VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Leap of Faith [Ch. 8 v1.0.3] [DriftyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Just simply one of the best games out here. the easy flow between comedy drama and romance is just amazing.
    Fascinating plot, yes cliche, but imo the cliches in this one are alll in the right places, and it just wouldnt be the same without it.
    easy on my top 3 list.
    everything checks out, plot,beautiful design, gorgeous animations and soundtracks
    Thank you!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Dan Dugan

    This game deserves even more praise than it's getting.

    The images are beautiful. The way all the characters interact is interesting, and they all seem to have different personalizes. Not a whole like of sex yet, but you can see the game is building towards that. I think the scenes on the plane were the most fun in the game.

    Overall, good writing, I would call this 4 1/2 stars, because I find having to check the cell phone app all the time annoying. It's not obvious when you should do it and I think I'm missing things because of it. Other than that it's a must play game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    i would give 5 star as this game deserves but i when i played the game last i think was on 3.5 it felt like i am playing a game from EA games.
    Why do i say that well apparently it was half a chapter and you could see the options you could choose but, you could not because it wasent finished it felt like i had to download a DLC that's a HUGE no no in my opinion.
    Otherwise i like the game story is good which is a big plus imo.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VN I played in a long time! Renders, characters,choice of music and damn that story!

    Once you get in to the story you start to feel characters fears, angers, emotions, laugh with them and even cry with them.
    Choices do matter. Unlike other games what you choose really shape the story. All characters have great backstories. I know this
    is still a porn game but not getting inside of everyone panties really puts the story like it is set on IRL. MC is really well made
    and has his emotions and stance in life like he is real.

    Music is really well chosen. Goes really well with what is going on and sets the mood for it. I'll probably listen The Talbott Brothers from now on.

    P.S. Don't forget to support the devs. Even if it is little we can support the devs so we can see masterpieces like these more often.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    LOF is one of the best ones I've played so far. It has great 3D imaging and animation. It has a great story. DriftyGames Keep up the great work and can't wait for the new chapter and the new story you are working on!!!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately I fail to see what's the deal with this game and all the praises it gets. It certainly deserves credits, it has an interesting premise, there is clearly a lot of passion behind, writing is ok, graphics and models are good enough, even if often inconsistent.. music on the other hand is just thrown in, most of the times it clashes with the scene, for example during the hospital scene which is supposed to be a kind of sad/caring moment you have an energetic rock tune as soundtrack, why? Characters are anything but believable and it's really hard to take them seriously, even when you're supposed to, like when you're conforting a girl you just saved from a suicidal attempt.. this lack of consistency troughout the game is making me really struggle to get on with the game.. I'm still at chapter 2, maybe it totally turns around in the next 2 chapters.. I really hope so.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I never thought i would be the kind of person to leave a review for a sex game, but, this isn't just a sex game. This is definitely one of the better games that i'm seeing so far. i don't have much experience but for being on here a little bit now i can tell that this is a feel good game. You will laugh and maybe even hit the feels if you connect with a character, and surprisingly it's a game that has moral choices/consequences and a lot of back history for each character which is exactly what a visual novel should have. After all it is a visual NOVEL, it should have a good story. You can be the good guy while still getting your fill of sexual acts, yet the mc still defaults to his natural caring self in all cases. but i digress.

    The story line is cute, and fun, and it's not all about sex which is a relief, for me, personally as a girl playing this (of course i speak for myself). It's a game that has a lot of choices, but it is mostly an emotional roller coaster with what seems to be a pretty interesting story line so far, with a ton of surprises and little secrets you might overlook. i highly recommend this game if story is your thing. the graphics and renders are pretty darn good and there are a lot of them.

    im also big on music, and this has a pretty good soundtrack.
    And because the developer took time to build up each personality and it shows I am looking forward to the next chapters.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best game I've played. No game has the amount of heart and humor as this game. The story is fantastic and enjoy the relationships built with each character. Fascinated to see where the game goes from here.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Played the chapters 1-4, all that’s available up to date.

    The visual aspect of this game is of a very, very high quality. Render quality, detail level, animations, all of that.
    Music selection fits the scenes nicely, that’s really a breath of fresh air compared to many other games of this sort.
    The writing overall is amazing. The jokes are really witty. The dialogues sound genuine. Most female characters and the MC’s best friend have really well-rounded personalities. I like that it’s not a light-hearted story, rather than one which deals with emotional turmoil.
    All that in combination makes the game look like a well-directed movie with a thought screenplay, performed by real actors.

    It’s not all a bed of roses. Some things are just “too good” and “too easy” for a plot of such emotional complexity.

    I’ve admired the people around MC, but the MC himself – in my perception – is less believable. By the nature of an adult VN, the MC “has to click” with all the friends, which makes his personality reminiscent of a swiss-army knife. Funny bro/dude with Chris, horny and playful with Kira & Robin, nostalgic but a bit distant with Linda, overly protective and caring with Cece, all that decorated with the side effects of his tough breakup with Steph. It’s not bad at all that MC approaches different people in different suitable ways, but the execution lacks a tad of credibility.

    Another thing is how easily the damsels fall for the MC – I mean those that meet the him for the first time. Strong interest at first sight, a 100% success rate. This seems a trope typical for adult VNs and it gives an unnecessary acceleration to the build-up of the player’s interest and tension. Besides, I am waiting for more backstory of Lexi, because so far her immediate falling for MC and hence a certain travel event seem somewhat unjustified.

    Still I’m craving for more of this game.
    The “kiss in the park” scene is the most sensual thing I have witnessed in VNs.
    Cece biting her lower lip and shedding some tears is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen in all sort of digital images in all my life, period.
    It’s not just the looks though. I wish I met a person like her IRL. I felt like I literally wanted to hug her and never let go. I really worry that something bad may happen to her character in the coming chapters. The praise for a fictional character doesn’t get higher than that, I suppose.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Leap of Faith presents an excelent story, characters with unique personalities, and even the chosen songs capture the essence of each moment in history. It has been a long time that the unfolding of a story has not captivated me so much, the rythm seems right, the characters amazing it is worth going through all the choices. Thanks
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding work, there is some real awesome use of animations outside of sex scenes that make a really well crafted story. Also each of the girls paths seem unique and not just cut outs. They all have unique relationships and experiences with the MC, I am very impressed with the depth of this story. Enough so to become a Patron
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game.

    Great story, great characters, great lewd scenes. No grind and choices that feel meaningful.

    With how the latest update ended I worry the game might go off the rails in terms of story but the main LI (I mean you can choose others but who honestly picks anyone but CeCe?) is so great that even if the quality of the main story decreases I would still enjoy it just for their relationship.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Been playing this not more than an hour now but I can already say this game has the best writing I ever had.

    I mostly play games, well, in fap mode, skipping the text.

    But it could be such a big shame to skip EVEN ONE line in this game, seriously. So. Fucking. Good.

    Had a big laugh already at "Mom's spaghetti" part. Jesus that shit was good.

    I'm enjoying it so far to the best. Didn't even fap yet can you imagine?! It's THAT good.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Really great start to the game. interesting backstory and plot twists for the mc, as well as a nice variety of characters that will make me want to revisit the game multiple times to experience it completely. Look forward for future updates to continue seeing how it plays out. 8.5/10 so far.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ch4.51C Bugfix]

    I'll go ahead and say it. If the dev wasn't heavily inspired by a certain breakout game by a pink cake, I would be very surprised. All the story beats are quite similar. We have a charismatic and all around good dude in the MC. We have a absolute bro and funny friend who breaks you out of your funk. We have some damsels in distress. We have some threesome potential (that is actually realized here heh). We have an all around positive vibe of healing and bonding with hints of drama brewing underneath. We have a nice getaway sequence where it's all kumbaya. We have a grace period where we get to experience some build up with all the girls and play the field. Then we are to choose "the one" and not be a cheating douchebag with everyone. Everyone remains good friends and support each other through this. We have an Ex gf that we can either forgive or cut out of our lives.

    Good good. I will admit that I am not usually one to get invested in these types of feel good stories. When the writing is good enough though, I can appreciate it for what it is and even enjoy the experience. In this case, it definitely seems to accomplish this.

    The quality is certainly there. Great production value. Nice renders. Generally good dialogues that resemble real life people talking to each other. There is some great use of variables and flags to make some intricate pathing and the game takes great care to remember your choices and references it here and there as a nice flavor. It also takes into account what you chose previously and locks out certain choices that would totally be inappropriate and schizophrenic. Most importantly, the story has heart. It's really there.

    The result is a very carefully crafted experience that keeps a consistent narrative for any playthrough. And boy there is a huge potential for replays (basically one for each of the 6 LI).

    Now I personally found everything a little too convenient. It honestly feels like the girls are lining up (quite literally sometimes) to be picked by our bachelor. They make their appeal and you choose the one you want. It feels a tad bit artificial in this sense. Still, that is obviously a design choice and not some kind of blunder, so I won't dock points for this. The bottom line is that the game sets out to do something, and it does it quite spectacularly.

    Even though I am not necessarily the target audience, I can appreciate the quality here. Those who like to play a good guy MC in a story with good vibes that tries to be "realistic" in it's character interactions will feel right at home here.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is literrally the PERFECT one!

    The renders, models, the much effort they put on the enviroment is absolutely stunning.

    Every character has a unique personality and most of the MC's is awesome the way he is developed/ He is fun, smart and the most hillarious MC i have ever seen.

    Never laughed in any VN before as much i did on this one.
    Scripts dialogues are amazing and many open choices ! just LO|vE it.

    Keep the good work up dev.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Remember the more relevant than ever meme called "I don't want to be horny anymore, I want to be happy"? Well. This game has done it (unbelievable as that sounds). It has done what I thought to be impossible. I'm not horny anymore. I really am happy.

    Seriously, I never ever imagined that a little VN game could cheer me up sooo much. I salute you, @drifygames
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a few VN's by now, so far there's been less than a hand full that made enough of an impression for me to remember what they were about when a new update got released. And even less that made a big enough impact in the first chapter/episode/whathaveyou to make me go :geek:. But this one is definitely one of them. Just finished chapter 2 and can't wait to find out what happens in the ones I still have to play through.

    Great music, cool animations, cool characters, nice realistic feeling story

    And knowing that you'll have to make a choice at some point makes it so you actually pay attention to how the game progresses and which choices you make instead of simply relying on a walkthrough that steers you in a direction of whatever the walkthrough creator's preferences may force you.

    Also a nice touch you get warnings when a crucial decision has to be made. Not sure if they'll have consequences in the long run but judging how chapter 2 ended for me, I feel there's still opportunities.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Story, visual, audio...every aspect of this game is top-notch. The girls are extremely attractive from model and render to inner character development. Visual and audio experience combined with well-written absorbing story creates a super enjoyable experience for me without notable flaws. I can't think of any other VN that does absolutely better in any particular regard compared to this game. It might be safe to say that this game is one of the top 10 VNs in this site.
    What a flawless experience. 10/10.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game stands out among other adult VNs out there. The characters and their relationships are in the focus here. The story, especially dialogs and non-verbal interactions, create deep immersion and emotional involvement. There are remarcably broad spectres of choices; and choosing some ways and turns, we lose something else. It is just like in real life; and here we can feel it really well.

    It's very different from those games where you gather harems or train girls in the paths of corruption. Here I rather had to choose who would receive most of my care and help.

    So I highly recommend this game, even if it's far from completion yet. Good renders, beautiful women, everything is done very well here.

    Though as a professional psychologist I don't find some elements very believable. For example, Cece's condition seems strange. Or Stephanie's decisions, as she explained them in Ch. 4, were a bit too stupid and not so natural for a truly loving woman; I got the impression that she was not quite sincere even with herself.

    Still, the story is captivating, and characters are endearing.

    (Review based on ver. Ch.4.51c)