VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Leap of Faith [Ch. 8 v1.0.3] [DriftyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, was expecting another average game. I usually skip 0.1's, but try 0.2's. And wow, this game is something else.

    If we are going for a rating system:

    10/10 models, different, fun and all kinds. Great choices and well made. But I dont care about models if they dont have a story to them. And they all do. Step by step you get to know them. You do not start with 20, thank god, but they go more in depth. I like that.

    10/10 story, so far, I am very intrigued. Emotional, funny, cool, friendships, and you have a position to help. Not another shitty teen story where you get to fuck your family. Keep it up! But do not overdo it. Looking at you Acting lessons and Dik. Stories are great, but keep it real and give us a choice. :)

    10/10 Choices. Dialogue and choices feel real. They are really a big aspect of this game. Where other games are up to par when it comes to quality, the dialogue and choices, give this game the edge. Nobody likes games where you are forced to do something stupid, while seeing it from miles away. Keep that up as well.

    Another big aspect of this game are the eyes. Feelings man, no lifeless models here. I do, in some cases, feel the eyes of the MC can get an upgrade though.

    This game is up my top list, it needs to be on the first page of the five star weighted list.

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the story and the characters involved! The relations with theem seems genuine and the Nuke thing is great. I wish this game keeps being as good as it is right now, I think it is one of the best I've played so far.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has everything! It has humor, it has drama and most important, it keeps my right hand plenty occupied :BootyTime:

    I might have to edit this in the future, but for now... Fuck Stephanie

    Excellent game "DriftyGames" you've earned yourself another patreon :)


    We did fuck Stephanie in the end, but i still hate her 3 years later...:HideThePain:
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing in the game is excellent. The dialogue feels natural and is interesting to read, the characters are fleshed out and very likable with gradually unveiling backstory to them as you get to know them better. And the story so far is great it has drama, humor, and heartwarming moments as well as plenty of dialogue choices and a phone system with various functions relating to the story. The visuals are good, the characters are very expressive and have likable appearances and good design, but the animations are at times a bit stiff.

    Overall an excellent adult VN with plenty of great characters and very well written dialogue.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely a solid game so far. Renders are fantastic without being super over-the-top and look like real people. Dialogue is very solid, feels like a real conversation, and the chemistry between characters is also great. Not at all grindy, and you feel pretty immersed in the story.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is amazing the history and the animations too, the renders are beautiful too, i am already in love with cece lmao one of my favorite vn games, already waiting for the next update :) (Sorry for my bad english xD)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool and super game and a really good story
    Waiting for the future updates
    One of the my favourite and best stories i ever played
    The characters are also coola and the images and renders are awesome and I like to see more in the future
    Please dont add NTR in future Please
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Not really good looking game in terms of renders but the story and characters' interactions are damn worthy. Caught myself laughing at several funny scenes.
    Also the dev is hard-working and updates are frequent.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. For me the games strongest points are the music and flow. The transitions used when introducing the characters through transition effects for the character model and the names brings a stylistic and flashy touch to the game keeping me entertained as it helps me feel like things are moving along smoothly and im not just reading the dialogue like a book when i click. The soundtrack is very diverse with over 5 to 10 songs i believe helping build the mood in certain scenes. The charcter models are great with no one particularly standing out for being ugly. The writing is good woth sensable dialogue and character action choices. The game lets you choose who you want to be with romantically by letting you ignore or refuse to take romantic actions pertaining to particular girls.

    Overall promising game of great quality.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I have only found out this gem yesterday and I have to say it is already one of my favourites. For a virgin developer, this high standards in terms of render quality and gameplay options are almost unheard of, the story is very appealing as well. Girls are all really beautiful, their character traits are really diverse and it seems everyone will have a bit of drama going in their paths. The music is pretty good too, I love to play with music and sounds on.

    For now Lexi is far ahead of the others for me, she's so pretty :love: and the troubles of rich and famous are always intriguing, but Cece is also pretty awesome with her cuteness and batlling a depression. Everyone seems to be hating on Steph but I will wait for a couple of chapters to see what her deal was/is. The start of the game with the dream about her was extremely well done, I have been in a similar relationship as MC with Steph and the same thing happens to me. You seem to forget about her but then out of the blue you start having the most vivid dreams about her for a couple of days in a row.

    Chris seems pretty chill and that pornstache is the best(y). I have to agree with the people that think he got the tickets from Steph and not from his boss, so that what the text from her is all about and he isn't some backstabbing asshole. Will just have to wait and see I guess, but all that speculation in this thread just says in itself how good of a game we have here.

    All the best to the developer, can't wait to see where this journey takes us.
  11. N
    4.00 star(s)


    Story: Story of a Man with a bit too much free time but a knack for running into beautiful women.
    Dialogue is pretty good between characters as they act and respond to choices just like how a real person would act.
    Art: Good lighting in scenes. Interesting settings for the story to take place. The women are obviously made with quality in mind. What can I say its looking good. Nothing to complain about.
    Gameplay: This is the most interesting part as I can see that the Dev took some notes from how other popular developers are structuring their games. Though it does feel like they are blatantly ripping the idea off, I would much rather they copy great games than garbage. The end of release review is a perfect idea and I would love to have more games copy this style.
    Meaningful choices that change the playthrough. It has yet to be seen if there will be a major divergence in the story based off these choices but its a great start.
    Can't wait to see what comes out of this game next.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome start and hope the dev builds on this really good first chapter. Engaging story and characters. Good artwork and animations, too. Not a game that you skip through the dialogue just to get to the end-game. Looking forward to all future releases.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1044747

    A promising start

    The good
    • Overall decent (and even partially animated) renders (exceptions below)
    • (Finally) a good looking MC
    • Good and realistic looking girls, who aren't instantly DTF.
    • Nice selection of music
    • Decent writing (proper English, mostly believable down-to-earth dialogue & story)
    • Some unique & funny ideas
    • Phone (apps)
    • "Scheiße Bier" :LOL:

    The improvable
    • Some renders lack attention to detail (Kira's skin looks like she's constantly sweating, clipping bottles at Robin's bar).
    • Animations could be improved upon.
    • Story is progressing quite fast (there's a lot of stuff happening within the short period of chapter one).
    • At times lack of choices (I didn't want my MC to be creepy and take a picture of Kira’s butt, but it was unavoidable).
    • MC’s best friend (Chris) is kinda annoying.
    • Typos

    You can easily tell where Leap of Faith draws inspiration from (if I didn't know better, I'd think DrPinkcake had released a side project).
    Fortunately, it's anything but a knock-off.
    I'm looking forward to how this will evolve.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Argh my heart!!
    Make my heart go "Kyun"
    Love it!!
    The story,smile,laugh, flirt kinda fit in place
    Love the build up story to know each character
    Btw not finish playing yet,just after the bowl need to give review asap
    keep up the good work dev
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising start.

    Amazing renders, interesting characters (especially Cece and Lexi) and personally i think the MC is good, different from other games that make the MC creepy or an idiot or both.

    Can't wait for the next update!
  16. 5.00 star(s)



    Very good start, props to the dev!
    - Visuals are great, renders are nice and animations look smooth (although there aren't many of them yet)
    - Characters are nice, they all seem to have some depth
    - Story seems cool so far but can't really tell cause it's too early

    Very promising!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Good start, beautiful characters and in the end of this ch1 ... I liked the main character and I liked the seemingly varied profile of each of the girls. I am very curious to know about the secrets that each hide . Really good game with a huge potential. I look forward to more in the future.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game ...Superb renders ..nice developing story and the music is awesome..The developer had put a great art piece, loved the game mechanics too ...waiting for the next chapter .
    One of my new favorite games..
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Already really enjoyable.

    It's not often that characters and conversation feel so right in a porn game. It was realistic enough (but quick enough for porn) to actually make the flirting scenes really enjoyable. The renders are good, and together with the conversations, actually made me like characters that are normally not my type (Kira).

    There's some spelling mistakes, but they just seem to be sloppiness, rather than the dev not knowing how to construct a nice sentence.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 207916

    I usually don't give a review for demo/first release, but for this i'll give exeption.

    The game is great with all renders and characters. Choice based game, where you can build traits for MC, chose with which character you want relations and so on. And in the case that you missed something the endgame tells you what you missed. The story itself is refreshing and nice. I'm giving this 5A+, only time will tell does it deserve. Hoping to see more from this dev.