
Active Member
Oct 15, 2019
So, the next update going to be about beach and its going to be huge? Well, at least I dont have to skip for long since I really wish to see all the differences if there was a win for 1st/2nd or a draw)
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Lolicon Kami

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2019
So, the next update going to be about beach and its going to be huge? Well, at least I dont have to skip for long since I really wish to see all the differences if there was a win for 1st/2nd or a draw)
I think its two updates into the future, not the next update. Attatched is a picture of the last time Selebus posted his schedule.

NOTE: The dates you see on the schedule are for patrons. Public builds are delayed by two weeks, or 14 days.
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Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
So, the next update going to be about beach and its going to be huge? Well, at least I dont have to skip for long since I really wish to see all the differences if there was a win for 1st/2nd or a draw)
Next update is a few main scenes and a handful of side characters.


Active Member
Sep 5, 2017
"I'm okay with him doing sketchy shit and being a borderline rapist, but fucking fat chicks, no, that's too far." I get it, really do, poor wording, but, by God, that made me laugh.
Well, most of my posts are not dead serious, quite the opposite, but there was some truth in this one. ;) A quick lesson in twisted logic:

I do have some mental block when it comes to fat chicks. I'm a fan of porn, and every time some naked one unexpectedly jumps at me from screen, I get a real physical reaction, some kind of chilling, shivering, unpleasant something. If they are clothed and non-sexual, I have no problem with them whatsoever, they don't disgust me or anything. But fat and sexual is terrifying for some reason.

Since it's me making (some) decisions for Sensei, I'm always projecting myself into him at least a little bit. It's more enjoyable, and it goes both ways. I'm trying to understand him, get into his shoes, find my inner asshole and let it come out, all that he does and which isn't natural for me. At the same time, I don't want him to go too much against my real self, so I'd like him to be basically good, or at least not truly evil. That could be difficult, but it depends...

If you take the game too seriously and apply real world rules, then sure, he's horrible person, and I don't think I could enjoy it that way. But if you take it more like (sometimes black) comedy (which it really is, look at everything that's happening there), you get very different feeling. Especially if you also expect the game world to have some skewed reality, which is quite common for adult games, and it's what makes them fun, pushing limits, what-if scenarios, being ridiculous in different ways, etc. On top of that, no matter how well the author writes it, how many information and inner monologues are given, there's always some room for own interpretation.

And it works, I can get into the role as Sensei. I'm a selfish asshole in slightly more permissive world, I think with my dick, and want to get most of it, while also not trying to intentionally hurt anyone. Some examples, should I go after Ayane? Of course, she throws herself at me. Ones like Ami, Kirin, ...? No doubt. Makoto was somehow different even before she snapped, but Sensei's actions weren't really too far beyond the usual mischief that happens in similar games. Same with being a bit too pushy with Miku. Again, don't use real world rules, it doesn't work. But with 'usual game world rules' there's no problem, it's not really evil, it's a process that often ends well.

But then comes Futaba and [fatal error, does not compute]. If I'm such pervert, why would I go after her sexually, if I could go after 20+ other girls or women who are hot? The conclusion is that Sensei can't be serious with her, and it's not fair, especially when she's portrayed as nice and sensitive. I have similar problem with Chika. She's hot, that's not it. But it seems that she expects too much from Sensei, and he doesn't say no. I don't believe him that he's ready for it, so it also won't be fair if he ends up disappointing her. It's slightly different from Ayane, she also seems to expect too much from him, but there I'm not sure how much I believe her, with her being all theatrical about it.

If it doesn't make sense at all, or if it's too fucked up, I'll blame game's "happy" scenes for messing up my poor innocent brain. :devilish: Also, I didn't yet get to play last few updates, so I may be missing some important developments.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
Good thing I decided to read the spoiler, since I would've probably never done it otherwise and missed it as well :p
I'm about to start nothing was missing myself and I already don't want to :(

Also, playing this game while understanding japanese makes it hit much much worse.
Please elaborate, I am genuinely curious, as I don't understand the language.
I've been using Google Translate for the Japanese text in the Happy Scenes, but I know it's not the best at translation.
Or are you talking about Japanese culture with the pressure on kids and the suicide rate there?
But then comes Futaba and [fatal error, does not compute]. If I'm such pervert, why would I go after her sexually, if I could go after 20+ other girls or women who are hot? The conclusion is that Sensei can't be serious with her, and it's not fair, especially when she's portrayed as nice and sensitive. I have similar problem with Chika. She's hot, that's not it. But it seems that she expects too much from Sensei, and he doesn't say no. I don't believe him that he's ready for it, so it also won't be fair if he ends up disappointing her. It's slightly different from Ayane, she also seems to expect too much from him, but there I'm not sure how much I believe her, with her being all theatrical about it.
I have to admit, after continuing Futaba's arc after the beach vacation, I was thinking some rather uncharitable thoughts about the lot of you! Even though she can't read your comments here, it feels like you all are making it worse for her, like you're somehow giving Yumi even more power. Futaba invokes something in me--I just want to help her and protect her (Rin as well).

Thinking about the two of them rooming together, different in some ways, yet so painfully alike in others. I wonder if there are other connections with the other pairs. Yumi & Chika--both grew up on the other side of town and both have maternal abandonment of one sort or another, and their common focus seems to relate to that. Ami & Maya are both closely connected to the MC in a way the others are not--one physically, one psychically. Don't have a perspective on Ayane/Sana or Makoto/Miku yet. I'm not sure if I'll expect the same from the second floor. They seem to be paired by introduction and might not have those kinds of connections.


Jul 16, 2017
Please elaborate, I am genuinely curious, as I don't understand the language.
I've been using Google Translate for the Japanese text in the Happy Scenes, but I know it's not the best at translation.
Or are you talking about Japanese culture with the pressure on kids and the suicide rate there?
Most of the time it's mysterious stuff, things that don't make sense at that point in the story (like "shall we look for it?", or maniac laughing), but some other times like in the second happy event, whoever that girl is in your dreams saying she doesn't want to die or begging you to help her

I recomend you at least google translate it if you can as dragon does, it's worth it imo.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Futaba isn't fat by any real definition of the word. She doesn't even look close to an unhealthy weight
I wouldn't call her weight outright unhealthy by itself, not yet anyway, but I would call it borderline as it can still lead to other issues. Strain on the body resulting in harder work for the circulatory system and, if it works hard enough, that could overwork the heart and cause damage to it which could be fatal.

Weight is the measure of gravity on an object and the more mass an object has, Futaba in this case, the more gravity will affect that object. The more gravity affects a person, the harder they have to work to overcome that effect and the more strain their body goes through to overcome it. The more strain the body goes through, the harder the circulatory system works to keep oxygen and nutrients supplied to the strained parts of the body and still be able to supply the rest of the body, which by extension means the heart pumps harder and faster.

The heart can only safely take around 100BPM sustained and anything after that is considered emergency territory, which is automatically life threatening given this is the heart and not some broken leg or something. The more weight a person has, the higher that heart rate is going to go on a sustained basis until it just gives up altogether or the person loses weight and the strain that comes with it.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
The above does remind me of how great the lengths some with go to to justify putting down or even discriminating against those who are heavier than they think they should be. We've had to live with such words from "Concern Trolls," people who will insist that they are putting us down "for our own good," for much of our lives.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
The above does remind me of how great the lengths some with go to to justify putting down or even discriminating against those who are heavier than they think they should be. We've had to live with such words from "Concern Trolls," people who will insist that they are putting us down "for our own good," for much of our lives.
The heart is a VERY delicate muscle that can be affected by such things and given how much this game makes its players care about the characters, it makes sense that people would be concerned about this with Futaba. Selebus has done an incredible job at making these girls as human as he can and that comes with the potential to make us concerned for their well being not just based on events, but based on health and other issues that really only affect real people, not that Futaba could die due to strain too great for the heart to handle since she's still not real and doesn't actually have a heart to strain, but the game has such quality writing as to make us feel as though she is someone who could because of how human she is written to be.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
The heart is a VERY delicate muscle that can be affected by such things and given how much this game makes its players care about the characters, it makes sense that people would be concerned about this with Futaba. Selebus has done an incredible job at making these girls as human as he can and that comes with the potential to make us concerned for their well being not just based on events, but based on health and other issues that really only affect real people, not that Futaba could die due to strain too great for the heart to handle since she's still not real and doesn't actually have a heart to strain, but the game has such quality writing as to make us feel as though she is someone who could because of how human she is written to be.
I think you misunderstand. I have seen many on this thread citing "she's unhealthy" as the reason to reject her. How is that a "concern for [her] well being?" If you were not writing in support of those who would reject Futaba, then I misunderstood you intention. I'm sorry if I did. Your arguments seemed, to me, to be supporting the anti-Futaba, "No fat chicks," contingent.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I think you misunderstand. I have seen many on this thread citing "she's unhealthy" as the reason to reject her. How is that a "concern for [her] well being?" If you were not writing in support of those who would reject Futaba, then I misunderstood you intention. I'm sorry if I did. Your arguments seemed, to me, to be supporting the anti-Futaba, "No fat chicks," contingent.
Not everyone knows what the point at which the body starts to take adverse effects from weight is and the people who don't aren't going to necessarily judge by how healthy she actually is, but by how unhealthy they think she looks based on their lacking knowledge. They would then reject her based on this, admittedly currently false, assessment.

I was not responding in support of those who rejected Futaba based on her apparent weight and I am in fact supporting her regardless of that in this case because of how well she is written, I normally wouldn't just because she's not my type for other reasons. I don't think there's a character in the entire game I could reject because the writing is so good on all of them.

She does seem to be bordering the point of health concerns, not quite there, but that won't be an issue because the girls' health is not part of the game and they cannot suffer adverse effects like real people can. The only things that can happen are entirely plot related, including if someone dies, which I don't see happening for some time if at all. Denpa games can be like that, super dark with characters dying left and right or super dark with no characters dying even if they are never the same again by the end. It's all up to Selebus how that gets handled.


Jul 16, 2017
Futaba isn't fat by any real definition of the word. She doesn't even look close to an unhealthy weight
I agree. Above the "standard" weight or whatever that might be called, maybe, but fat? No.

And adding a bit to the discussion below, while I agree that health is an important issue: First I don't see futaba being unhealthy. And second so long as you're healthy enough (and yes, enough. Nobody is perfectly healthy and living your everyday thinking about what's healthy and what's not is a pain so screw it) and comfortable with yourself I don't see the problem.


Aug 25, 2017
I agree. Above the "standard" weight or whatever that might be called, maybe, but fat? No.

And adding a bit to the discussion below, while I agree that health is an important issue: First I don't see futaba being unhealthy. And second so long as you're healthy enough (and yes, enough. Nobody is perfectly healthy and living your everyday thinking about what's healthy and what's not is a pain so screw it) and comfortable with yourself I don't see the problem.
I think Futaba's story is gonna be a lot more about improving her self-image and her self-confidence, over actually losing weight to "improve herself". The only thing really "unhealthy" about her at this point is her attitude towards herself.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I agree. Above the "standard" weight or whatever that might be called, maybe, but fat? No.

And adding a bit to the discussion below, while I agree that health is an important issue: First I don't see futaba being unhealthy. And second so long as you're healthy enough (and yes, enough. Nobody is perfectly healthy and living your everyday thinking about what's healthy and what's not is a pain so screw it) and comfortable with yourself I don't see the problem.
Agreed, I'm technically the opposite, considered underweight by medical standards, but not enough to be an immediate concern. I don't take any specific measures to try and raise my weight because I have not been told I am in danger from being underweight. If I was in danger, I would do something about it immediately, but I don't see a point in putting in extra effort without an imminent threat.

I think Futaba's story is gonna be a lot more about improving her self-image and her self-confidence, over actually losing weight to "improve herself". The only thing really "unhealthy" about her at this point is her attitude towards herself.
I definitely see that happening, maybe it will be more about improving how she handles herself socially than it will be about how she handles her appearance and apparent health. She seems a bit too cowardly and mousy at the moment for her own good. I mean, what if we see a new character come in and do the same thing Yumi does for actual nefarious purposes? She isn't currently able to stand up for herself and put her foot down against someone like that, so that is the most imminent threat to her right now, not her weight or any health concerns she may be at the mercy of sooner or later.
Sep 16, 2018
I agree. Above the "standard" weight or whatever that might be called, maybe, but fat? No.

And adding a bit to the discussion below, while I agree that health is an important issue: First I don't see futaba being unhealthy. And second so long as you're healthy enough (and yes, enough. Nobody is perfectly healthy and living your everyday thinking about what's healthy and what's not is a pain so screw it) and comfortable with yourself I don't see the problem.
She isn't really above average either. She's got big boobs and a large frame which apparently on the internet makes her a whale. You can only really describe her as big in comparison to her classmates. Her poor health, so far as we know, is due to her self-image causing her to starve herself so kinda the opposite of being caused by excess weight.

The whole "Yumi's giving her tough love" argument is garbage because Futaba isn't even really overweight. Yumi's just being a bully. Bullies bully to assert control because they have very little (whether at home or over themselves). I still enjoy Yumi as a character but she's absolutely being a bitch then when the others say "hey stop being a bitch" she can tell herself nobody likes her anyway so she's right not to make an effort.
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
I agree. Above the "standard" weight or whatever that might be called, maybe, but fat? No.

And adding a bit to the discussion below, while I agree that health is an important issue: First I don't see futaba being unhealthy. And second so long as you're healthy enough (and yes, enough. Nobody is perfectly healthy and living your everyday thinking about what's healthy and what's not is a pain so screw it) and comfortable with yourself I don't see the problem.
I think Futaba's story is gonna be a lot more about improving her self-image and her self-confidence, over actually losing weight to "improve herself". The only thing really "unhealthy" about her at this point is her attitude towards herself.
I think a lot of my reaction this week has been about Futaba's story after the beach vacation, trying to take unhealthy steps to change her body. I made me feel so much compassion and empathy for this fictional character. I didn't want anyone putting her down! :(
It's all up to Selebus how that gets handled.
The question is, how much can we trust a developer who has a name that sounds like that of a demon? Perhaps the demon of class subject outlines...
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