This rating is purely based on the offered experience in the demo.
Not much to say about this yet. The few scenes we can see in the demo seem detailed enough, with multiple animation tracks.
Great tracks. I think most tracks are instrumental, which, I think, is a good thing. Music with vocals can distract from reading for some.
Great work on the scenes. Backgrounds are usually out of focus, unless something interesting is going on. The visual gags are funny and not excessive. I enjoy this type of humor a lot.
Animations, like panning shots, look terrific.
The UI is polished and clear. The 'controls' and 'about' screens need some work. The red and white text is difficult to read against the chosen background.
There isn't much story yet, though we can guess that it will involve basketball and will deal with a lot of slice-of-life issues and interpersonal drama. Student group A, to which MC belongs, counts 20 students, of which 12 are women.
The adoption joke went over my head, until Rose mentioned the adoption in a serious way during the car ride. I do like that Rose and the MC had this discussion, it gives important background on the MC, and how he views life. I was also glad to see a more serious side to Rose because I worried the MC would be stuck with an unrelenting and bratty roommate.
During the sex animations, lighting resets when it restarts the loop. This could be an artifact caused by compression.
With love interests depending on 2 stats, it can be a challenge for role-playing players to also match with an LI they find interesting and attractive. While this does allow for replayability and 4 main tracks, players would need to metagame to match with the LI that interests them. I suspect that each track will get 4-5 love interests.
Edit: reading the comments, the dev confirmed 6 main LIs in total, and a few side-pieces.
Concerning Love Interests; I would've loved if the demo gave us a little bit more than just a name and close-up. So far, they don't look very diverse physically. I also think I noticed some tropes, like older women having larger breasts. And I suspect the big-chested, dark-haired librarian will enjoy some darker passions. (Dev, feel free to subvert these tropes.)
Some text is difficult to read, for instance when Dad says, "You two are like cats and dogs, you always fight!". His name is over the cup that Mom is holding, making it challenging to make out. I would love to see a configurable textbox, with optional profile pictures (these help with remembering and recognizing characters)