Ren'Py Legend of Krystal Parody - The New Adventure [Act 3 v0.01] [ShineSL]

3.60 star(s) 8 Votes
May 31, 2018
A new version of the game project was born :)

To download :

PC -


Info about update -

A source -
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May 31, 2018
It's been a bit, what do I need to do to get to the new content?
*To receive the full content in version 007 (FMF, Krystal will have change to be part of some group fun), Krystal must have at least 100 lust ( to be able to join in the fun ), however, for the alternate naughty path (Krystal hiding & watching how pair of perverts having fun in her boyfriend room), no level of lust is required.

Also, in order to gain access to the content of version 007, You need to complete the first mission (in any way), complete a small quest in Fox's room (open the refrigerator and get the note & some cash), and meet the second pilot in the first hangar. Only then the content for version 007 will be activated, and to start it, Krystal will again need to come to Fox's room. *

info taken from here -
May 31, 2018
LOL, nice to see someone's actually doing something. xD

Yep, the dev is new to creating games, but has not bad experience in creating vulgar content, and uses this experience to the fullest. :)

Of course, this game is decently weaker than your game with Kuja, but this project is developing quite quickly, so this game has a definite chance of getting its audience in future. But time will tell :)
May 31, 2018
is it possible to use older save files I have? Or does this require a fresh new start
(((Attention - game saves from older versions do not work correctly, since I made some changes to the original code again. In the future, I will try to avoid such moments, but from time to time they will recur.)))

info taken from here -
May 31, 2018
May 31, 2018
is 2d version of this game is abandoned?
the 2d version of this game is lot more better then this 3d version its so bad i can't even enjoy it
Unfortunately, the 2D version was abandoned due to the fact that the developers had a serious fight and their paths went their separate ways (I will not go into details, in the thread of their game on this forum there was enough information about this).

And about this game ... Well, first of all, yes, it has weaker dialogues, the graphics are also fundamentally different (although the original Krystal was always a 3D model in games from Nintendo), however, the development of this game is much faster than the development of much more successful game with a similar name.

Also, do not forget about the level of donation that a given developer receives per month (although besides the game, the developer has time to do other work), and how much content is obtained for this. Other developers would not have done anything at all for such funds, or else they would have been dragging out the development for months, which, in fact, they do, with a much larger donation.

So everything is relative. If people want more professional dialogue, game voice acting etc - for this dev need to hire staff, and as far as I know - the creation of one character, for example Krystal - cost more than $ 100, not taking into account individual ideas and work from the developer under this character. The environment, the space station, ships, other characters, land leases, and the like ... Seriously, all of this cost over $ 1,000 during development. If not more. Second life is not a cheap virtual reality.

Fortunately, the developer has many friends who help to significantly reduce costs, otherwise - if everything depended on money - this game in this branch would have long been abandoned, since financially it would have failed long ago.
May 31, 2018
this is so sad to hear 2d version is gone and i still have the 2d version of krystal u can find it here
and still enjoy playing it.
but this 3d version is little weird im lost in ship like u need to solve a puzzle to go around in ship to find a room even then some part need passwords is so annoying im almost got pain in my head for it
then i playing it not so fun the animation the voice of characters is bad and krystal acting like a slut or whore even the way they talking is not give the feeling of talking for example she talk very shay looking in 2d version but here she's like (OH YES FUCKKK ME) wth is this lol at start with no story and we just in the ship
and i don't think krystal is a 3d character and at start i played lot of krystal games she's a 2d character in every game
and i only see this 3d version of it
but sadly the other games of her is opens with flash app but adobe company is send this app to dust
and right now i just have the old flash games of her for hoping flash app back up and play them again

It's hard to get lost in the game, unless of course you do not read the tips. The game has a plot (good, bad - a matter of taste), for the development of which it is necessary to read the dialogues just a little.

The game has also a combat system that will be used even more extensively in future, including the possibility of avoiding adult content with enemies (this option is suitable for those players who do not want to see Krystal as a slut, sex toy, etc).

The classic games that you mentioned above ... Well, If I'm not mistaken, nearly in all of them Krystal had only one path of pass the game, and only a sexual one (except for one game where Krystal had the opportunity to become a warrior, a healer, etc., without sexual content. Almost no sexual content..). And by the way - there is nothing wildly difficult to make the flash player work and play classic flash games even now. And about 3D - I focused on Nintendo games in which Krystal is present. Krystal belongs to Nindendo, the original character. And in these games she was always in 3d.

But back to the game to which this forum thread belongs:

Regarding the weakness of certain dialogues in this game, it takes a really good and experienced writer to fix that. The services of such a writer cost money. For example, if talk about another, much more successful game with a similar game name - there the writer gets about $ 1,000 a month for his work. At the same time, the text in the game is much less than in this one (And over the past 6 months, we have not seen any of his work at all.).

Bad sound actors? Okay, how much do you think voice actors cost? Even in the abandoned version of the game that everyone loves - Krystal WAS NOT announced (sounded), even though the game brought in much more income. And how much does the work of a programmer, designer cost? And in general, what games do you generally compare this project with when you draw conclusions about it?

Therefore, how to compare the games of professional creators with the work of an amateur is not entirely fair, especially if the budget of the games differs by more than 1000 times.

i tried so many app and it didn't work and i don't want to risk for any pc virus. if u know any app to run it please send me a link
This info could be useful :

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Dec 6, 2019
Well Finished the new update, only hang up I had was after you leave the Hanger after the chat and checking on your ship, you cant get in to it and fly off if that was intended. Also don't know if this is possible with the 3D models for this but down the road could you work the "knotting" bit. A small internal shot to show the knot entering and well doing what it does might be cool.
May 31, 2018
Well Finished the new update, only hang up I had was after you leave the Hanger after the chat and checking on your ship, you cant get in to it and fly off if that was intended. Also don't know if this is possible with the 3D models for this but down the road could you work the "knotting" bit. A small internal shot to show the knot entering and well doing what it does might be cool.

Yes, this was the intention with the hangar, and if you choose other answer options, there will be no opportunity to * fly * out of the hangar. However, this will be fixed in the future when relevant content becomes available and the ability to skip part of the plot this way.

Unfortunately, in virtual reality *Second Life*, avatar models are not yet sufficiently developed to make everything look at the level, since Second Life is a very versatile virtual reality, and is based not only on sexual content, but perhaps in the future such improvements will still be, as users inside the game continue to modify a lot, including those related to adult content.
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May 31, 2018
Since over the past two days, two people have already began to compare the game in this thread with classic 2D games on a flash player (although one of them, most likely, got lost in the corridors of the space station in the game, and the other did not even try the game at all), I would like to remind how sex content looks like in this game:

V 0.02 -
V 0.04 -
V 0.05 -

And I also want to remind - sex positions (Animation) - are made by professionals, not amateurs. To create sex positions for virtual reality * Second Life * equipment is used that is similar to that used by film studios, with various motion sensors and the like. Of course, this does not mean that sex positions look perfect in the game (since Second Life has its limitations), but the animation itself, its smoothness, and the like ... This is clearly not what should be called * weak * in this game.

As for the appearance of the avatars themselves, it is a matter of taste. They are 3D, not 2D, and therefore look different. 2D avatars often look better, but 2D avatars are much more difficult to work with. And do not forget that in one update in this game, more than 40 new sexual positions were introduced (in a 1 month of work on the update, and it's all was done by 1 person). In games with 2D characters, much less animations would be introduced in such a time, and the costs for this would be much higher.

In the creation of games, in general, everything depends on the budget, very few people will work for themselves at a loss. Although the developer is just one of those that initially went into a good minus, having started working on this game in general.

I hope this information will be useful, even for those who like to criticize the work of others without any constructiveness and logic (I still remember those * geniuses * who began to compare this game with GTA or the World of Warcraft ... I suppose - reasonable people do not need to explain all the absurdity of this situation?).

P.S. Adequate and reasonable criticism is quite welcome, because it helps to make the game better.
May 31, 2018
Video projects from game update 007 can be viewed here:

Observer Choice:


Join The Party Choise:


Also, dev has some older vids, which was created before any attempts to make game at all... Well, they made in the style of legend of Krystal, then Krystal will finally appear on *wild* planet, so... Maybe some one will like to check them ( as Krystal did used much older model, but still, the spirit, which can be shown in the future in the game project still present):

LOK Parody - The Tribe Priestess (Video Number 5, final from series):

LOK Parody - The Nature Calls ( Video Number 4):

LOK Parody - The Crash (Video Number 3):

(((Video number 1 and 2 are made in same style as in the game project (on some sort of space station)))

LOK Parody - The Secret Agent (Video Number 2)

LOK Parody - The Beginning (Video Number 1)

3.60 star(s) 8 Votes