. So also very little in the enemy and combat department.
When it comes to H-content, the game falls short too. It's still images, and the game constantly cycles through the same few different ones. Yes, I said few. There really aren't that much different content.
I cleared the game in 3 hours, though I will admit I missed about 10 different CG's at that point.
So all in all, it's extremely lacking in content, both as RPG and R18. So why on Earth are they demanding that price on Steam? There are cheaper games that are much better and who had more effort put into them.