this game is not shit, but I agree it's completely RNG
if you miss 1 event, you'll be stuck in main story and need to restart again
best example: Dasha random SMS, a very high chance to miss 3rd SMS and miss +1A that is very important with Natasha (if she'll appear fo course

That's why I said it's "kinda shit" which is just my way of saying it has issues that I don't like. That is, of course, my opinion. It is not a fact. It is not an unequivocal truth. It is just my opinion. Like I said, it looks nice, has a nice interface, doesn't have any bugs... that I've seen at least, but for me the drawbacks outweigh the positives. Again, that's my opinion. *shrugs*
@vortexcannon I don't shit in my pants but I do shit a lot. At least once a day. :tf:
The game is made so that you see 100% of the content, it just might get in a different order.
This is blatantly inaccurate as I, and other people who don't pay for premium or whatever you call it, can't go to the gambling hall at all. AT ALL. Not that it matters, just pointing out that your response on that issue is bs since I can't see whatever content is locked behind that paywall.
This is a game, and it should be a bit difficult. Random does not affect the main quests at all.
I have no problem with difficulty, I do so like a challenge. However, there is difficult and then there is bad design. As far as I'm concerned, your quest setup falls into the bad design category as the game isn't difficult. It's point and click, get lucky or don't, and then wait as it arbitrarily cuts the player off. I can direct you to some difficult games around here, yours isn't one of them. Frustrating does not necessarily equal "difficult".
Zero farm. Just click on the pictures with naked girls to get money. 100% chance of winning in casino, or any other money events.
This is also blatantly false. I don't know how the gambling hall works but as far as the casino goes it is possible to actually LOSE money as opposed to gaining money. I have literally played the game and left with less money than I started with. RNG does not equate to no farming, or the player always winning. It's not a "win" if I start with 10000 but leave with 8000.
There are no such events in the game. You can not miss anything important, since the game offers important quests several times.
I don't know how true that is, you're the dev of the game, not me. But based on your previous responses and the incorrectness therein, I'm going to have to call bs on this as well. I do know that if the player doesn't have enough attitude/alpha/whatever points, it IS possible to miss events. Whether they'll pop up later or not I can't comment on. But even if they do pop up later, if the player doesn't have the points then they will still miss the events.
If all the events with the girl have ended, the game suggests spending the night in another place to support the storyline. Is it hard to understand?
Sure, I get that. However, you made a game dependent on hearts/energy but then you pigeon hole the player into sleeping in places that gimp the players ability to regain hearts/energy (without the use of Fuse or canned food). For example, so far as I know, on the second map where the player ends up after being chased out the first location. After you parley with all the females on that map, the only place for the player to sleep in is the hovel, which at most only gives the player 3 hearts/energy back after waking up and ALWAYS leaves the player hungry. The only option the player has if they want to regain full energy is to travel to the first location and sleep in the new house. But that's a waste if I want to do something on the other map, such as cutting wood for money, because as I said, the casino isn't always a viable way to raise money and can cause the player to lose money instead. I had to repeatedly explore the city in hopes of increasing my break in order to "hack" bank vaults to get money, which is how I ran out of time on my last playthrough.
Do you even understand how your game works? I'm sure you do, I hope so at least, and I'm sure you probably know "tricks" that can would make the game seem like cake. But as a player, not a dev, I didn't make the game, I don't know what you know, and based on my experience, the game is seriously flawed in many aspects.