episodes 1-4 were worthy of 5 stars, the renders are great the story was interesting, and the choices seem to matter, but then episode 5 comes out, or should we call it episode lexi, as pretty much the whole episode was her, even if you was on another girls path, just lexi lexi lexi, and it still disappoints me even though I actually like lexi, then episode 6, came out, and it pure trash, a dragged out have to message or ring everyone at the start, a skinny dipping scene, where your the choice given to you is pure useless, and may as well not be there, a pointless prom thing, a girl you saved once decides to jump off the exact same bridge, this game really has gone down in quality and very fast, think dev would be best deleting last two episodes and trying again, they are that bad, play episodes 1-4 after that don't bother