This review is going to be heavily in favor of the negatives that are in the game despite my high rating. That's because if I were to go into detail about everything that I like about the game it would increase this already long review by about 2 times. You don't want to read that, and I sure as hell don't want to type that. So I shall summarize what I like the most
This game lets you choose what kind character you want to play as. You want to be a human ✔, have a horsecock ✔, be a wolfman ✔. It gives the player a lot of freedom. My bias is kicking in here butt it has amazing artwork by SethXZoe, it also includes Sparrow, who I personally don't think art doesn't fits the mood of the game at all, it feels too cartoony; but nevertheless many people enjoy his work as well, and I do think hes a great artist. The story is fantastic, and it has a lot of reoccurring characters from the previous game who all have different personality and are interesting in their own right. The writing in and out of scenes is really good, maybe not [Retracted, forgot about rule 2] good, but really close.
This is where it gets real sadly.
The game suffers from a extreme lack of in between content. Almost all the scenes in the game are tied directly to the main story. This wouldn't be a problem for a Kinetic Visual Novel, but it really doesn't work in a RPGM game. It wouldn't be too bad if there wasn't a lot of downtime between scenes. Its not downtime of narrative or anything like that either. With cheating and using a walkthrough I spent anywhere from 15-40 minutes in between scenes. This was with skipping text. For someone whose playing legit, Especially considering how grindy RPGM games can be, you could probably play a whole session and not see a single scene, no bueno.
One of the things I've come to expect and love from games like these is exploration, if you make a big map with a lot of areas, and fill these areas with things to do, I expect to be rewarded with some kind of sex, not a shitty ques about collecting pelts. That almost never happens, in fact it happens once with a horse lady. Shame I really wish he did more like that, it was great. There's plenty of places and characters he could use to do this, but instead we get IRL pornstar cards, and a Dice mini-game.
This game has a issue with adding pointless features that no one really wants. The Pornstar cards, and loot boxes are literally there for no reason, they don't do anything. In fact they are more annoying then anything. The new dice mini-game is a good idea until you think where that time, and art could be spent instead. Instead of a frustrating dice mini game that only leads to stripping scenes and no actual sex, we could have got more story, or Gabe could have filled in some of the many content voids.
The engine is horribly outdated, and is the reason why some of my next few complaints exist. Gabes excuse at the time was it would let them develop the game faster because they know how to use it. Yeah maybe at the short term, but when you have to battle a engine on every little feature you want to add, some of which are in the new engine, it drastically slows that.
The gallery is trash. Its outdated (as of my last time playing) and only shows Images, no text.
You might be thinking "So what if the gallery doesn't work, ill just save before each scene." Getpranked.gif, the game has 4 save slots max because of how old the engine is. So if you're like me you'll end up with a with a folder of scenes that you rename to something like "Save2.rxdataGaborcbj" and you'll have to rename it back to the original name, move it back to the folder, overwrite the file (Which was probably the save you were playing on so you lose 2 hours of progress if not more) and cry.
The Text box is extremely large, and you cant see through it. So one of the biggest positive in the game suddenly loses a lot of its charm because you have this opaque box taking up 1/5th of the screen.
The choice of being able to choose from 3 different editions, with different artist to play with sounds cool on paper, till you have to think about the fact you have to keep them, someone you're commissioning on track for years straight. To put it short, things aren't looking so hot. Not only that but it also slows down development because you have to manage so many people you don't actually employ. This leads to most updates, which usually take 1-2 1/2 months only having one scene.
A few of the things which I have written above have been noticed by Gabe, whether it be me telling them, or them realizing on their own, and Gabe is interested in fixing some. When that happens, if it does I will change it or remove it from the list.
Even with all these glaring issues this is still one of the best 2DCG games on this site, and I have extremely high hopes for it in its completed form.