Last Man 2.27 Beta
Changelog and links to download in first postWith this update begins the Poker Tournament in the PromZone. You can play in the first round with one of the participants. For the tournament a new mechanics of the game was made. And now you and your opponent will receive a set of cards, after which you can double the bet, pass or open cards. This game is simplified version of the poker (since we do not have a poker simulator here), so you will see only combinations that you have on your hand, without specifying cards, and also the strength of this combination, for those who do not really understand in poker. Note that if you have, for example, a pair of kings, and your opponent has a pair of tens, then the game will show the same strength of the combination, but you will win in this case.
All girls will start the game with a certain deposit. You will win the tour after she lose all her money. During she will loss money, she will undress, or show some sexy poses, to distract you This works in the opposite direction also, if she starts to win, then she will start to dress.
Also, the previous scene with an explanation of the Tournament rules was updated. New conditions were added there. So, now the Casino will take the commission from all the winnings, but unlike the usual gaming hall, not from you, but from your opponents. This is done to simplify the win over the girl, if you are completely unlucky with the cards. The second new rule, the Casino will take a deposit when you start the game, and return the money if you played at least 10 bets with the girl.
One of the random scenes with a lonely girl in a forest house was completely rewritten.
The problems with displaying Chinese and Korean languages have been corrected. Fixed unnecessary loss of action points in the Casino.