I think it would really help to have the "Ask about" convo option become a sub-category on its own. We do have "birth control" already, and I'd really, really like to see "InstaPics account," "DickDock account" (whatever that's good for) and "OnlyFanatics account" added there so you can sodding ASK about it, instead of relying on apparently extremely gimpy RNG chance to get it linked.
InstaPics shouldn't have overly high requirements. OnlyFanatics should be pretty high sluttiness (and maybe some level of love). Both should be bypassed by high enough Obedience (much higher for OF account). Current implemetation of getting those through random "talk" is... not really working.
While at it, why the hell can't we ask people about their address that way, either, as long as some stat condition is met?
I'll readily admit I'm not a fan of how high the "personal chat" requirements for employees are. I mean, kind of a weird work place that you don't have the employee's address from the day they apply for a job, but at least it's something. For random NPCs you meet, though? Is it even possible to get their address in some way other than workplace?