
Feb 16, 2020
But rather than being told he faces these challenges as he navigates them without our assistance, we have to face them as well. There's a discussion to be had (and we're having it) as to whether or not its good game design, but they do represent something Sensei is actually going through at that point in the story.

I honestly like that we're being forced to contend with the same challenge Sensei is, even though I'm not a fan of the exact types of challenges being presented.
This is exactly why I'm okay with it, yeah.
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Active Member
Mar 8, 2019
Did you automatically jump to your office after the first beach scene?

no it was a clean uncompressed install on a reasonable computer with 32gb memory and plenty of ssd space, and I have yet to apply anything... I was considering cheats though...

thanx for clarifying that, luckily thats not my issue.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Which scene is that exactly?
The beginning of the game has a scene with Ayane that sort of sets up what kind of character she starts as, though the kind kind of character she is changes to what she is now later on due to another character getting in the way.

Is there a repository of saves or people to ask for one cause months ago i missed the happy scene "a time when things were horrible"? It's the only scene i've missed, i was a good homie, a fingered my niece like an upstanding and responsible uncle... but that single blemish has gnawed at me for months and with this latest patch i am growing increasingly concerned Selebus is going to gate content behind an 'all scenes seen' requirement at some point. I see folks asking for saves regularly but i never see anyone post one so i take it this is probably frowned upon, which is why i've held off so long on asking but i'm past that point now, i either need a save replacement or a way to edit the scene as seen.

Edit: (oh and if someone is just going to hand me a save i'm looking for as recent to this patch as possible, even with this patch completed as i'm doing it on my own save right now.)
There is no repository that I am aware of, the onlytwo options I know of are to ask and HOPE someone is willing to provide or to go back to a point before whatever event was missed so you can get it.

Please prove me wrong with a long list of games with comparable quantity and quality ;).
That's 99% of games on F95 whereas games of this quality are rare. I mentioned some only a couple pages back and only six of them have ever made it onto my top games list. It is a symptom of the same issue, F95 provides mostly games that don't have this kind of quality, which is not a bad thing, but it does lead to issues involving expectations. Honestly, if I really had to take a guess at the root of the issue, it isn't F95's penchant for porn over quality type games, I think it is a lack of competition, or at least other developers that are viewed as competition, to motivate the ones who do make porn focused games like that into making games with quality. If there was motivation, there could be more games like this in terms of quality.

View attachment 1714956
I have nothing to add to this.
Oh no, I know that look. Alright, Sensei, who did you invite over in front of Ami this time. :ROFLMAO:

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Entirely possible given what she has been through.

I suggest replaying the event where Maya and Sensei are in his room and paying attention both to what is said and the condition of his bulletin board.

Also note how it changes near the end of the current set of content.

Why though?
I mean, I would probably doing the same, it could be having a very severe impact on her, a traumatic one, that we are not aware of.

if i download the sex version do ineed to download onof the uncenser pathces
No, the sex version is the uncensored version as if the patch was already applied.

So now I guess there is going to be a 3-4 month break before the next chapter update, right? Sel is going to do the early game rework, and there was a delay between chapter 1 and chapter 2 iirc.
Yes, there will be a pause in main game updates, though apparently not without some side projects, while he does the rework.

He is not against piracy, because he's currently stealing Illusion assets and resources and selling it altogether as his own product. He's against piracy when he loses money because of it. He's for piracy when he can profit from it. That is not 100% against piracy

To cry about pirates on a piracy website, when your favourite perfect amazing flawless developer is guilty of a much deeper (Much more Illegal) form of piracy, is hypocrisy. We can like Sel. It doesn't mean we have to turn into idiots and worship him. You're implying that Illusion are accepting of indie sex game developers profiting from their stolen assets. I'm sure Selebus isn't that smooth brained to think that

What he is doing can get him jailtime (Piracy, theft and creating lolicon content). What people here are doing, is playing a free game that has no price tag, and has zero legal protection because it's a stolen asset. That's why it will always be shared here, and that's why your crusade against piracy is the dumbest thing you could possibly take part in

I am a patron (Although you're making me reconsider that choice). A small minority of people worship this game and developer, and it is embarrassing. He is not a god, he does bad things too, and we do not have to be r*tards and pretend what he's doing is legal. Because it is not. I can't be more clear than that

And if Selebus thinks like you do, Patreon stopping his payments will be the least of his issues. Patreon, Discord, and Illusion will happily delete this game from history if they want to. And more
Would you please STFU, no one cares, find an actual worthwile hill to die on.
So if I draw someting using MS paint then I'm stealing their assets and selling the image I made is illegal? Don't be ridiculous. Koikatsu created character studio for all users who bought it to use. It would be another matter if Sel pirated Koikatsu, but I would be really surprised if he did, seeing how every song/picture used in LiL is license-free or bought by him.
The Honey Select and Koikatsu studios are sold for personal use, not commercial use. Technically, commercial use of those studios without a specific license for it would be illegal, and both Illusion and Fakku (who handles distribution in Western markets) have made it clear that they'll act to shut down unauthorized commercial use when they become aware of it.

However, the patron/creator relationship falls into a grey area, because "the game is free and always will be," we're just donating to help him dedicate his time to making the game and not have to worry about pesky day jobs. We're not paying for the game, we're getting early access as a perk for paying for his groceries.

Until the game is explicitly sold, it can be argued as personal use.
Oh, but he is, and nobody is stealing from Illusion. Anybody would be against piracy when they are the target, even pirates, but he is against it because it is morally wrong. There is no making a profit off of piracy, the literal theft of an electronic copy of a product. You can't make money for things that aren't sold, donations not counted because those are not the same as a sale.

I'm not crying about piracy when Selebus is guilty of it, and there is no more illegal form of piracy because piracy is the same no matter what is pirated, because Selebus isn't guilty of it. The studio was made for this purpose and that is what he is using. Yes, Illusion is accepting of indie sex game developers, that's the whole reason the studio exists. It is useless without the indie sex game developers since all you can do is make pictures and animations that otherwise serve no purpose except to clog up disk space. Also, if they were not accepting it, they could have easily shut them all down by now, but they have not lifted a single finger to do so.

So, developing a sex game can get you put in jail? Last time I checked, art forms like games are protected under the first amendment in his country. Even Chinami ans Tsukasa getting content wouldn't change that unless his state has obscenity laws that are completely outdated and for some reason cover drawn art. Literally the only places that can get a developer put in jail for a sex game are ones where rule 7 content is banned even in written form, which includes blatantly fake drawings, of course. A free game that has no pirce tag? Wrong, the price is $60 USD minimum in one time payments for one year or $50 USD monthly at this time so as to limit the number of patron requests taking up his development time.

If I, a lowly legacy tier patron, am making you reconsider, that's not on me, that's not my problem. You are correct on one thing, Selebus is not a god, he is not infallible, in fact, I am still adamantly of the belief he is making a big mistake with removing certain scenes in the rework and I have been vocal about my issue with it even to him, no response nor did I expect one, but I have been against specific scenes being removed over concerns that an entire character's early development would be entirely altered in a way that does not line up with how she is now. I'm not going to try and stop him, though, as I still also adamantly believe in him making the game he wants, even if that means the changing of early development for a character happens.

Illusion won't touch his game because nothing is being stolen, Patreon is full of games with Illusion assets, some of which are actually using pirated versions of Illusion products, and would get rid of his game anyway because some characters looked too young to them and/or had familial relationships with characters they were sexually involved with, and Chinami and Tsukasa content will make them freak out on the spot when it comes, and Discord might just delete it eventually anyway because of Chinami and Tsukasa content, which again, is banned, that's why we have alternate delivery sources for patron requests. What does he do when a specific site has a problem with his game? He finds an alternate site to work from, like he did with SubscribeStar when Patreon struck him for the above issues.

Korbinus, that is exactly the same mentality, yes. Also, there is one more thing that would make Selebus pirating Koikatsu a major shock, it has a version available on Steam, easily accessible whereas the original is not because it is Japan only.

Barglenarglezous, lip service from Illusion, pretty blatant lip service, too. Illusion hasn't acted in years, quite literally since before the studio programs were a thing, on their own. They talk a big game, but then they do nothing about it. As far as I can tell, this is for appearances, especially in their culture as openly supporting the use of their products like they say they don't would be bad, and I don't mean that lightly, I mean it would be BAD. As for Fakku, they can't be trusted to be speaking in good faith, they have been caught red handed in the past trying to pull shady crap.

As for what Bingoogus said, YES! I am standing my ground, but this is getting extremely annoying after the sixth time this issue has been brought up. Enough, just play the game, talk about the game, that kind of thing. The piracy discussions really just need to stop. I know it probably won't, but it was worth a shot. I won't say I won't continue if it comes up, but I am definitely against these continual arguments over something that is barely related to the topic at hand in this thread, enough already.

What does religion as tag mean? :unsure:
There are a few religions mentioned, Yasu being a follower of one, and there are some scenes that sort of have religion in them even if to totally deconstruct the religion itself.

Where the heck do you legitimately get the book and lottery numbers? I mean, easy enough to cheat and move on, but I'm wondering what I missed. I don't remember anything in past events about book pages or lotto picks.
Given past puzzles, check 'happy' scenes as those were where most of the the answers to "There Is Nothing" were. As I haven't had a chance to play up to the latest puzzle quite yet, I don't know exactly where to look.

Flags set in replays don't persist when you end the replay, no worries.

The page number is found in the interlude with HOPE and the lottery number is found in Good Boy.
And there we have it, the events in question.

Oh, I wasn't talking about that event. After sensei and ayane reach the rooftop and you get the end of chapter 2 screen, the game said there is nothing in an inifinite loop. You could skip for ever and it'd still say there is nothing.
Like this:
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Ah, that one, okay.

I'll preface this by saying I've been a pretty solid supporter of this game for quite a while now, and I generally defend the game because I do like the story and the writing.

That said, unless it's proven to be important to the story later on, puzzles that just make you click through random stuff are just not good game design. I'll change my stance later if they prove to be important to the story, but as of right now they're just a seemingly random wall thrown in to delay us. History of solitaire? Currently, this only serves to frustrate the player, as if Selebus is punishing everyone because some people mentioned not enjoying previous puzzles (some of which did seem more important to the story). Maybe if there were questions that pertained to the girls, like the colour of the scarf, things like that - at least those are relevant to the story and reward the player for paying attention.

Again, I will gladly change my opinion if this all matters later on, but damn if all this really does right now is punish the players, which is weird to me.
Typically, the puzzles in this game involve things the player should have already learned by reading the text. For the "There Is Nothing" puzzle, that's literally all it was except the one answer that kept beating itself into your head on the audio during the puzzle. As for importance, I do get the feeling this will have importance at some point in the future as all other things have before. Selebus is trying to create a story based game where there is no such thing as unimportant text, aside from grinding the secondary content that comprise the sex scenes at least. As for frustration, if I remember correctly, that's what started the puzzles in the first place, people not reading carefully, causing them to get stuck because they missed a detail important to progression, essentially trying to go from saying 'pay attention' nicely to beating 'pay attention' into players' heads so that they actually read out of frustration at people not doing exactly that. People were trying to treat this like any other game on F95, not much, if any, story focus and inundated with sex when that's not what this game is and Selebus has been trying to correct that issue.

If Sensei doesn't make it to the roof in time, he gets mindwiped. We know from past exposition that this has happened several times, and that our Sensei is the first time he's made it past 3 resets successfully. This implies that whatever challenges he faces during the reset gets tougher.

The first reset was just a "where to go and what do once you're there" puzzle. The second needed clues from more sources. Every reset since then has had a new wrinkle added. Each time the world resets, Sensei is going to have have to navigate a more complicated process to reach the roof.

But rather than being told he faces these challenges as he navigates them without our assistance, we have to face them as well. There's a discussion to be had (and we're having it) as to whether or not its good game design, but they do represent something Sensei is actually going through at that point in the story.

I honestly like that we're being forced to contend with the same challenge Sensei is, even though I'm not a fan of the exact types of challenges being presented.

But we've known for some time that Selebus likes to troll his critics. Hell, this update goes out of its way to mock people who constantly complain about the puzzles and keep playing anyway. If you're still here, that's a choice you made. When the next reset rolls around, there will be another one of these, and it will be even more complex than it was this time around. We know it's going to happen, it's been made clear that's not going to change.
So are you implying that the roof itself is a safe zone and anyone on it at the time of a reset would be just as safe as Sensei or Maya have been as long as they meet certain conditions or are in a specific area on said roof? Just looking for clarification on what you're saying here, that is a very interesting thought. These challenges may also be, for the players, what takes the form of the puzzles. If we fail, Sensei fails and he gets wiped just like everyone else, but of course, failing for us is literally just getting stuck unless Selebus actually goes full throttle and puts in failure conditions. At least, that's what I'm getting here.

I think I have done something wrong here. played this years ago but that computer died, did a restart this week... updated it last night/this morning... Im already almost a year in and haven't made the events I remember a while ago...(day 319) so far I have only had first beach scene,have ayaname as g/f missionary and bj, only fingered ami and mokoto bj, boobjob with futaba haven't found the streetside cafe with her yet, didn't meet new students yet, didn't meet the delinquents mom... been trying to spread points out to all the girls and haven't used the cheat... should I use the cheat?
I mean, if you don't mind your save being flagged as a cheater save and being subject to as of yet unknown consequences, sure.

I really like what you said with how there are more and more challenges he has to overcome, I actually never put that together that these things happened every reset; thanks for this. I do like there being increasing challenges as well... I just wish they were more attached to the game. That said, again, I'll change my opinion if it does eventually come to matter. Thanks for your well reasoned response
Right, the puzzles happen every reset, every reset gets harder on Sensei and so do the puzzles on us. It actually makes perfect sense when put that way. I don't think I've ever seen anything in this game line up that clearly before. Great work on putting that together, Barglenarglezous, and, of course, Selebus for implementing them.
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Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2021
There is no repository that I am aware of, the onlytwo options I know of are to ask and HOPE someone is willing to provide or to go back to a point before whatever event was missed so you can get it.
Actually i just gone done picking apart the game files and am 99% sure i've corrected my error by changing relevant stats in my save and injecting the flag trigger into the game script at an accessible location after scrolling back from the end of chapter 2. The scene is now available in replay and all searches for the relevant happypoint/happymiss stats being called that currently exist do not seem to differentiate between 13/1 and 14/0 and there are no missed scenes anywhere else in my main save so i am pretty confident i have managed to correct everything. I'm going to keep my unaltered save just in case but i can't really imagine anything other than highly esoteric moon-logic coding requiring me to switch back to it, there really does seem to be no other calls for it in any of the script files and the flag doesn't send calls out (yet), i am actually pretty sure that, at least at this point, having missed it had no effect on anything. It's that 'at some point it might matter' that was gnawing at me. That's an hour and a half i'll never get back but it's done so yay me.

I actually deleted that post before you replied to it as it was no longer needed and hadn't been responded to so now you get to display the corpse of a comment.
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Jan 8, 2018
I'm adding comments/questions after the answers. Question marks mean I have no idea what the logic is or what event that answer came from. Explanations would be appreciated, from anyone. Don't feel obligated fenax.

For event 0.23.0 part 2:

Password: Boobies123 [Forgot what event this is mentioned in first but you needed it for There is Nothing]

Call: 08023231234 [Maya event Somewhere Inside of a Dream or on the Thing on the wall. Also visible during There is Nothing]
Lottery: 157842 [I forget the event but I wrote it down in my notes sometime before Tojo Ramen's number which I wrote down during Somewhere Inside of a Dream]
Stairs: 85 ?
Fabric: denim [It's in the audio for the event after this one but I don't recall when it first plays]
Apostle: Judas [Something to do with The Last Supper mock-up with LiL characters? or do you just need to know Christianity and the irony of Judas being MVP? 'Cause I got it on my first try since it felt right.]
Breathing: 18 [12148 is the sequence from Ami's event Somnambula, but why just 18?]
Chef: coffee (call tsuneyo) [Might take some time but the logic is there within this event itself. Call tsuneyo, mentions helping with cooking, attempt book 5, connect the dots, call tsuneyo again]
Bird: Marsh Warbler [Laptop>Bird. Marsh Warbler can imitate 80 different birds thus birds within a bird.]
Page: 4863 ?
Bathtub gallons: 80 ?[I just googled bathtub capacity because fuck if I can remember which event specifically mentions it among all the events containing baths.]
Answer: 4 [It's in the audio that plays during this event]
Solitaire age: 1788 [Laptop>play video game or however it's misspelled]
Sensei age: 31 [Niki event Like it's Any Other Day]
Word of the day: perception [...during the event Word of the Day...]
Bird bridge: magpie ?
Color: green [Maya's color, I guess?]
To fill ink, eat at least 20 squid. [Why 20?]
Eat 23 times rice [Why 23?]


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2021
Bird bridge: magpie ?
To fill ink, eat at least 20 squid. [Why 20?]
The magpie bridge story i am pretty sure was told during the most recent Maya events at the festival, towards the end where they're sitting at the shrine. Also, you only actually have to eat 10 squids, or at least that's all i had to eat.


Active Member
Oct 15, 2019
Its interesting that depending on which attribute you choose, the name of the book changes (wire if calm and lust if callous), wonder if it will have consequences in the future...


Jun 20, 2017
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I wonder. That "MM" message on Sensei's bulletin board feels like foreshadowing her failing some challenge or another (although that specific one she should succeed at this time around, since she knows).

What does religion as tag mean? :unsure:
It gets brought up.

disgusting :ROFLMAO:
Fun fact, randomly exploring and screwing around I actually ended up clicking on squid a ton of times before even knowing that would do anything.

- typo
should be Marsh Warbler

and 1 more -
color of scarf - green
Light green!

Flags set in replays don't persist when you end the replay, no worries.

The page number is found in the interlude with HOPE and the lottery number is found in Good Boy.
Yeah I figured out it isn't like a pre-existing boolean that's 0 when you don't cheat and 1 when you do, there's two values that appear iff you cheat.

So if I draw someting using MS paint then I'm stealing their assets and selling the image I made is illegal? Don't be ridiculous. Koikatsu created character studio for all users who bought it to use. It would be another matter if Sel pirated Koikatsu, but I would be really surprised if he did, seeing how every song/picture used in LiL is license-free or bought by him.
There's different types of licenses. Someone less lazy can explain.

I really like what you said with how there are more and more challenges he has to overcome, I actually never put that together that these things happened every reset; thanks for this. I do like there being increasing challenges as well... I just wish they were more attached to the game. That said, again, I'll change my opinion if it does eventually come to matter. Thanks for your well reasoned response
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I would love more traditional puzzle types. Give me a logic grid puzzle. They can be tough as hell, you can tie it directly to the game, and you can construct it in such a way that people who've been paying attention might have some bonus clues that make the puzzle easier for them, but people who skip the dialogue won't have.
PLEASE NO! That dial puzzle in Total War Warhammer 2 almost killed me.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2020
So are you implying that the roof itself is a safe zone and anyone on it at the time of a reset would be just as safe as Sensei or Maya have been as long as they meet certain conditions or are in a specific area on said roof? Just looking for clarification on what you're saying here, that is a very interesting thought. These challenges may also be, for the players, what takes the form of the puzzles. If we fail, Sensei fails and he gets wiped just like everyone else, but of course, failing for us is literally just getting stuck unless Selebus actually goes full throttle and puts in failure conditions. At least, that's what I'm getting here.
There's actually a point in the tail end of this update where Sensei spells it out. "If I'm not on the rooftop by the time the reset happens, I lose all my memories, and this has happened several times already"

I wouldn't say the roof is a "safe zone," because Ayane's memories of the roof got wiped after the previous reset. But for Sensei and Maya, the two fully awakened (for lack of a better word) characters, it's definitely a finish line. If they don't get to the roof in time, there are consequences.

What the rules are for other people who reach the rooftop are, who knows. Prior to last reset, it had never happened. Ayane could not remember being on the rooftop for the reset last time, so clearly she wasn't fully protected. But what about this time around? We'll find out in 2-3 months, I guess.

This is setting up a lot of narrative possibilities, and I love it.


Jun 10, 2017
But we've known for some time that Selebus likes to troll his critics. Hell, this update goes out of its way to mock people who constantly complain about the puzzles and keep playing anyway. If you're still here, that's a choice you made. When the next reset rolls around, there will be another one of these, and it will be even more complex than it was this time around. We know it's going to happen, it's been made clear that's not going to change.
At least we'll always be able to bypass it (well it'll be harder if he switches away from renpy, but I don't think sel is skilled enough to do that)

Tbh I don't have high hopes for this game being finished either way. Eventually patreon will shut it down completely. Itchio is already gone. And I don't think there'll be enough people who move over to subscribestar for him to earn close to what he feels he deserves.

Actually, losing money only works on primarily money driven projects, but this is a self admitted passion project that we are just lucky enough to share the experience of. Also, you are likely in a minority with your issues with this game as he has said no to every attempt to change his vision. That right there is what drove me to support him, nobody should be able to change a creator's vision except the creator and Selebus is adamantly of the same mind on that.
Yeah, I'm sure that money is meaningless to him. That's why he charges money for this and gets all up in arms over the piracy.

He's free to not change his vision. Just like the rest of us are free to say his vision sucks and we're free to help others get past his terrible design.

I'm not "too enamored" to see that, it's just a fact, nobody on the internet has to do anything for the disabled and nobody should be forced away from what they want to create, including Selebus, but I do mean anybody.
That's a god awful outlook. When minimal changes (i.e making voice volume adjustable) can make the game more accessible with literally 3 seconds of effort, not doing so is either laziness or hatred of the disabled. Given the man has proven himself not to be lazy, I'm choosing to believe he's just a bad person. Not too hard to imagine for someone who seems to have an unhealthy obsession with fucking children and teenage girls.
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Jun 20, 2017
There's actually a point in the tail end of this update where Sensei spells it out. "If I'm not on the rooftop by the time the reset happens, I lose all my memories, and this has happened several times already"

I wouldn't say the roof is a "safe zone," because Ayane's memories of the roof got wiped after the previous reset. But for Sensei and Maya, the two fully awakened (for lack of a better word) characters, it's definitely a finish line. If they don't get to the roof in time, there are consequences.

What the rules are for other people who reach the rooftop are, who knows. Prior to last reset, it had never happened. Ayane could not remember being on the rooftop for the reset last time, so clearly she wasn't fully protected. But what about this time around? We'll find out in 2-3 months, I guess.

This is setting up a lot of narrative possibilities, and I love it.

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New Member
Aug 26, 2021
Thats exactly the order I did as well. Kaori is working every Saturday night for me. I been trying for weeks now.
This happened to me as well, but I managed to figure out that I had to get the 13th happy event "Good Boy". After that I was able to call Kaori saturday night.
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