This mod still does not seem to be functioning correctly. I deleted all of my files and saves, redownloaded the newest version of the game and the newest version of this mod. 3/4ths of the events in Chapter 1 are not even being tracked. 0% of the main events are tracked, and 50% of the girls events are tracked. Examples are attached. Futaba has 4 uncompleted events for example, yet the only guidance provided is to level a stat I do not even have access to yet. Leaving me to, once again, resort to the wiki for guidance instead of using the mod. Why even have the mod if it does not track properly for content in Chapter 1? This mod used to work months ago, now every time I have tried to use it in various versions, it simply is not functioning correctly. There are tons of other examples too, numerous times I go to a girls dorm room just to test, I get an event that was NOT on the Hints screen. It happened for Sana, Ayane, Makoto, Miku, Sara and Yumi. Not a single one was listed in the Hints screen. Only the options shown below for Futaba and Haruka.
Something is not correct.
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