unfortunately you did the correct decision. i normally don't shit on works of devs who even posted their own games on f95 (kudos to that), but this game is just a time waster... and again UNFORTUNATELY. 'cause the game idea itself is actually pretty neat and the map with all it's location isn't half bad either, but the gameplay is brutally stiff and linear. if you miss only one fucking charisma point (or whatever they are called in the game) you will lose a big chunk of upcoming content, 'cause at the end, this game isn't a sandbox game even though it does a pretty good job at faking it. so you can't "mass" important charisma points, you can only get 'em during major quests. you have to do certain quests in order (content in somes quests require higher charisma points than in other quests) and click on the right choices or else you are fucked...and the strange automated save points make ya playthrough even worse! skills like gun handling, first aid and whatnot are ALL useless, straight up useless. in multiple playthroughs i never got to use those skills. if ya wanna see all content, ya gotta be some sort of a premium member (wtf...just why? this is like some dlc bullshit in my eyes. contents are stolen from vids of famous pornstars like foy di anyway; so why that paywall? i can simply just watch the fucking video on pornhub in full length). but the worst is: you gotta register for a fucking porn game x'D. this idea is beyond me and to be honest, it sounds fucking fishy. if i remember correctly, it's actually a russian project trhat was later translated to english. so all ya data might be stored on a russian server. sure, this system might be used to prevent others who didn't pay to be able to play. but you don't know what data exactly will be tracked, you don't know if this game tracks gaming data while playing. you also don't know if it tracks data that isn't even part of the game (there are rumours that gaijin does so with their game warthunder which they sell to other companies). you simply don't know and never have acess to it. you also gotta be asking yourself, how much you can trust a devs words when he declines said rumours? and at the end you will ask yourself why he even brought up this setup in the first place. sure, it might be totally overexaggerating thinking like that. but we don't know shit about anything what's happening, so overexaggerating is actually our only protection. i personally don't think that data is being collected here, but it really just sounds fishy to me and therefore i totally understand when other players say: "i don't wanna touch this game for that very reason".
sry if it sounds harsh for the dev,...and on f95 we normally follow the rule: "if you didn't support it, don't shit on it and move on"..., but in this game some things went just overboard.