Is working fine for me. Thanks for updating the mod. Haven't played the game in ages and wasn't going to try without the mod.
Thanks for the feed back. It might appear as if it is. But if you buy the teen and old under recruitment policies you will realize they don't actually work.
The reason is he has created that list of hiring criteria to be passed into the create_random_person function which is in random_generation_functions.rpy.
However, all the sections in it for generating have an if statement looking to see if anything is already assigned. If something is assigned it skips it.
Because he has a half dozen other locations in code that create and assign such stats they are always skipped.
He had a smart idea once upon a time to put all the stuff in a local function and control it all through that. It's as if Vren has alzheimers and forgot that and started duplicating code that is in it all over the damn place.
There is like 4 ways to get every variable related to a character assigned. age, stats, skills, likes/dislikes, breast, body type, height, children, parent ... There are some locations that over ride others.
All of those come before going into that function where it actually matters.
On top of that he does stupid shit like assign max as a variable in multiple places.
Honestly, at this point the amount of work it might take to make even my small mod work could be fairly large.
My mod is noways near the size of the large mod.
At this point. It may be more prudent to rewrite the character generation system and get rid of all his stupid duplicated code and write it in such a way everything goes through that function.
Then use that as the base code moving forward rather than rely on Vren to ever fix shit.
That might cause problems for Vren in the long run unless he chooses to adopt the code back the other direction.