
Jul 25, 2017
Ima be honest with you, and I don't mean this in a bad way, but damn why are you even here. I have in the past like 800 total replies in this thread, only seen you ever shit on Sel. Literally not a single positive in there whatsoever. If you hate the game/developer so much, why are you putting literally hours of your day in online debating here whether his actions are "right" or not?

Also, just out of curiosity, to any f95 mods, why is this massive off topic discussion even allowed? In other threads if you mention something even slightly unrelated to the game itself (including the developer), your posts get deleted and it gets told to keep things on topic. Why is this thread an exception? I don't think this drama is at all on topic, so why is it not being shut down?
Lmao, atleast half the people here only continue posting to shit on Sel, as for the drama discussion, I think this whole situation is just pretty hard to contain now, there always seems to be drama here now.


Jun 4, 2017
A statement made by Selebus on discord following the recent events. Now with 40% less hostility.

View attachment 2368169
His dedicated nuthuggers who participated in the hate raiding are cheering along with this, but most of his supporters are probably going to read this and think, "wtf is happening?" It's a complete distraction.

He's allocating resources to fight a two week time period of piracy that he could instead use to refine the features of the game or add more content to it. Got it.

Talks about accountability, says he's not a nice person but admits zero wrongdoing. Got it.

> "Members of a niche community centered around regurgitating paid content from my game"
Ah yes - F95Zone, which is your self-admitted largest single source of patrons, is all about you and leaking your game. That's all that happens here. Got it.

> "It is not greedy to want people to pay for a product I am selling. I am running a business and it is my responsibility to defend that business and my creative property."
Illusion is going to want a word, given it's partly their product and creative property you're selling...

> "It is not delusional to use my platform to speak out about it."
It's a distraction. Other devs don't post shit like this. Other artists as a whole don't generally post shit like this, unless the "harm" being done to them is far more cut and dry than what's happening here.

> *Insert unfounded ad hominem attack calling other users of this site gullible and stupid*
Got it.

> *Insert personal attack on me and other posters in the thread while calling himself cool and awesome*
Got it. Very cool.

> "Vitriolic message boards..."
My friend, the ratio of vitriol in your own Discord outweighs that in this thread by around 90:10. There's actual reasonable and impersonal moderation here. This post we're reading right now is more vitriolic, but good on you for reading the words I've repeatedly used and trying to send them back at me. :ROFLMAO:

> "...where the most outspoken members do nothing but beg others to leak my content, proceed to complain about this content, and then pretend that I'm the reincarnation of Satan because I call them out for this."
I am probably the most outspoken member here in recent history, and I have never done any of these things, and no one else has ever pretended you're Satan, dude :ROFLMAO:

> *Unhinged rambling showcasing how big his ego is*
Got it.

> *More butthurt around personal grievances*
Yeah yeah.

> "So if you're one of those people who found the game through piracy and decided to show your support, whether it be monetarily or just flat out sticking up for me, thank you. I appreciate you and I will never stop appreciating you."
Aw, thanks man. I mean you stopped appreciating me when you banned me from Discord for mildly criticizing you, but hey, these words really make a difference.

> "But if you're one of those people who have done nothing but silently cling to the walls of a pirate forum, talking shit all day and encouraging others to go out of their way to harm me, all while claiming to be the reason that I am successful, Fuck you"
Well, it's a good thing I've never done a single one of these things, otherwise I would have felt personally attacked!

> "I made the mistake of posting the first few updates of my game on a message board"
Wow, that "mistake" garnered you at least 40% of your current subscriber base. If only all of our mistakes were such.

> "The next time you want to act all tough and cry wolf about someone out there making a difference..."
What? Who is "acting tough" by posting on a message board? WTF? :WaitWhat:


Jan 30, 2021
First off, as much as i like the color violet, even my first car was Tech Violet, i think i might need some glasses in the not so distant future, seeing THAT.

Then, as far as i'm concernerd, for the most part, i'd call that post mature too. Also so someone else can put it in paranthesis again ;).

He knows about his flaws, espacially that jumping on people, that don't go 100% conform with his way of seeing things. Had my first hand experience with that, one or two times. It's just that i took a few steps back, because you should know if it makes no sense to argue. I just wish for his own well being that he can keep it in reign more often.
But human beings mostly don't have it in them to lose a battle, espacially on social media, or what ever those places are called, so the rage continues. I guess that comes with age?
I mean you know that all you have to do sometimes is just an X or two away on the top right corner of a window to make it magically disapear. But everyone can do it with some practice, magic isn't that hard.
But i also do get the car crash mentality, just was never kinda my thing i guess.

Another thing is, maybe it was a coincidence, that i saw one or two posts about him telling about himself, his character, or what i think could be kinda his diary we're all reading, that should raise some questions, or even give answers.
And with all thats going on i really hope he gets that the position he's in could be his very downfall.
He's the "i don't give a fuck" kinda person. And thats not enterily bad, pretty sure thats his driving force.
Problem is, there are things you should care about, and even he admits that there are people dear to him.
But with all the yay/yes? sayers, that kind of "bubble" that wouldn't dare to challenge him even if it was for his own good...

There are just things you don't wanne lose, because you don't think you could be wrong.

And..., this is not really about the piracy stuff, or who gets on each others throat for what.
And if someone thinks i'm erm... Whiteknighting?, so be it. My inner child might like that term i don't know. I don't prefer a side. I'm not into the car crash, i just would prefer some people not to experience certain things.
Last edited:


Jun 4, 2017
Ima be honest with you, and I don't mean this in a bad way, but damn why are you even here. I have in the past like 800 total replies in this thread, only seen you ever shit on Sel. Literally not a single positive in there whatsoever. If you hate the game/developer so much, why are you putting literally hours of your day in online debating here whether his actions are "right" or not?

Also, just out of curiosity, to any f95 mods, why is this massive off topic discussion even allowed? In other threads if you mention something even slightly unrelated to the game itself (including the developer), your posts get deleted and it gets told to keep things on topic. Why is this thread an exception? I don't think this drama is at all on topic, so why is it not being shut down?
Ima be honest with you, I've found this to be extremely entertaining, but more importantly, I'm hoping that as his personal hatred of me fades, the truth of my words will stick around and percolate, and something positive will result in the long term from my participation here. I do want the game to succeed, but I think he's deserved a little tough love here.

Despite the scrutiny that's been on my posts from the Discord, not many people have actually shown up to contest more than a single point I've made, and I appear to have somewhat changed the minds of those who have, which makes me feel like my arguments have been largely well-reasoned. Despite what you may think, I haven't shit on him for shitting's sake. Him and his fans have been the ones engaging in personal attacks, I've just been discussing his behavior. Big difference.

If you want to know when this all started, I posted some light, casual pushback here a month or so ago and got banned on Discord for it after having donated a AAA game's amount of money to the project, which I found rude and has contributed to why I've been more thorough in the past couple days. If it makes you feel any better, I'm about done here. I feel like I've gotten my money's worth and have another project starting soon.

This drama surrounds the dev's actions of conducting a hate raid on this thread just a couple days ago, so it will undoubtedly soon be considered off-topic again unless he decides to continue to be belligerent.


Jun 4, 2017
The guy is on a break so that part is unfair.
He's on a break, but he's coordinating hate raids and you yourself reposted the gigantic rant he just wrote, in which he literally writes "others like myself have more important, realistic things to do" :ROFLMAO: C'mon man, that's not weird and blatantly hypocritical to you?

Even if this stuff was just innocuous - which it's not, it's toxic, self-aggrandizing, and most importantly self-sabotaging - how does that look to a prospective supporter, that he's putting so much time into it instead of the game, given the progress tracker shows all zeros?

What i'm getting from your post is that Selebus' questionable PR strategy is hurting his business way more than the actual leaks.

I have full confidence that he will keep making good content.
I sincerely hope so too.

Maybe at some point he could try swallowing some of his pride in the interest of making more money.
Again, YES! Now you're thinking with portals.


Sep 15, 2020
My man, I get you on so many levels. Thanks for voicing this. Have a spare place on the fence?

Anyway I read his rant and while I do agree with some points, it's overall an undisguised conceit. Well, whatever suits the man. I too don't intend to waste anymore time on this pointless dispute.

Also, as I got it, he will try to implement some kind of DRM in the future. I just want to believe he has decency not to stoop down to any malware.

Plant Number 2

New Member
Feb 3, 2023
Anyone willing to post any good screenshots of Selly melting down on discord? I'd go and have a look myself but you need a proper account with a phone number to get past the welcome mat and like hell i'm giving discord my number. I need more popcorn entertainment.
Believe it or not he's actually been pretty composed on discord, he has only really posted a super long announcement post talking about the situation:



Jun 10, 2017
Also, as I got it, he will try to implement some kind of DRM in the future. I just want to believe he has decency not to stoop down to any malware.
He's frankly not skilled enough to implement any real DRM. That much should be apparent just by looking at the spaghetti of "code" in this game. He's also very much against asking for help. So there'll never be any noteworthy DRM.


Apr 10, 2018
Also, as I got it, he will try to implement some kind of DRM in the future. I just want to believe he has decency not to stoop down to any malware.
You just give him idea.Also why he start saying the piracy is bad,yes piracy is bad but even developers forums indie developers trying put some ground discussion.
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Apr 10, 2018
I went to college for game development, and whenever the question of piracy came up the answer was always the same: "Piracy is a nice problem to have"
People only pirate popular games.
And the only people who actually believe piracy leads to lost sales are out-of-touch business executives. Most developers shouldn't even bother with DRM.


Sep 15, 2020
You just give him idea.Also why he start saying the piracy is bad,yes piracy is bad but even developers forums indie developers trying put some ground discussion.
I didn't give him an idea, because it's already there. Normally I wouldn't even doubt in his decency, but recent events and a few posts from him I saw on Discord gave me some minor concerns.

I went to college for game development, and whenever the question of piracy came up the answer was always the same: "Piracy is a nice problem to have"
People only pirate popular games.
And the only people who actually believe piracy leads to lost sales are out-of-touch business executives. Most developers shouldn't even bother with DRM.
Well, good luck with telling Selebus that.

He's frankly not skilled enough to implement any real DRM. That much should be apparent just by looking at the spaghetti of "code" in this game. He's also very much against asking for help. So there'll never be any noteworthy DRM.
I certainly don't want to verify it. And didn't he get some help with the website?

LooLoo Baloo

Mar 15, 2021
A statement made by Selebus on discord following the recent events. Now with 40% less hostility.

View attachment 2368169
I'll focus on the sentence where he says it isn't greedy for him to want to have people pay for a product he's selling, because it's the only important thing in his rant. So yet again he's shot himself in the foot. The fact he freely admits to committing and profiting from piracy while trying to say he's a victim of it wasn't the brightest thing to do. Especially in a statement from his personal account like this.

The reason why this and any other game like it won't ever make it to steam, is because Illusion would demolish them in court and take everything that they have. For stealing from them and committing piracy. The reason why indie developers like Selebus get away with robbing the company's assets and selling it on as their own is because getting paid monthly donations on Patreon or SS isn't legally the same as directly selling it on the market with a set price to be paid. He is without a doubt the most toxic, self destructive and un-self aware developer I've ever seen in my life.

Nobody asked him to send his minions to harass an entire forum, or to share the mods email in his discord and tell everyone to mass spam it. He did that himself. And now he complains like a baby when attacking the people he hates doesn't work out for him. He needs to live with his choices.

Black Raven

May 4, 2020
He's on a break, but he's coordinating hate raids and you yourself reposted the gigantic rant he just wrote
Well he's entitled to do whatever the fuck he wants while on his break ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm sure you're also grossly overestimating the time all of this actually took him, can't be more than a few hours total.


Jun 4, 2017
I think vitriol might be an understatement given that several discord members in Pat Chat wanted to zipbomb F95 users.
Very well-reasoned, high-level discourse. Man, isn't it the peak of irony that literally every single person there values their account here too much to bring that kind of rhetoric outside of their hugbox? Incredible :ROFLMAO:


Jun 9, 2022
this thread is so much better when the discussion revolves around lore theory and predictions about the game. even the constant requests for puzzle answers and how to escape the broken world is better than a lot of the moral grandstanding that these Selebus vs The World discussions tend to produce. I admit it can be entertaining but it definitely drags on for far too many pages everytime this thread gets off track.

a lot of yall seem to not only be obsessed with Selebus drama, but also with other users here and their positions within that drama. it's kind of weird
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