VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Leap of Faith [Ch. 8 v1.0.3] [DriftyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    When did Visual Novel games get such awesome soundtracks? This is not only a great game the music is amazing too. The character models look fantastic & the story is interesting as well can't wait for the next update
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best animation I have seen so far, kudos.

    not alot of variance in the character models... skinny, thick, short, tall, etc

    UI is hidden, I like it. Has some variances in controls, an interesting quirk.

    scene transitions are smooth

    The story so far is decent, ch 4 part 1, definately room for more backstory or character development. I just wasnt very invested in the characters.

    I think I will sideline this one and wait to play it again when it is completed.

    I use the mod, so not sure on choices, they do seem important though. The personal stats thing seems interesting.

    Game has awesome potential, great so far. Love the animations, cant state the enough.

    Thanks for sharing your hard work.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    What a wholesome game! A Must play imo. This is a came for the faps stayed for the story kind of game. Stay ;)

    The Story is 10/10 with multiple paths and a lot of humor.
    Chris is the best friend/wingman alive.
    Music is on point and plays a major role in the game.
    Renders and models are amazing, yes some background scenes are low res but the majority is fine.
    Camera a and b rolls are dope.
    The animations on Ch1-2 are a bit junky but they get improved later on.

    If you want to play the complete Ch4 i'd advice to wait till the rest of it is released. As of ch4 part 1 u can only progress the story with 2 of the 6 girls.Still worth to play just for that.I hope this game does well great job!! ;)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly good and heartwarming game !

    I've really enjoyed the characters, the story and it's twists of plot ! You almost starting to have feeling the people in this story are real. Very good writing !

    I'll be honest: I'm 30 y.o. male and can't say I'm sentimental person but I swear I've fckn cried at scene at Lexi's house, when Cece spoke to everyone. Damn..I didn't see it coming...Idk when I did that the last time.

    The only thing I'm afraid atm, it feels like the story is very close to the end, although it has just begun. I'd like to enjoy talent of this developer for so much more time !

    I'm really impressed and I'd put this game among couple other TOP titles, if you ask me.

    I'm giving a standing ovation to the dev(team). Bravo !
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Category: Visual Novel (Linear plot, multiple choices)
    Version: Ch. 3 v0.3.1c (Not the last one)
    Visual novel/Script: 5+
    Gaming experience: 5 (really nice for a visual novel, many in game choices, )
    Graphic quality: 5
    Character development: 5
    Xcitement: 4

    Chapter end situation report is really nice (specially usefull to know how many unseen content/options/scenes for each character are left to discover)
    Mobile phone, chat, social network, feels very good. Realistic and helps build the plot.
    Funny interesting story. Different plot forks combine nicely, lot of in game choices and some side quests. Keep your attention nicely.
    Very good.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Touching story with good characters (and others less good).
    The dev really master the dynamism that can be given to still images and sprite, like when the hero dance cleaning his apartment or in the plane through the windows. But everything is not perfect, sometime there is a "sandpaper" effect on the skin, notably on Cece.
    The writing is good with serious themes and some humor to lighten the dark atmosphere.
    I regret that all the girl are big breasted, more diversity would have been nice.

    Cece skin tone at the end of chapter 4 should really be fixed, as well as an animation with Linda where there is a weird effect between the light and her face texture

    The crossover scene in chapter 5 really sucks, it feel like an advertising, an extremely prominent product placement that break the immersion and the game consistency.
    It's even more annoying when it's with a game you dislike.

    Starting with chapter 5, the story start to get boring and focus on uninteresting things and characters.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite VN. Period.

    I can go on and on like many others here have about the quality of this product - and it IS stunning - but apart from the wonderful writing (touching, humorous, believable), the gorgeous renders (I've virtually fallen in love with every woman in this game and for such a variety of reasons), and male characters who are not just walking dicks, but deep and likable...

    Well, I guess I have gone on and on... sorry.

    But here's the real reason I love this game...

    I WANT to be in this world. I WANT to be with these characters. I WANT to be their friends and lovers.

    I have a good 'real' life. I'm not lonely or beset with raging hormones. I love my own 'reality'. But the mark of a good - no, GREAT - game is that it makes you want to leave the real world behind for a while and immerse yourself in the lives and passions of an all too realistic fictional world, with people you actually find yourself CARING about.

    I think anyone giving this game a try will find themselves as satisfied by the experience as I was. BRAVO! DriftyGames!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting storyline, good animation. and choices affect outcome. If you're looking for click-and-screw, this isn't it. The writing is some of the best I've encountered, anywhere.
    The dance clip in CH 2 is epic. I actually laughed out loud! This has become my favorite game here.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is nothing but brilliant. I gave it a try out of boredom and instantly fell in love with it. It now is among my Top 3 VN's even though it doesn't have THAT much content yet.

    Leap of Faith made me smile, laugh, hold away tears and much more. I definitely recommend giving it a try and I doubt anybody would regret it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I like to rate a game in 4 part :
    - storie : 16/20
    Good story, nothing amazing but great.

    -render: 16/20
    Look pretty good i will add, i really like how the dev use to show expression, a fucking good job on it, so many game have situation of happyness or sadness but facial character stay like a rock

    -animation: 18/20
    So Far So Good, really enjoyed this work, with a great render it's deserv to look at some detail that make scene more realist ( like facial expression or Pelvis movement ect ... ) great job dev !

    -interface ( unclude navigation game, text, disign ect ...) : 15/20
    Nothing to say, it's clean that Do the job !

    conclusion :
    What a great game, we can see how dev care about character developement.

    Would be great to have some anal scene in future, eternal "deepthroat&vaginal" can be boring at some point.

    my english is not as good as i whant, but i hope it's still undertanding !
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game took me by surprise. Thought it was going to be like any other VN here, and in some ways it is. But the story here is heart warming and it has enough jokes to catch you off guard. The characters are well made and likeable . i'm on Ch3 right now and can't wait for the story to continue. Hats off to the developer.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    First review I've left on a VN simply because this is the best I've ever played. All of the characters (including the mc and his wingman) are beautiful in their own way and all have great personalities. Cece is without a doubt my favorite, and I'm back and forth on Steph, especially after hearing her story in Chapter 4. The animations in this game are incredible, along with the renders. The storyline so far has been excellent and I'm very excited to have multiple playthroughs (because you'll definitely need to). Last but not least the writing has been great.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually starting off with some pretty important things:
    1-Main Character is at least not some creepy underage looking kid
    2-Best friend Wingman is excellent. Very few games do that right!
    3-Writing is amazing. It is a good story that has you hoping for the best for the MC, and plenty of variety in the ladies to choose from.
    4-no incest patch. Don't get me wrong, those can be some fun games... But after playing a few of them, I happened upon one that made me vomit in my mouth a little, so I am off of them for a bit..
    5-No Harem. I Like Harem games, but in general the MC is a douche and this guy I am very sympathetic towards, so I am happy. There is the occasional harem game where the MC is not a douche, but is instead some kind of Love God that can do no wrong, and that also feels bleh as it is so unrealistic as to suspend my ability to go along with the story.
    6-Every girl is appealing in some way. None of them are crazy over the top on measurements. All of them are lovely and yet flawed in their own way. Makes the whole story much better.
    7-The writer is very talented. I rated 5/5 stars and I mean it
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating of this Game is:


    - Fantastic Renders
    - Great Scenes
    - Great Animations
    - Great Story


    The Game has great Renders,no Slowing Pace in the Game.
    The Animation is Fantastic, and no repeating scenes, and it shows you that a Person can play a Erotic game with not many sex scenes, and still enjoy it.
    my Opinion one of the Top ten Games out there at the moment.
    This Game Is Great, even without screwing all the time,and focuses on the story without giving you blue balls.
    Keep it up.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game made great by having a glorious soundtrack.

    Like countless other people have said the music is what really sets this game apart from other porn games and even after finishing the game i find myself going back to the "music" section in the main menu and listening to the music while i do other things.

    The girls are pretty good, you have the lesbian couple, the superstar, the ex girlfriend, the girl with the unrequited love and the girl with all the problems, there's literally something for everyone.

    Check it out if you want to play a good game that has great music and good looking women.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is cheesy, and in a perfect world, it wouldn't be five stars. But If you grab a drink, lower your expectations, I think it's up there. You should try this game out, end of discussion.

    The music is GREAT though. I get horny whenever I watch youtube videos now because of how many porn games just use default royalty-free music. It's pavlovian. But this game has music with lyrics and shit. It makes a difference. Gogo Lexi!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Just fucking wow.
    Amazing story (got a little WTF towards the end of Ch 4, but I can live with it), great characters (wasn't sure I was going to like Chris, but that guy truly grew on me), wonderfur humor and some strong emotional moments, too.
    I LOVE games that highlight story and people over sexual content (like Acting Lessons), so this one is absolutely one of my favorites, and I truly can't wait to see how it ends.
    This one is special, and I dore it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Sonny Jim

    Great story, well written with amazing characters. Dev clearly wants to explore all possibilities with lots of characters, hopefully the complete story comes to fruition. Can't wait for the next updates
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Good writing, good graphics, even good dialog. It's rare a game makes me actually laugh, so big props there. Particularly the whole fangirl-angle is very well written. Some wry humor does a world of good.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Kudos to the dev(s) for an excellent written story! I just found this gem today and I felt involved right from the start - not least because of the most immersive soundtrack I've heard for many a long year! Everything seems so tight-fitting (audio-visual). Actually, I didn't have to read that much to know what's happening there, but in the end that's what I've done. Just following the english dialogs was fun and touching, too (except for the Homeland part). That's amazing! I can't wait for the finals.