So far, this game was launched with minimal content and very little forethought. I understand that it's an unfinished product, but launching with so little to show just sinks your ship before it's even out to sea.
The "gameplay" consists of losing battles to 2 of the 4 girls that roam little maps, but for whatever reason, the other 2 girls that aren't implemented run around as well. Thanks to this, you have to find each of them in the map before progressing onward, which is immediately a drag since traversal is bland and just a time waster. The real kicker to this is that the combat is also just bare bones RPG maker stuff, at least for the 30 minutes I played. I managed to get the same scene twice, then a third scene, and then no scene at all from one of the 2 characters within. For the other, just a single view of her ass. I could have progressed further, but the painfully slow progression and absolute drag of a gameplay loop just gives no incentive to go on. The worst part is that you can't win early on, but you can't surrender either, so it's just continually you being forced to wait for the enemy to kill you with regular attacks. Nothing lewd...unless you're into ballbusting, but that's also over quick, so it's not great even if that is your thing.
Lastly, bugs. I ran into 3 instances of images getting stuck over the screen, and one where dialogue stopped leading up to the ballbusting and I had to reboot after around a minute or so of nothing happening. This game is not nearly ready for the public, but it's here anyways.
Wretched gameplay, a lack of content, and a few irritating bugs just make for an overall horrid experience in a game that needed far more time in the oven.