I appreciate the explanation, although now I'm curious if you may have an answer to something else that I have been unable to unearth from the forums/wiki. I've acquired the camera, and used golden tokens for the lens flare removal and coloring, but when I do the Paellicia picture sidequest and go to take a picture, I get both annoying lens flare and no color. I thought maybe it had something to do with it being night time and slept till sunrise and tried again and same deal. The wiki doesn't even mention the camera outside of a sidequest for taking a pic of Belhar, and honestly the wiki in general became largely useless after accessing the eastern half of the map (past the Uncle Dad Farm) since it seems like the wiki stopped getting updated. Obviously it still has bits of information for points in the story after that but it is sparse and random, and this forum has a lot more complaints about the development of the game than actual information. Not saying I don't understand the complaints, as I would not be here asking this question if the game explained itself properly, but yeah.