man, this and the first one are nigh perfect, just about everything I could seek in a side scroller
really good pixel art animation, decent platforming, forgiving combat
even though it's still lose to fuck, but it's quite forgiving, enemies that do have scenes engage in them immediately and with some HP boosts you can afford to see the entire scene without risking a death, there's no death CG to force you into dying to every enemy either
the scenes are really damn hot too, with only very few being out of the scope of my likings, I really liked everything else I saw
my only issues are that the controls take a bit of getting used to and the levels get bit lenghty, as well as lack of translation on this one (I ended up using google translate a few times), but none of these are game breaking and you can play just fine
I wish there were more games that can be like this, be it just in terms of more forgiving gameplay, it's such a slog whenever a game forces you to nearly die to even see a scene at all, and most do