Took me less than two hours to go through the entire game when C7 dropped. I don't care about gallery stuff, all I cared about was the story. I pretty much knew the choices that had to get done for Cece up until the 15/15, which I had to look for here.
It's not a big deal to take 90+ minutes to go back through a game beginning to end. I'm on the Cece route and only the Cece route here. This mod for this borked up my save, messed up the bonus scenes, and Exception overdosed the gallery when I used it.
Just take the time, play the game, and try to enjoy it. I had Cece's points nearly maxed by the time we got to Lexi's without a mod. It's not rocket science.
You mess up, you roll back. Big choice? Make a save and see what choices are better. You're not studying Sanskrit, you're playing a VN.