Can anyone give me a clue how to change (using the console) the relationship status of an npc? I know how to use the console to change the number of kids but relationship alludes me

# How to console - If its activated its SHIFT+O (ESC to close).
# To activate console - edit the following file
# \Lab_Rats_2-v0.xx.0-pc\renpy\common\00console.rpy
# Find this line (around line 108) config.console = False and edit it to True.
# mc. <- You
# the_person. <- The person you are currently interacting with in the game. Its not a name but literally the_person)
# Letters goes in "", numbers without "". Example: = 6 and = "Yolandi"
# Words are case sensitive. Example the_person.relationship = "Single" NOT "single"'YourNameHere'
# = xx <- This may not be used in the future. It seems to have been removed from the game. = xx <- These are your company funds ingame. = xxxx
mc.charisma = xx = xx
mc.focus = xx
mc.hr_skill = xx
mc.market_skill = xx
mc.research_skill = xx
mc.production_skill = xx
mc.supply_skill = xx
mc.sex_skills["Foreplay"] = xx
mc.sex_skills["Oral"] = xx
mc.sex_skills["Vaginal"] = xx
mc.sex_skills["Anal"] = xx
mc.max_arousal = xx
the_person.happiness = xx
the_person.core_sluttiness = xx (From 0 to 100)
the_person.sluttiness = xx (From 0 to 100)
the_person.obedience = xx (If you're having trouble with tier 3 research, set this to 140 or something.)
the_person.tits = "xx" ("AA", "A", "B", "C", "D", "DD", "DDD", "E", "F", "FF")
the_person.body_type = "xx" ("thin_body", "standard_body", "curvy_body")
the_person.height = x.x (From 0.8 to 1.0 - will take effect once the character is redrawn by the game engine) = "xx"
the_person.last_name = "xx" = xx
the_person.relationship = "Single"
the_person.age = xx
# Changing titles of a person while keeping color and font formatting:
the_person.set_title("custom title") # e.g "friend", "employee"
the_person.set_possessive_title("their custom title") # e.g "your friend", "your employee"
the_person.set_mc_title("what they call you") # e.g "Boss", "Master", "Friend"
# Someone asked about changing the positions of locations on the map.
# All Room objects have an attribute called map_pos which references their [x, y] position on the map grid.
# e.g the newely added strip_club has a map_pos of [6, 5] meaning 6 on the x- axis from the left and 5 on the y- axis starting from the top.
room.map_pos = [x, y] # This will re- position the location on the map.
room.visible = True # Determines if the location is visible on the map.
room.public = True # If set to False then people will not roam into the location unless specified.
room.formalName = "new name" # Changes the name displayed on the map.
# If a room does not have the sexual positions you would like available it is most likely due to not having the correct objects available.
# You can add any objects to the room by using the add_object function together with a "make object" function.
room.add_object(make_wall()) # Adds a wall that can be leaned up against etc.
room.add_object(make_floor()) # Adds a floor to the room that can be used for sex.
room.add_object(make_bed()) # Adds a bed to the room.
room.add_object(make_window()) # Adds a window to the room.
# NOTE: room needs to be replaced with the variable of the room you want to edit.
# There are a couple of ways to do this. Easiest would be to go into the room and use mc.location which references your current location (room)
mc.location.map_pos = [x, y] # This edits map position of the current room you are in.
list_of_places[0].map_pos = [x, y] # Replacing 0 with another number e.g 10 will reference a different room. You can do list_of_places[0].name or formalName to see which one it is you are editing.
strip_club.map_pos = [x, y] # This uses the variable name that the room is saved to. Names of all the rooms can be found in script.rpy ca. half-way down the label create_test_variables at lines 9150~ to 9500~.
# You can also add actions to a room by appending it.
room.actions.append(sleep_action) # This will allow you to sleep in the room. Adding actions to a room you can basically move the office into your bedroom.
#If your play through is having problems with the start of renovations use the following console command["home_improvement_unlocked"]=True
this will start the process so all you will need to do after the command is to check your phone and start.
first command to enter is
it will stop renpy from cropping the output (very annoying for long lists)
returns the name of the #th trait (production schemes are mechanicaly a trait too), begins at 0 -> list_of_traits[0].name
returns all the fields of the first trait. selected excerpts with more guess than knowing what they do:
attention - increases serum attention penalty containing this trait when sold to public
duration - all traits are summed up to final serum duration
side_affect_chance - all traits are summed up to determine the randomly assigned trait effect chance when unlocking (mastery reduces that chance)
slots - adds trait slots (duh)
to use these, enter like name:
list_of_traits[0].slots = #
where # is the new number
tip: always use commands without parameters first to see what its set as to get an idea for the usage
displays as
generate_daughter(self, force_live_at_home = False, age: int = None, job: JobDefinition = None)
the_person.generate_daughter(True, 19)
and if the girl you want to have a sister with doesn't have a mom npc on the board... just do this
the_person.generate_mother(True, 42)
Thanks Elkrose