Alright, so... I'm tryin' to understand here... this game is about a landlord who, on any other day, wouldn't give a shit about his tenants, but one day stumbled upon his new ones and upon finding that they both had a nice set of breasts and great asses, he sets up cameras in their home to be a little voyeuristic pervert. Then one of the cameras supposedly gets found by one of the sisters and then a little later one of the sisters' ex visits the place with the intent to kill or rape or do whatever to the other sister. The landlord, who was going about his voyeur duties, sees this and decides to (upon your choice) rush in and deal with the situation. After it is dealt with, he gets patched up, goes home, and... goes back to watching the cameras? Then the two sisters happen to be looking at one, it is revealed that they learned of his law-breaking actions not too long ago and then they... invite him to dinner? Without being like, "dude, you put cameras in multiple places of privacy and have been spying on us for who knows how long without our consent. not cool"? Was the plot always this messy or did translation fuck it up? And going by the art of the After Story... the After Story completely disregards this game? What the fuck kind of drug were these devs on?